Buffalo Rally 2008

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Race Dog
Oct 4, 2007
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Suzuki DR650
Dean had never been to a rally and had never taken his 1150 off of tar, so it was decided we would go to the buff, and detour a little on the way there.
I rode from Port elizabeth and met him in King Williams town.
We rode to Stutterheim and then went onto our first bit of gravel with a little detour to Thomas River historical village for a look about and breakfast.
Quite an interesting place in a lovely setting.
Then on to Queenstown and Dordrecht.


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From Dordrecht to Lady Gray was gravel almost all of the way.
A really stunning area which I will be exploring at the end of April


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We arrived just after sunset and set up our tent at the rally grounds and went looking for food and drink.


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The Buff was fun as always, it turned cold on Saturday evening , I never won 100 000 ront  and it was a bitterly cold ride back on sunday  via Queenstown.
It was fantastic meeting up with my brothers, with Michnus and his lovely wife, Cracklin and Linda and others whose names I forgot.
Dean had a fantastic time and begins to understand the philosophy of ride and stop often, and he did well on the gravel too.


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