Cape training Nelson creek 3rd of august [rr]

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Etienne, thax, het fotos gekry.

Lito, so did the chicken cross the road... ???
MrBig said:
mountainboy said:
showing my hand, showing my hand. newguy and man bitch will no doubt join!


Guys, all I have to say about your day is:
:'( :'( :'( :'(
which I was there

fookin MS nailed me again

Sorry to hear this mate  :'(

Tell ya what - check my planning a flip thread, and sign up for the day! Cos the chicken, she must cross the mudpond  :pot:
Thanx to all for a great day in the mud.  Never had to pick the Ystervark up on my own, so thanx to all the weightlifters!!!

My hips were killing me on Monday with all the "running the bike through mud" exercising.  How do you prepare for that?!!!

I posted my pics on Photobucket at the following link (Some nice ones of the watercrossing):

If you are unable to access or want it emailed to you, just PM me.

Jerichorider hope you dont mind me adding your pics here


































As they always say...rather late than never.  Havent had the time to post yet until now.  I enjoyed the training tremendously.  Thanks to Leon and the other trainers and to Ettiene who organized it.

I don't know about anyone else but I found it extremely difficult to sleep on Sunday night.  Everytime I closed my eyes I was back on my bike slipping and sliding and trying to find traction in the mud!!  I am happy to announce that there is now officially a level zero in BMW offroad training...reserved for me.  The good news is that one can only improve from there onwards.  Like many others I had my fair share of falls.  Two of those falls were quiet spectacular I may add   ;D  Not seen by many as I was near the end of the pack on the outrides...but I must express my appreciation to those who stopped to help pick up the Dakkie.  The terrain on the outrides was wet, muddy and full of ruts...the perfect place to practise those new found skills!!  Unfortunately the Dakkie suffered some damage on my last fall just before lunch...broken clutch lever, bent handlebar etc. etc. which ended my training for the day.  

For those who have not had the pleasure to meet Lito...the man is a ledgend on that KTM SE.  I could only watch in awe as he did everything I was struggeling with with the greatest of ease...2 up!!  Respect.  :headbang:    

Thanks to others for the great conversation and stories and especially to Go-Girl who was kind enough to share some water from her Camel-Bak with me when I looked abit dehydrated.  Some really good people on this forum.   :thumleft:

I will close in saying that there are few muscles in my body that is not hurting right now.  My wife, Strawberry Milkshake did the official offroad training with Leon on Saturday and received her certificate for passing the introductory course.  She came home exhausted on Saturday late afternoon.  At least I now understand why she was so tired.  But it's a good kind of tired...  Thanks again to all who made this experience possible.  :3some:            
Solicitor- you missed some great fun in the woods during the afternoon, as well as the now famous Nelson's Creek. We will have to force you to catch up on the next ride - I for one, now know where not to look!
I was under severe pressure from Go-girl not to drop my bike. She completely eroded my popular excuse of a heavy KTM...I must say, she handles her hardware flippen well.

My bike is still covered with mud - and lots of it... May be we should have a serious formal bike cleaning session after such a great adventure. It will force me to tackle the job asap.

Thanks for a great day and nice meeting some of the wille honne! Ettienne, plse make sure that everybody did pay, I almost forgot and it would leave a bad taste if the trainers were paid short. I am sure we can raise the cash very quickly if any moneys are still outstanding.
hey Solicitor and Katam  ;D

Why dont you lads come down to the mud day on Sunday morning? Mine is also filthy still, and I refused a free clean cos Sunday we are is gonna get filthy again! Then you have the whole of Sunday arvie to maak mooi again  :biggrin:

Check the fanning a plip thread  :mwink:
My girlfriend has already picked up on the thread and I have been contemplating to take the 525 exc... Then I will have two dirty bikes!!! Before last Sunday I would have thought that Lito + pillion + 950 SE = KaTam + 950 adv but after seeing you operate in whilst tangled in a Mike Schutte bear hug, I am not so sure anymore....
I have lunch arrangements already. Can't commit at this point in time so do not count on me. I pressume the Builders' you are referring to in the other thread is the one in Paarden Eiland?

nope mate, thats all she could do to hold on  :deal: - we were both really knackered at that point

The Builders Warehouse is on Sandown Road, in Sunningdale/West Beach area - which is just a bit past Blaauwberg. Bring the 950 and 525 and the missus or however you do it, and lets have mors fun. Theres no creeks to cross, but there are loads of sand whoops to tire you out, and hopefully enough mud to make a big stinking mess.

Just remember that with the missus - you have to be pretty competent to manage in these things... :deal:

Katam - From the photos it would seem like the most fun was had in the afternoon...real sorry I missed out on that and the group photo.  Would have enjoyed seeing you guys on the big bikes perform your stuff!!  Outings such as this is always great because it gives one an oppertunity to see other "dream" bikes in action...and in some instances to appreciate the skills of their riders.  8)

Lito - Would love to come on Sunday but unfortunately have other commitments already.  But please keep us in mind for future adventures.  Would love to  :ricky: with you guys again.  I have that 950 SE as my screensaver at the moment.  If that beast was parked in my garage I would pull up a chair each night and just sit and stare at it....for as long as my wife would permit of course!!  :drif:  I can just hear it now.."You don't look at me like that anymore" or "I could swear you love that bike more than me".         
Solicitor said:
Lito - Would love to come on Sunday but unfortunately have other commitments already.  But please keep us in mind for future adventures.  Would love to  :ricky: with you guys again.  I have that 950 SE as my screensaver at the moment.  If that beast was parked in my garage I would pull up a chair each night and just sit and stare at it....for as long as my wife would permit of course!!   :drif:  I can just hear it now.."You don't look at me like that anymore" or "I could swear you love that bike more than me".         

Solicitor -  :imaposer: you flpping crack me up buddy - thanks  :biggrin:

I trust that you will grab one of those honeys one day, they can be had for cheap!!! :deal:

Catcha later then, G :D
Aah, that forest brings back fond memories of yesteryear...

...that's where I broke my Kappa screen against a tree  :patch:

Solicitor - my missus is very concerned about "my bitch". Says I spend far too much time in the garage and that once the attention is focused on "the other bitch" she can get nothing out of me. Frankly, by now she should know not to interfere when I'm busy with the 950..
We should do a ride some time. :3some:

Lito - I think one off-road trip with the missus on and she will be permanently cured from the bitch. Whilst I am very tempted for another mud adventure, there are some other priorities for Sunday. If Saturday pm was an option I would be very keen.

Bliksem, currently the missus is black mailing me: I can only get a piece of the chocolate it I hand her back the laptop...
Jerichorider those pics of all are simply great.... ;)

Solicitor and KaTam also so good to meet you both....... :)

I will go back for training again and was an AWSUM day  8) 8)

So E NXR you arranging the next training day? :thumleft: again well done and hope to ride with you again soon ;)
Ya, im itching to go do some offroad again. Leon will let me know when the next one is, hopefully

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