D'ville to Darling on a Sunday morning

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Grey Hound
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Brackenfell, Cape Town
Harley Davidson (all models)
So Growweblaar and I were planning to ride out to Darling on Sunday morning, apparently he knows of some nice dirt roads between the R27 and Darling.

However our dear friend Growwe came down with the flu (a likely story :roll: ) so it was all me, and the_missus of course 8)

Since I don't know the area too well, and it was our first ride on the "open" road on the Dakar, we skipped the dirt and headed out to Darling the long way round, via Philedelphia, Malemesbury, etc and back via the R27 accidentally (we were on the R307 towards Atlantis, got lost in the vicinity of Atlantis, drove around in a spiral and got spat out on the R27).

All in all it was a fantastic day, the_missus thoroughly enjoyed herself and told me we should be doing this every Sunday 8)

We stopped at Evita se perron (see, I have some culture, actually the_missus does) but they were closed due to power cuts for the whole day!! :shock: luckily though we found a farm stall that was open and had some koek en koffie

On the way back we even took that short piece of dirt outside Durbanville (off Vissershok) just to see what it would feel like, and what fun we had!!

filling up and pumping tires:


fixing the hair:

hair beyond the point of fixability:

darling is such a chill place, view from the farmstall:

how to ride a BMW, lesson 1: posing 8)

happy to be alive:
Lekker man :thumbright:

I'm sure I saw you guys in D'ville Sunday morning - you even waved back. :D

I can only see trouble ahead.

Yes, what you think is YOUR bike will soon become OUR bike. OUR bike will then become HER bike because it'll have this and that added. And then, you'll have to go and buy yourself another new bike, because she will take over YOUR bike competely as HER bike. :cry:

Look carefuly at the photo's, you can see the devious look in her eyes. Accept the inevitable: :twisted:


Glad you are having a good time.

Lawrence :D
Butch said:
I'm sure I saw you guys in D'ville Sunday morning - you even waved back. :D

it's quite possible. i gave all the bikers i saw on the road "the nod" :D

herm - not a problem man, if she does want her own bike, the Dakar will get lowered, and I'll get either an HP2, GS Adv, or KTM 990 :D :D :D
Not too sure who we saw, but the misses and I did the similar route even also had a breakfast at Brig?s Barn, and saw quite a few bikes. At one point we saw 2 newish Dakar?s. Maybe, just maybe we should post our planed route on Friday (or the last day of the week) and those dogs that want to join do so.
Ah cool - it looks like the same place we had breakfast at during my first "dirty" ride !!!!

Lovely place, Darling - good to see us all getting out and about !
Wes, listen carefully to Hermanator's advice.

The man speaks the truth... :lol: :lol: :lol:
great ride wes! indoctrinate her early, but start saving :wink:
Lekker wes!

Be sure than you are one of the lucky ones who's life partner shares the love for biking. :wink:
the_wes said:
On the way back we even took that short piece of dirt outside Durbanville (off Vissershok) just to see what it would feel like, and what fun we had!!


Wes, good ride. Glad you found at least a bit of dust. Last time I rode that one it was better than tar. Now, where you stopped for that pic, turn right a little way on tar and then left onto Spes-Bona and you are almost in D'Ville. OR turn left for a way and then right onto Occultdale and you end up at KlipHeuwel, turn right and then left again and continue over the bridge and toward the Wind turbines for more dirt to Agter-Perdeberg. Turn right there and later right again for more dirt.