Freedom Ride to the Kalahari - Cheesy ne !

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Feb 17, 2006
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planning a ride . . .  :ricky:
leaving Saturday 30th Jan 2010

retrenched . . .
ended lease on home . . .
broke up with girl friend . . . bounced back though  :mwink:

it is a challenge for me . . .
dont know if i can make it . . .

want a long hard ride . . .
taste that freedom which eludes me in the city . . .

plan to leave JHB, get to Sannieshof asap . . .
head North to Bray, then cut across to McCarthy's rest . . .
follow Molopo river (if possible) to Andriesvale . . .
do a loop through Kalahari dunes . . . Rietfontein . . . Twee Riveren . . .
then head back down Kuruman River valley . . . Askham . . . Van Zylsrus . . . up to Pomfret . . .
then back to N12 near Delareyville and home . . .

and with a clear head  O0 plan my future  :imaposer:

made it . . .

now to get ride report together . . .

some teasers . . .

ready to rock n roll :)

minor problems . . .

lonely . . .

awesome . . .

hard . . .

inspiring . . . .

and just a little bit crazy :)

Seems this can get interesting, subscribed...................
Wednesday 13th January 2010

The date is set . . .  30/01, 31/01 & 1/02 . . .  a ride into the Kalahari . . .
I am depressed . . . my ZX10 race bike is crippled with R65,000 damage . . . my job looks set to finish end of Feb . . . my finances non-existent . . . notice given on my cottage in the game farm . . . my only ‘me’ space . . . my head and heart are in conflict . . .

Writing this makes me feel even more kak  :( its worse than I thought ! . . . but I still have my freedom and I gotta ride ! . . . if I don’t . . . my spirit is going to deep six it  ;D

Enough of that !

I want to taste freedom once again . . .  and I think it can be done in the desert areas of the Northern Cape . . . no passport so that excludes Botswana . . . Hours of riding fast sand roads in searing heat  . . . lulling my thoughts . . .  deepening my awareness . . . sharpening my senses . . .  and then perhaps to sleep and visit mystical realms . . . and find peace.

A good 3g connection helps me download images from Google Earth . . .   

Scanned the road running down the Botswana border . . .  mostly following a dry river bed . . .  punctuated by increasingly rare farm houses . . . in this Godforsaken land of ours I am more concerned about my throat being slit than being mauled by a hungry predator . .  . my plan is to camp at a farm house . . . if possible . . .

A big issue is my 13lt petrol tank . . .  I experiment with my 25lt red plastic jerry can . . . if I rest it on my rear foot peg  . . . and tie it under my saddle  . . this may work . . .  can even buy a second one to balance the bike out . . . low centre of gravity  . .  more fuel than I could wish for . . .hmmm  :-\

Also need water . . . but can pack bottles in other jerry can . . . maybe 10 – 15lt will be good . . . then will have space for food and tools and some spares . . . I think this can work  :)

I find my Garmin Quest GPS . . . will have to source a decent mount for my handlebars . . .

Friday 15th January 2010

Yesterday got retrenched . . .
Think it is over with my girl friend . . .
Would like to vomit and scream . . .  at the same time . . .

Monday 25th January 2010

I am aware of how little time is left before I ride . . . need to spend time with bike . . . harmonizing . . . connecting . . . it builds my confidence and helps uncover surreptitious problems hiding from a superficial gaze . . . 

It's ok to love your bike . . . especially if its a TE610 without her clothes on  ;)

Found engine mounting bolt missing and the other loose and boring its way through the bracket . . . replaced with nyloc nuts and washers . . . after removing and replacing all fuses, the clock now works . . .happy day  :) but I am not confident this is a permanent fix . . . removed air box . . .  nuts have turned in plastic box and I cant loosen them to get at air filter . . . tried jamming flat screw driver next to nut . . . no . . . tried heating socket and pushing over nut, melting plastic . . . no . . . end up cutting out the three lugs . . . cleaned filthy air filter . . .  rubbed in air filter oil . . .  and glued back in place.

Missing engine bracket bolt . . .

Had to cut bolts out of air box . . . :'(

Part and glue back in place . . . :-[

Fitted clear visor onto helmet . . . one well used plastic screw snaps off in helmet . . . sh1t !

Broken Maglite was replaced by Cape Union Mart no questions asked . . .thanks  :)

Jerry can plan looks like it may work  :thumleft:

Reluctant model Nick . . .

Haven’t mounted GPS and decide to take it with as a back up if I get lost . . .

Oh yes . . . Andre is desperate to come with . . .  only wheels he has are a quad . . . so lets see . . .
Friday 30th January 2010

Andre arrived 20 minutes early at 3h40 . . . he had to cups of take away coffee so that was cool  :)

Who the hell took this pic ?

Nicholas standing silhouetted in the doorway . . . alone and waving.

The plan is to get to Sannieshof asap . . . all tar . . . Andre with bakkie and quad on trailer . . . and me on my husky . . . fully loaded.

Yesterday I did a test run to see if my dual 25lt jerry cans were secure . . . The right one will carry 25lt extra fuel . . . the left is my kitchen cupboard and spares department. That adv nture rider saying “He who dies with the biggest fuel tank wins” . . . starts making sense now  ;D All went well . . . except when under braking I couldn’t turn my handlebars . . . I needed to bump them to brake the ‘frozen’ bars ? . . . puzzling ? . . .  maybe the weight ?

I am freezing my butt off . . . hope to dry soon.

I cant see well at night with my weak headlight and rusty eyes . . .  the light is shining between the plastic screen . . .  reflecting on my visor . . . so I ride most of tar without headlight, using Andre’s bakkie lights from behind.

A spectacular full moon rises behind us . . . fresh morning air . . . well watered veld . . . farm dams filled to capacity . . .  and a smorgasbord of vegetation aromas . . . awesome  :) . . . the tension and stresses start dissolving . . . the freedom of the open road calls strongly now . . . and my heart quickens with the anticipation of adventure . . .

Sannieshof . . . Oom Hennie meets us in town . . . we fill up and follow him to his farm about 25km south of the town. My initial plan was to avoid people, but I am blown away by their openness, their hospitality, their happiness in helping us in any way they can. Oom Hennie’s son rides past us on a yellow Ducatti something or another, his wife on the back, waving . . .

I manage to stay upright on the deeply rutted farm road . . . but the streering feels uncomfortable . . . maybe I will get used to the load . . . the different handling characteristics . . .

My kit arrives with me . . . a good sign  :)

Turns out Oom Hennie is the President of the CMA in Sannieshof . . . he rides a GS1200 and a quad on the farm . . . I go to the bathroom and walk down a passage, one wall is lined with motorcycle models . . . hundreds of them ! I am starting to like Oom Hennie a lot ! the dining room has pics of family on bikes and around bikes . . . There is no delay, Tannie Audrey knows we want to hit the road by 8h00 . . . a stunning boere breakfast is already laid out on the dinning room table . . . pap wih sweetcorn . . . scrambled eggs with small chips of bacon . . . toast . . . thin delicious boerewors . . . juice and coffee.

Oom Piet the Pastor from Sannieshof breezes in . . . cracking jokes as he sits down to help himself . . . this sincere hospitality and openness touches me . . .

Pastor Peet, Tannie Audrey en Oom Hennie . . .

Andre getting into character . . .

Then led by Hennie on his quad we zoom through maize fields, puddled tracks and through aromatic blue gum trees . . . Peet is following in his bakkie . . . we do about 100km/h on the better roads.

In a right turn onto a larger road, some loose sand causes me to nearly fall . . .  four times . . . only my four letter expletives keep me upright . . . I dash after Andre, but my confidence is shaken.

After hearty goodbyes, a prayer of safe keeping, some verbal directions . . . I reduce my tyre pressure and off we go 

Barberspan on right . . . good fresh smells . . . 4km wide and 7km long . . . a deserted tar road . . . Andre keeps it at 60 to save his rear tyres.

Geysdorp . . . Madibogo

Andre keeping it at 60kmh to save rubber on his rear tyres . . .

Can you see him smilling right through that helmet  ;D ;D ;D

We stop at Setlagole for petrol and directions.

A dusty garage . . . locals gather to look at us . . . a bunch of kids are shouted at by the attendant . . . across a bridge and finally onto our first sand road . . . awesome !   :ricky:

A red sand road, smooth . . . grasslands either side . . . scattered trees. The quad kicks up a lot of dust so I try stay close or in front . . . later we harmonise and ride for hours side by side . . .

Smooooth red sand roads . . .

The sand loosens up . . . short then longer and longer patches of deep powdery sand . . . I move back . . . push on the bars and get on the gas . . . mostly good . . . but sometimes I loose my balance, the front wheel kicks in the opposite direction and I loose four years of my life and crap myself . . .

Big skies . . .

I check my compression damping in front and it is very soft . . . perhaps with the weight I am carrying the rake angle is too little and causing the front end to tuck ? I stiffen the compression damping completely . . . and soften the rebound  a little . . . on the rear I stiffen the compression . . . my tyre is catching the exhaust now and then . . .

It has rained recently . . . pools of water lay in hollows on the road . . . I recognize that it is these depressions which when dry, hold this fine powdered sand . . .

The only time Andre slowed to below 400kmh . . .  ;)

I am not enjoying this . . . slowly I come to realise that my handlebars are sticking in one place . . .

100kmh . . . a pool of water across the road . . . I swing to the right, aiming for a single muddy rut on the shoulder of the road . . my front wheel kicks to the right . . . I launch off the road . . . a blur of green foliage and yellow flowers flash head high around me . . . I hang onto the throttle . . . feel the rear bite and burst back onto the road like a NOS powered combine harvester . . . bunches of flowers, larger than those sold at street corners to drunken husbands arriving home late, lie in my lap and drape over my handlebars . . .

Astonished that I am still up and riding, I accelerate to offer a bunch to Andre up ahead . . . and to camouflage my now disintegrating confidence . . . a pool magically appears . . .  I get hard on the throttle, but there isn’t too much left . . I try lift the front wheel . . . half way through the front touches down like a sea plane and it spits me to the left . . . hot water drenches me . . . somehow I keep it on the road . . . and insane laughter escapes my mouth . . . on  . . . and on . . .

Much later . . . signs of flower picking and collateral damage  :-[

Andre runs out of fuel outside Gemsbokvlakte petrol pump . . . I can see he is having fun . . . before the quad stops he has jumped off like an excited kid off a swing and runs next to it . . .

He is joyous and happy as we refuel and rewater at a tap next to a large corrugated iron barn standing side by side with a tree filled with weaver nests . . . I feel morose, but try to joke as I draw a smiley face in the parched earth with my nitrogenous waste  :-\

A HAPPY Andre at Gemsbokvlakte . . .

The locals are HAPPY . . . why is everyone so insensitive ;)

Its hot . . .

Onward . . . Vergelee . . . two bakkies driving at an uncomfortable speed for us to pass . . . side by side . . .delay us a little . . . Andre passes . . . white dust billows behind them . . . I discover a visored helmet, without goggles, does not keep the dust out my eyes . . . I hold my breath and commit to pass . . through . . . the road smooths and hardens and I roll on the throttle . . . I hold it at just under 140kmh which seems to be my top end with this load and gearing I have fitted . . . every flying kilometre is an attempt to win back my confidence . . . I cant remember ‘sukkeling’ so much in thick sand . .  ever !

Ja boet ! . . . not so easy on that quad ne ! ;)

. . . and that fuel consumption . . . hmmmm  :)

Yellow flowers every where . . . Andre says they start off in all colours, but after one day in this sun they all decide to become yellow  :imaposer:

Drunken donkey cars . . . cattle . . . horses . . . donkeys . . . lonely farm houses in vast spaces . . . the sky is filled with puffy white clouds . . .

More thick sand . . . and more . .  . after nearly becoming a bunker buster bomb for the uncountable time I stop . . . hours of riding on edge finally break me . . .Andre chats to me . . .  I will ride his quad and he my bike . . . he jumps on and roars off . . . I am more tentative, never having ridden a real quad before . . . it veers all over the road like a raging bull trying to dismount its rider . .

I watch Andre enter a sand trap . . . I pray he doesn’t fall off but at the same time will find fault with the steering . . .

The rear kicks left, right . . . Andre’s legs fly next to his ears . . . next one same again . . . we stop . . .  I ask Andre how it is handling . . he says “Feels normal” . . .I explode in disbelief ! . . . For the first time in my life I cant understand why anyone invented the two wheeled fall over machine . . . I want a 4x4 that doesn’t fall over . . .

We ride to Bray . . . my spirit shattered . . . my confidence is hiding under a turd at the bottom of a sceptic tank of a medium sized refugee camp somewhere in Somalia . . .

Bray is larger than any towns we have seen since Sannieshof.

I am still on the quad, Andre slithers through oceans of soft sand to stop under a solitary tree outside a small shop . . . a couple of locals are drinking beer and playing crap music very loud . . . we make a u-turn and head up a track to Tapama Lodge . . . a collection of thatched face brick buildings emerge behind the entrance pillars . . . a small swimming pool and a lekker braai area appear . . . a group of people are having drinks in the shade of some trees while their children noisily swim in the pool . . . a young German shepherd is bolting around the garden, full of energy . . . I feel kak . . .
Andre checks out the venue . . . I call Dewald and whine like a baby . . . I have no idea how this situation can be turned around . . . that I can ever swing my leg over my bike and face those awful sand monsters . . . we have toasted’s and a coke . . .

I lay on a wooden bench in despair . . . Andre tries to resurrect me . . .  like Lazarus from the dead . . . I am pathetic  :'( :'( :'(

As a last option Andre gets up and asks the owner, Gert I think, if there is a workshop where we could get bearings from . . .  I am flabbergasted when he says Erens has a shop about 2km away and he may be able to help . . . We call him and he meets us at his garage and workshop . . .

The plan is we (mostly Andre  :D ) will remove my triple clamps and steering head bearings . . . call Erens, who will return and look for replacements . . . I check the tyre pressure on Eren’s Dakar and it is low . . . very low . . .

Now with a glimmer of hope my spirits rise . . . but guardedly . . .  I still don’t know if I will be able to ride these worsening roads . . . and then in the Kalahari desert  nogall !!!

When opened the bearings are worn and covered in a dark gritty paste . . . lots of jokes and litres of sweat later . . . no replacements are available . . . we clean the bearings . . . Andre shows me how to pack them properly with grease . . . we re-assemble the steering head but keep it loose. Collateral damage is my hooter and right indicator light . . . I reduce my tyre pressures to around 1 bar and we head back to Talapa Lodge to top up with water. We land up having a beer and get invited to a closed function for one of the owners family who is turning 60. But I want to ride . . . I must try find what I have lost . . .

Getting ready to remove the forks . . . at least we had some shade . . .

and hundreds of dung beetles drowned in a few discarded tyres filled with water . . . rain water ?
This may be a Cyphonistes vallatus of the sub family Dynastinae(Rhino Beetles) of the family Scarabaeidae . . .

Andre as happy as a  . . . i dont know . . .  he is always happy !

I can like to ride nowhere with that bike now . . .

Erens se Garage en Dakar . . . in die middel van nerens . . . :laughing4:

After some local advice on where we can safely sleep we head out of Bray . . . the sun is setting and I am a little apprehensive . . .
In the dusky last light I can feel a difference and a smile starts to implant itself on my dusty face  :biggrin:

We have no idea how far we can ride at night and just ride . . . stopping every 60 to 100km to refuel the quad . . . as we have done all day . . .

I sukkel to see and land up switching my headlight off . . . using Andre’s much more powerful quad light . . .

Proud owner of a MagLite  :biggrin:

We ride at 60 – 90 kmh . . . the deep sand traps become my liberators and each one I power through restores my confidence and my self esteem is reforming like the broken vase I secretly glued from my mother when young . . .

When i stop . . . white butterflies ? settle on my mud guard . . .

The moon rises at our back’s . . . the evening smells are awesome ! . . . I try taking some pics . . . wanting to capture these moments for ever . . . every experience . . .every smell . . .  every emotion . . .

The entire day we had dodged tortoises . . . big ones, small ones . . . black shiny millipedes crossing white sand roads . . . lizards with their heads held high . . . VW look alike dung beetles zooming across our track  . . . and a few snakes . . . now at night rabbits dart in front of our light . . .  birds settle on the warm sand and are startled into flight by our sudden appearance . . . I recognise doves, plovers and nightjars . . .

The road is fairly good, with some stoney stretches and water filled hollows . . .

Tired . . . but always cool  :thumleft:

After 40km we reach the T-junction at Terra Firma, pass in darkness and head towards Vorstershoop . . . the locals warned of Kudu on this road but we don’t see any . . . perhaps the noise of the quad and my bike has warned them ahead of our arrival . . . some sharp bends on this road force me to concentrate . . . but my bike is handling like a dream and I want to ride forever  :biggrin:

When riding through thick sand I now feel the rear moving left and right and the bars in my hands are constantly counter steering . . . keeping my balance . . .  my deductions are that earlier when my rear moved left say, and my steering hooked it turned my front wheel right and caused my to loose balance . . .

My wrists are in pain from the battering but my spirit soars into the vast moonlit sky . . .

I reduce the compression damping in the front and this softens the ride over corrugations . . .  I am very aware of my soft tyre pressures and try avoid rocks and sharp bumps . . . but even so a knock feels like it has hit through to my rim and an agonising period follows where I wait to see if I have a puncture . . .

Another fuel stop . . . lots of jokes . .  . we reach Vorstershoop and start looking for a spot to sleep . . . not too close to the power lines or road . . . the elevated areas feel warmer now . . . nothing . . . through a ghostly collection of lights in town and then south . . .  5km further Andre sees a gate . . . it is open and we head away from the road and set up camp next to some weathered trees . . . the coffee is lekker ! and I am asleep before 23h30 . . .

Enough for one day . . .

Andre snores for the A team  >:D with a wonderful variation and repertoire . . . my favourite being the ‘let me inflate my punctured mattrass’ . . a deep . . . deep inhale, with slight intonation . . . followed by a loud whisltling exhale
Lekker!! This bring back memories as I've stayed in Vorstershoop for about a year back in the mid eighties. On my to do list to travel that roads on a bike.

I will be following this with a Hawk's eye.

Remember, keep it real. I'm watching you!! :mwink:

I was also retrenched - I know what it feels like...

But it WILL get better! Hang in there and take it day by day.

You, sir, are a giant.  :thumleft:
absolutely loving this RR :thumleft:

u write with such honesty along with lekka humour, cant wait 2 read more of ur travels here  ;D

really great stuff!
jislaaik ! . . . third attempt at posting rest of report . . .  connection slow . . . and haven't had a gap to sit at Seattle or somewhere . . .

so not trying to be melodramatic . . . seriaas  :lamer:
Saturday 31st January 2010 

I wake with a cracking headache and the awesome awesome light of early dawn . . .

We see it was a good spot . . . . do our toilet . . .  take pics . . . drink coffee and eat oats with butter and salt . .  .my all time favourite even at home.

This is the toilet part  ;D

Tannie Audrey told us of a church photographic competition . . .the subject . .  .”Skoene wat ‘n storie vertel” (Shoes that tell a story) . . . so I have that in mind when taking a lot of the pics on this trip 

Two for Tannie Audrey . . .  :)

Packed and on our bikes  . . .  we head for the wrong fence line . . . for a moment we are disorientated but find our incoming tracks and follow them to the road . . . I say a prayer of gratitude . . .  a new and incredible day has begun  :biggrin:

Leaving the open gate we found last night . . .

We head for McCarthy’s Rest . . . to refuel . . . white sand roads . . . yellow flowers painted opulently on flowing green lands . . . some horse farms . . . and always the breathtaking sky . . . vast and liberating . . .

You could be forgiven for never wanting to stop riding these roads  ;D

Tannie Audrey shot  ;D

We come across this little fellow . . .  or fellowess . . .couldnt really tell  :)

And Andre starts making a new friend . . .

Some yellow flowers  :biggrin:

One more refeul stop  :)

Ag no ! . . .  not another awesome road to ride  :biggrin:

Plenty Millipedes . . . or Shongolola . . . Diplopoda

To the Molopo dry river bed . . reminds me of Angola . . . grey white sand . . . termite mounds . . . perfect winding roads . . .

Stop at McCarthy’s border post . . . Andre is keen to blast through the border post, make a u-turn in Botswana and back out . . . I am not sure how accurate these guards can shoot and advise against this . . .  ;)

Andre . . . tempted  ;D

The two petrol pumps are locked and deserted . . . a local approaches . . . we greet and ask about petrol. The whistled “Wheeee whooooo petrol !?” says it all . . .  some quick but inaccurate mental calculations lead me to believe we will make Aansluit where our friend assures we will find petrol. We decide to head south, away from the Molopo River . . .  several people have told us of the many gates along this stretch of the Molopo and we have lost a lot of time so far . . .  next time  :)

Eish . . . petrol

Seriaas . . .

F@kaal . .

Three locals are now giving directions . . . and I smile . . . it is so personalised . . . “Jy gaan net tot Ooom Willem an draai regs . . .” Like we know the names of all the farmers in the area!

Now heading South . . .

Another friend . . .

Impressive puffie . . . unfortunately killed by passing vehicle . . . :(


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