Capies not at Bash go Mountain riding

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Uiltjie.....I was speaking to Katoom this morning and we would like you to know that we are really very dissapointed that we were not invited on your "mountain excursion".

I had to hear from Tattoo's wife that there was a trip.....we are not going to speak to you again.....ever......baastid!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

You were probably too scared.....we understand...2 weekend in a row with us is probably asking a little too much!!!

On a lighter note.....nice report!!

Ok Uil....I feel bad ignoring you for so long......Love you, man...don't let it happen again! ;D ;)

PS: Hope you showed the guys Zanzibar!!! :eek:

Dit sal jou leer om die forum dop te hou!  Ek het niemand persoonlik genooi nie :p
Great going there! Except Mark of course. :glasses12: :mrgreen:

Seriously though. That route looks easier than it was. High concentration levels and technical riding ability was tested it seems.

Well done and great photo's! :cool:
Ok here's some more pics of this fantastic ride.
On top of the world
One happy KTM

and two XT660R's

Some pics of the route up


This part of the route was one of my favourite, grass as high as the radiator, you could only see the track 10m in front of you. The one thing that blow me away was the contrasts of the area.


High ho Silver

regroup at the top, you could see for ever up there

This was the track down, an absolute blast

Here are pics of the guys showing me how not to fall by taking the correct line ;D ;D




and back down the mountain


well thats all from me, thanks Ulitjie for planning and thanks to everyone else for joining in on the ride.

As they say........."Just what the doctor ordered". Going for rides with like minded riders and exploring areas never seen before.

Lets do it again.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to ride down to your valley and you guys can take me up there. :razz:

Excellent ride and report!
No need to thank me, remember, I enjoy this shit too! ;D ;D ;D
JourneyMan said:
Great going there! Except Mark of course. :glasses12: :mrgreen:

I say, if you are going to loose it,do it properly and make sure there is a camera to capture the moment.

The camel pack, which still had about 1lt of water in it, broke the fall really well. It work like a air/water bag and absorbed the impact very well. I have screws and pins holding my lower spine together and walked away from this with just a brused ego......not >:D
Uiltjie,once again,many thanks and to your son too ,for the great pics he took.He drives that 4 x 4 very well too.
The pics of the road are very decieving.It looks like a white or red sand road,but its white and red rocks!!
one more pic from the top.
Nice one boys! :thumleft: Riding on rocky stuff like that is tricky... you fart and the bike moves out under you!

Damn, this is a nice bike:


Kev said:
Nice one boys! :thumleft: Riding on rocky stuff like that is tricky... you fart and the bike moves out under you!

Damn, this is a nice bike:


Kev, it is a nice bike, I have ridden her a few times.  As you as an owner of one should know, the only problem with this bike is that she always has this thing as if she wants to tell you:  "Is that all you can give me?"  They like to be ridden hard, and thats when you can hurt yourself!

Have you checked the 50mm bar raisers on this bike?
This morning, lying in bed and thinking of this awesome ride we had, I thought about it and you know, we should do more technical rides like this.  It makes you realise what our machines (and us) are capable of.  I bet most of Sunday's riders never thought it could not be done on an adventure bike.  When you see the terrain, you immediately think, NAAAH, this is for plastic bikes only, but its not!  All the bikes, even the so-called roadbikes like the Vara, did extremely well.  As a matter of fact, I have never been on any ride, where a Vara has fallen.  I am not talking about a standing still tip-over, I mean a proper off.
Eish, dit was lekker, thanks Uiltie. I learned a lot about the bike and my capabilities on this trip. Next time it'll go easier. Just a few pics of the track to make the other guys jealous:



So I ask again: When again ???


Awesome trip and awesome photos !

Eisbein said:
So I ask again: When again ???


Awesome trip and awesome photos !

Being able to ride on a farmer's land (in RSA) is a great privilege. It's sad that you need permission to ride on land that appears to be unutilised, but I understand that there are a great number of people out there who would just f#ck it up given half a chance. Therefore we are extremely grateful that Uiltjie knows the land owner, arranged the trip and invited us along. We were made to understand the owner's conditions, though. No spinning, stay on the paths, no burnouts, no naked chicks riding bitch, etc. Even being "boxed in" by rules, it still was the most awesome ride in a long time (rules most of us abide to by default). We followed the rules and hopefully the owner took note (Uiltjie, vertel hom asb hoe soet ons was  :D ).

And I'm sure this ride is only the tip of the ice berg. You'll see plenty of paths in the mountainous areas on farms if you travel in the Western Cape. If the reputation of good mannered DS bikers spreads, more doors will open. Maybe you know a farmer who will permit us to ride on his land for day (even if it is for a fee)? We just need to speak to them.

Just don't show him the pics of MH destryoing the fynbos. :eek:  :mrgreen:

Good stuff Uil and the rest! Didn't know that bit of info.  :thumright:

if i hadnt missed this for the bash i would really have been pissed
looks like you guys had a blast
Yes, Masehare, ons was soet, en ek is seker dat die boer dit weet!  As hy nie, sal ek seker maak daarvan!

Just a correction, this land is not unutilised, it their ONLY livelyhood.  They pick the flowers, some fresh, some dried, for export.  It really is an eco sensitive area, believe it or not!  These farmers know all the species and their ways of saving it for everyone's future.  We must actually be very glad they have these strict rules!

I spoke to the neighbouring farmer tonight (the one with the 4X4 route) and he is willing to allow bikes, also under strict rules and maybe supervision.  He charges R160 per vehicle, and would do the same for bikes.  He is very sensitive about any non-cage vehicles, as he allowed a local group of kwats to do the trip.  He was very upset about the whole exercise, as they very drinking and going through the fynbos.

You see, I have free access to the mountain, whenever I want to, and I would never put that in jeopardy by taking hooligans up there.

With a lot of TLC, I would convince him to allow us there, say. once a month or 6 weeks, at his fee.  I think we can hereby also make good for us DS riders, by doing it in a proper and behaved manner. He says that the tracks we took, are actually the tip of the iceberg!  We apparently missed the best parts!

I think we should go again, what you think?