Close calls and funny moments.

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Greetings guys(and gals).

I thought it would be interesting to hear some of the close calls and funnies moments you guys have experienced. Ever since I started biking I have had so many funny moments and close calls that I thought I would share some as well... Just to get the ball rolling  :bueller:

Ok,2 funniest moments so far for me: First one happened when I was still living in CPT, I was heading out of Worchester to my home in Bonnievale on a friends borrowed Hayabusa. I knew there was some sort of gathering somewhere around town of classic cars since I saw a load of them in town that day. Anyway on my way back I stop at the robot leaving Worchester and up next to me pulls in a bright red Ferrari F430 with a good looking blond haired 30 odd year old guy and seated next to him is the most beautiful blond girl I have ever seen (If she comes with the car I am getting one!). The guy notices me looking at the car and girlfriend and starts to ref the engine a bit. I am wearing a full face helmet with tinted visor so you cannot make out my face. So I being 22 years old decide to make an ass of him and show him that bikes are faster then his silly red car. After allot of revving the light turns green and we punch it. As expected I  pull about 3 car lengths lead on him before I punch it into second.... and BAM... I miss second gear, ref the bike to limiter and low and behold the bike cuts out and a huge amount of noise erupts from the engine with what I presumed to be flames coming out of the exhaust. I slowly start to hit the brakes and pull onto the side of the road not knowing what the problem is. Up next to me pulls the Ferrari with pretty blond girl looking at me and the guy asks me if everything is O.K and if he could help me... I felt like such a prick... I refused to lift up my tinted visor and just gave him the thumbs up and nodded. He smiled and left in trail of glories noise from his "rarrie". Turns out there was a problem with the engine before hand and I was merely the final straw...Had to have it towed... Still felt bad though.

Second funny moment happened yesterday evening, I was driving on the little dirt road outside my house to go pick up some Indian food for the evening. Since it's only about a 200m drive I decided to leave the helmet at home and just crawl along the road on the TA. Just wearing my jacket and assault full face mask( The one that looks like a skull ). Along the way I see a black bloke walking along the road (not being prejudice here just saying it like it was). I gear down to slow down a bit before going past him... The bike backfires(think it might have something to do with the choke still being on), some flames and a bang erupts from the exhaust. The bloke shudders a bit and looks around promptly... Upon doing so he see's my skull clad head with the black part masking the rest of my head and only the white skull part showing in the black of night. He kind of got a little jump in his step and turned around and did a perfect swan dive into the bushes that were next to him.... I laughed so much I nearly pee'd my pants!

Two close calls: First one was in Voortrekker street PTA. Stopped at a robot where the racing normally starts, with the "Dykweg" behind me. Both sides of me are cars stopped next to me. Being a Saturday evening at around 12 O clock I was already weary of drunk drivers on the road and was nervous to get home. As I sit there in the middle of the lane I notice a white Nissan saber going under the bridge at incredible speed and disappearing from my sight... Next moment appears the saber still doing the same speed... I guessed around 160... with about 100m to stop before he hit the back of me. I knew he was not going to make it and by instinct started to drop the bike to the left in an attempt to get out of harms way... Just as I do this the guy comes blowing past me with the under side of my CBR's foot peg leaving a huge scratch across the side of his car and the other side of the car was so close to the car next to me that he actually knocked his mirror off. I could actually feel the heat of the engine as he went past. He then lost control of the car and hit the curb with his left wheels which then burst but he was able to keep the car in control and pulled into the garage... I was going APE **** at this point and picked up the bike and flew down to the garage... With all my kit on stopped next to the car, got off and saw the guy sitting there with locked doors showing me in sign language  and screaming sorry... I punched threw his side window and proceeded to rip him threw it... He started screaming please don't kill me... I could see straight away that he was so drunk he could not stand up even if he wanted to... I gave him the beating of his life with the guy in the car stopping and wanting to do the same.... I then phoned the police and set off.... around the corner I sat and cried like a little baby... I immediately felt bad about what I had done because I am not like that and I hate violence. I went home and was very shaken up for the next couple of days.

Next close call happened while I was heading to Worchester near CPT. Just driving along as normal at 120-130 and in front of me is an open peace of road with only approaching traffic. Approaching was one of those big 18 wheeler trucks and low and behold up next to him with about 300m to go before he go's past me pulls out a Putco buss.... There is no yellow lane on the side of the ride and a sheer drop off on the side.... Knowing I cant go past them on ether side I reacted quickly and aimed for dead center between them... Went flying threw them at 120k's per hour with the cars behind the truck and buss not seeing me approach and getting one hell of a fright as I fly past them... the one guy nearly rolled his jeep trying to swerve out of the way for me. Strangely I was not really shaken up by this since I felt in control all the way...

Anyway... That's it from my side... Look forward to some of the reply's.