D7 Down, But Not Out...

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This morning on the way to the office I had a pedestrian try to kill me...

Coming along the Nicol I see him on the side of the road. He looks me in the eye, and hesitates. He then runs out directly in front of me. I swerve away from the direction he's going - to try to go behind him. He looks me in the eys again, and at the last second jumps backwards straight into the front of the bike. D7 down... Bike keeps going for a bit. I jump up. run to the bike and get it out the street. I'm ok, just bruised to shirt down the right side. Hole in the jacket on the right shoulder. Gloves (richa) are scuffed, but otherwise ok. Helmet not even scratched. Left hand has turned purple. Not a scratch on me anywhere amazingly enough.

Bike ok too. Handle bars a bit skew, right radiator shroud a bit scratched. But indicators etc are all ok. The KLR falls a lot better than I do. Jacket and gloves saved me having to use my medical aid card.

Stupid son of a bitch. I'm sure he hurts a hell of a lot more than I do, at least I hope so. :evil: :evil:

Like insects these pedestrians. No farking brains.