Cisco Charity Motorcycle ride to Pringle Bay Fire Station

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Grey Hound
Jun 3, 2008
Reaction score
Honda XR125L
Received via e-mail, pictures removed.

We all need a little good news and a little help. I have decided that today I’m going to start by making a difference, give back and help where I can. On my own I can only throw one starfish back at a time but with the support of all of you we can make a significant difference to the Pringle Bay Fire Station.

Why Pringle Bay, firstly they all volunteers!

Secondly, they have achieved so much with so little – it is a showcase of what can be done when we all stand together. (See images below)

Thirdly, one of the volunteers is my brother and I have been listening to him for months now, listening how tough it is and how brave you need to be. The amount of risk they have to take when flames three to four stories high come at them. The relief of a helicopter dropping water bombs so that you can escape the chasing flames. Its very real for them and the damage that these fires leave is unforgettably devastating.

So, it’s time that I think I do something as well but I really need your help to be impactful. I also believe that those of you who ride and enjoy the freedom, the surrounding and the beautiful places that we showcase in the Western Cape, can make a significant difference.

Let’s start with the history of the Pringle Bay Fire Station

About 20 years ago the Pringle Bay Rate Payer association decided to assist with the devastating fires in the Western Cape and especially in their area.

The photographs above represent the humble beginnings of the brave volunteering firemen. They were so effective and heroic that the Overberg Municipality gave them a small truck (Bakkie) and a trailer so that they can continue to be an additional support arm for the region. All the volunteers have completed their training in firefighting, first aid and rescue. In the event that there is an incident in the area you will most likely be assisted by these volunteers.  They are not remunerated in any form other than a ‘thank you’ from all the people they have helped.

New Fire Engine

Due to the very difficult terrain it was decided that in order for them to be more effective they would need a 4x4 fire truck which will allow them to get up in the crevices of the mountains. Again the community rallied together and started collecting money. After a few years and some large private donations they eventually managed to buy a second hand truck and converted into a beautiful fire truck as seen in the photo below. (Note: the truck is parked at one of the volunteer’s home as it will not fit into the old garage that they used before as seen above)

Then came Fire Station project

Due to the phenomenal success and respect that the Pringle Bay volunteering fire fights have earned the Overberg Municipality decided to build a fire station in Pringle Bay. It was unbudgeted for thus the funds that were made available came in slowly and in some cases simply not forthcoming due to other urgent matters. That been said, the Overberg Municipality have been overwhelming supportive and is a great example of a community and a municipality working together.  The good news is that the station is now complete.

The good news is that the station is now complete. I have purposely left the photograph of the completed building off because we will have the opportunity to visit the Pringle Bay Fire Station.

The Cisco Charity Motorcycle ride will give us all an opportunity to give back.  What you want to give back depends entirely on you, it can be a few cokes or chocolates. Even cash donations will be accepted and will be paid into the local community support trust fund.  (A representative will be present)– its entirely up to you.

Cisco will providing a breakfast in Pringle Bay and again some refreshments at Houw Hoek Farm Stall on our way back.


Date : Thursday the 26th April (weather permitting and hopefully no fires)
Departure time : 8:30am
Starting Point: Engen Garage on the N2 – just before the Strand turnoff.
Ride final stop: Engen Garage on the N2– Opposite the starting point.
Route: Clarence Drive towards Pringle Bay and back via the N2.

We hoping to complete the ride by no later than 13:00.

RSVP: [email protected]  and before the 12th April.

I know that many of you on this email do not ride but could you please extend the invite to riders that I may have missed within your organisation. (Maybe they will let you be a pillion)

PS: this ride voluntary and a personal initiative.