Free tyres at Auto Atlantic - I kid you not!!

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Grey Hound
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, Colorado
Hildebrand & Wolfmuller (all models)
Went to Auto Atlantic yesterday to get my valve cover protectors and sommer buy a new rear TKC 80. Then I remembered that I still have a 30% used Anakee that I asked them to store for me when I had the previoius TKC 80 rear fitted.

So they look in this moer of a big heap and I look and we look and.. no tyre. On the side there is a neat heap with tyres AND names. Not mine  :-\ Then I ask about the unmarked heap.

"Oh," they say, "these are going to be thrown away SOON..." This because they're moving to new premises at the BMW Pavillioin within 3 weeks.

Then the middle management expertise kick in and I go for a win-win outcome. "Guys," I say, "what if I look at maybe... one of those unclaimed TKC 80 fronts?"

"Sure, help yourself."

"And if I take another one?"

"Feel free."

So I walk out with two 20% used TKC80's for FREE. I don't think there are similar ones left and there are a lot of kis tyres on that heap. But I saw some lekker 130's ect.

But you must hurry up. It might be gone already.

Anyway, I feel better about the R1300 for the TKC80 rear now. ;D