Bastervoetpad today

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Brilliant pics and definitely on my to-do list - awesome awesome :thumleft:
Please no more Pics or reports of this pass.

You going to turn it into another sani traffic jam.
Very nice RR with stunning pictures, really makes me want to ride that pass! Thanks for sharing.  :thumleft:
A must do when you are in the area.  8)

Great pics there!  :thumleft:
nice road, pity it ate my bike!!
What a pleasure to live in that area .You surely are the moutain man.
Dr LAPA Munnik (Jnr) praktiseer hier in Hermanus
Die pas is seker na sy Pa vernoem?
Real fortunate to have so many rides around us here, cant think why I've never ridden them on bike before but, earning a living gets in the way of the fun stuff...
Fortunately have the time {and inclination} now and making the most of it.

Dr LAPA Munnik {snr} het op sy plaas gewoon net buite Dordrecht, hy was administrator hier vir baie jare.

Hey Airborne - was that when you earned your title ??
Thanks.  Will do so. 

Firstly I have to do the Country Trax Course at Uniondale the end of the month.  Mamma Beer would be more rustig when driving with me on the gravel roads and her as a pillion . . .

Personnaly I'll also be more rustig after doing the course.
Lekka RR and is a truly great place to go and ride.....our BIG country  :thumleft:
mountain man said:
Enjoying the 800 now and gaining confidence by the hour - very well balanced bike thats sympathetic to an inexperienced rider, very forgiving.

Still quite a few rides to do around here including finding a route down from Elliot to the Transkei through to the new tar pass at Langeni the intend putting together a few routes for those who are interested. Finding a few stayovers as well for those who want to...

MM, awesome area you stay in!!  I'm velly much interested in routes and stayovers. How about a few tracks on Mapsource?
Hi !  Don't have gps unfortunately but let me know when you here and I could direct to a route or 2 or maybe ride with if my ambling along doesn't hold you up.

No problem arranging accomm.

Will be away this weekend but any time after that..

My riding buddy and I did the Bastervoet last week on our "The long way around the perimeter of Lesotho " . In my opinion it has to be the prettiest pass in South Africa .

If you own a DS bike it is a must do trip . Your photo's are great , it makes me want to shoot home pack the bike and go back to do it again.
Great great great RR and great photos ! :thumleft: