Once the Hooligan stops smoking like Gérrard, we head out Doornkloof's
purgatory gate again. Free of weighty bags and with less fuel in the huge tank, Hooligan hops and skips out the stoney riverbed entrance like Bambi. We regroup outside the Doornkloof entrance for a moment, and then I get the go ahead from Keith to take off towards Baviaanskloof entrance.
It is a chilly but sunny morning, and beautiful. I sniff up deep lungfuls of cool air and dust as I turn Hooligan's ear. The open valley starts to narrow again and then we are at the entrance gate, where we are informed that we must pay R43 access per person per entry. There is no card machine or small change...
While we are busy trying to sort out payment, what with almost no one having cash on them (thanks Anwar!!), a 4x4 vehicle pulls up and the occupants take a walk around, admiring all the bikes. Anwar also grabs to opportunity to try Hooligan for size, and is amazed that his feet comfortably touches ground. He immediately asks whether Hooli is for sale, but I quickly disabuse him. Hooli is going to the grave with me, unless my nieces or nephews can pry it from my cold dead hands.
Frikkie generously sweeps and keeps an eye out for both me and Sonja, who in our girly fashion bring up the rear. I'm amazed at how well Sonja handles the terrain given her lack of experience - she had good tutoring for sure.
The road sweeps up and down and round blind corners, and crossing loose and rocky riverbeds every so often. It is huge fun!
Patiently waiting for the purple wench to finish taking photo's...
River crossing!
Sedate Sonja
I just "gooied", causing water to splash all over and especially on the seat, so that after every river crossing, putting my feet down again was a dreaded dampening experience. View from the other side:
Sonja styling!
Frikkie rolls in
"Can you drink this water?" Dunno but I filled up my waterbag, hope I don't end up with squirts...
Anwar on his steed, a 1200GS. I take my hat off to him - cannot believe he toured the world on that big bike!
Every stop with Kai and Keith was a small party - out came a few snacks and a little mix and lots of jokes and laughter
"See this mountain"
Some riders from Smitskraal/Patensie side stop for a quick hallo