Droomers Yamaha fun day

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Dit was absolute awesome. Dankie aan GJ, Droomers en al die organiseerders wat baie lank en hard gewerk het om die roete uit te lê. En dankie vir die manne en dames wat so hard gewerk het agter die kospotte, dit was heerlik.

Ek het net die groen roete aangepak en net weereens besef, ek het definitief die regte bike gehad :ricky:

"Was a walk in the park" :laughing4: maar moet erken, armpies was effe styf.

Sommer 'n foto waar ons tuisgegaan het vir die naweek.  Dit was so 20 km verder aan op die R318 van waar die funday was.  Kan dit aanbeveel, Karoo Adventures, Danie le Roux.  Daar is baie lekker paaie (Dual bikes is welkom) op die mooi plaas asook kampgeriewe en 4 x 4 roetes.


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Thank you for the kind words!
That rocky section seemed to get more tricky later on in the day. :patch:

I didn't get to "mingle" with some of you as my time was limited and I wanted to get as many loops done before 13h00 as possible. Sorry for that. Had to be back in S/West before 17h00, and with my bike I always need to accommodate a few pit stops for petrol along the way!

A Big thank you to the organisers. The day was organised superbly. I was concerned at the start that  the quad gang and "wannabee" racers will ride me off the track - so to speak. I passed a few guys on the first loop and a KDX and a racing quad came past me once. That was it. No dust or traffic otherwise. I believe its because most riders were just there to practise and not race.
I will definitely be back next year, maybe even with a bike for the kids!
(ps. for the guys that like detail - my foot came off the footrest in a tight section with the result that I made a small detour exploring some Karoo  bossies and small trees.  ;) The KDX on my tail thought it was a very polite gesture from me to make some room!  ;D
Jaco I saw you traversing the rocks and you were styling  :thumleft: :thumleft:

I think the racing guys were on the orange and red routes which is perhaps why you didn't see too much of them , perhaps get an enduro bike for yourself for next year , I was on a WR450 and while it was great on the green section it was just a bit too much of a handful through the tighter sections of the orange section , not uncontrollable but tiring . Then again the guys on the Beta that I was riding with seemed to have an easier time so perhaps something to look at .