Freedom Ride to the Kalahari - Cheesy ne !

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SandMan said:
It looks like you did not follow the Molopo from Vorsterhoop to McCarthy's?

:-[ you are right . . .

lost so much time on first day at Bray . . . decided to make best time to complete ride . . .  also i guess we only entered the outskirts of the Kalahari north of Rietfontein . . . 

ahh well another ride will be absolutely necessary  :)
The road is good and fast and wide . .  . my heart is pounding with joy  ;D some back packer lodges . . . a fresh puff adder, maybe hit by a vehicle a little earlier . . . stop to refuel . . . at the 90degree left Andre stops suddenly and tears off his kit . . .  a flying biting bug ‘Vrrrssssss’ out and flies away . . . it had started biting Andre under his shirt . . . some eye drops . . . then Andre eats the toothpick from the biltong packet, paper and all . . .  we roll around with laughter  ;D

The glare is intense . . . need some shades  :)

Andre starts ripping his clothes off . . .  :)

The bites . . .

The drops . . .

The missing tooth pic . . .  :biggrin:

South . . . a donkey car pulled by horses approaches . . . we stop and ask about petrol in Aansluit . . . the rpely “Fokall” . . . with this sad news they pull off . . . two smiling kids and ‘DATSUN’ painted on the rear . . .

The DATSUN . . .  ;D

Reminders of when i couldnt ride  :biggrin:

We will ride until the quad runs dry . . . we have a tow rope and are not afraid of using it  :)

Over the dry Kuruman River . . . and right towards Van Zylsrus . . . the road is good but with lots of loose gravel . . . Andre has an on and a off switch  :) when entering left handers the quad kicks up sand and stones that roost me and cause pain an suffering  :-\ I am tired and get a bit irritable with the quad  :-\ I tell Andre HIS stones are hurting me . . . he looks at me surprised “MY stones ?”  :biggrin:  . . . I try stay abreast or dive into the corners ahead of the quad . . . this seems to work . . .

The unfordable raging Kuruman River  :biggrin:

There are spectacular horse farms on this road . . . one red horse breaks into a gallop and runs with us for a short distance . . . another is standing ankle (don’t know what horses ankles are called  :-\ ) deep in yellow flowers . . .the aroma is amazing 

This is a horse farm . . . the horses ran away  :biggrin:

6km from Van Zyls the quad dies . . . attach tow rope . . .  my helmet falls off bike into road . . .  Andre picks it up for me . . .  a rare farm truck passes . . . when I look for my glasses Andre finds them spatchcock chicked in the road . . . flattened . . . this is an obvious case of hit and run . . .  Andre says I should claim from the ‘road accident fund’ . . . we laugh a lot . . . the lenses are miraculously intact and some duct tape reattaches the broken arms . . .  the tow is ok . . . we can do 60kmh . . .

Jaa . . that consumption ne !

But the tow is short and ok . . .

The site of the garage in Van Zyl’s is happiness !

We fill up . . . decide to take a break somewhere . . .  the well know hotel appears to be closed . . . it wasn’t we later discovered . . . and we look for a tree . . . find the NG Church and are chased away from two promising trees by very aggressive ants . . . I must find out what these little buggers are called  ;) we opt for the veranda of the church hall . . . 

Difficult customers . . .

It is good to get the boots off ! . . .  a meal of tuna and TUC biscuits . . . with biltong and dried mango for desert. Andre buys a Coke at the garage shop . . .  and all is perfect in our little world. Andre throws a piece of tuna onto the paving . . . in 0.789 of a second an ant has it and is heading towards its nest . . .  supreme scavengers !

The church hall stoep . . .

We rest . . .
The clouds build . . .
The oppressive heat is parted by gusts of cool air . . .
The tin roof ‘pinging’ under the sun now beats rhythmically under large drops . . .
It is raining !

Black clouds build and advance from the east . . . we are ecstatic !
We gonna ride in this . . . for sure ! :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

A quick pack . . . back to garage for water . . . the rain blesses us with coolth . . . a farmer greets and chats . . . his wife says the road to Askham gets worse and worse . . .they have open faces and smile as they chat . . .  he is Wim Roux and farms with cattle and sheep in the area . . . He says we should speak to ‘Doobie’ the park manager when we get to Twee Rivieren . . . this rain is great but will only fall here in the east . . . to the west  . . nothing . . .

Then it is Westward ho !

We rain wet . . . the lightning is frightening  :eek: . . . the black clouds consume the entire horizon . . . and we ride . . . we always ride  >:D

The smell . . . the sound . . . the smell . . .  you know what i mean ne !

After 10km we outdistance the rain . . . the heat radiating from the road is insane . . . we soon dry and begin to sweat once more . . .

Hot again . . . very hot  :)

Some red dunes now . . long with scattered vegetation . . some springbok and impala . . .

I am always willing to help Andre refeul  :biggrin:

The road deteriorates . . .corrugations and loose marble gravel . . . the bike rattles on . . . pounding my arms and already painful wrists . . . the bike skating over the road in places . . .especially in corners when your throttle hand wont shut off . . .

It takes ages to reach Askham . . . it is drier and dustier and hotter than further East . . . we refuel . . . a drunk oupa talks incessantly . . but we are tired and don’t want to interact much. Nothing attracts us to rest here . . . we try a tree next to the main road . . . but lengthening shadows and a carpet of broken glass and human detritus keep us moving . . . to Andriesvale.

Andre enters Askham in style . . .

A tar road surprises me . . I am tired and are relieved for this respite . . . Andre takes to the sandy verge . . . shooting me with dust and stones . . .

We ride through Andriesvale without noticing and stop at the Molopo River Lodge . . . there is no water in the river . . . but a tap and petrol make amends.

We stop at Molopo River Lodge . . .

Another dry river . . .  :)

Andre’s 10lt plastic water can has chaffed a hole in it . . . he does a McGiver and repairs it by melting plastic onto it with his gas stove . . . the rest is good . . . I am tired and sore . . Andre has more energy and replaces his air filter and spark plug, hoping to improve his fuel economy. We prepare for a night run into the desert . . . maybe travelling at night will be less energy sapping . . . Andre takes an extra 4lt petrol in two cool drink bottles . . . we head out after sunset . . . past deserted roadside stalls manned by Koi in daylight hours . . . hoping to survive on passing tourists . . . it is sad . . . reflecting my mood I guess . . . off riding the Southern Dune complex of the Kalahari at night . . . my only experience of it being Google Earth and some pics on the net.

Preparing for another night run . . .

Andre does a McGiver on the water container . . .

We take the tar road to Rietfontein . . . not the one originally planned . . . but we have lost so much time and are now driven to complete the ‘Desert Loop’.

A wounded and bloody moon rises behind us . . . a couple of vehicles pass from the opposite direction, their headlights visible for ages before they pass . . . I am sure my tiredness is affecting my visual perception . . . the gentle hills withdraw and a black vacuum sucks us in . . . dark and wet and filled with foreign smells . . . damp heat rests on the road . . . Haakskeen Pan . . . at night . . . isolated lights pulse on distant banks.

Andre has already ridden a distance in the previous dry pan . . . now he investigates this watery wallow . . . the silence is pervasive . . . I try take some pics . . . one of the moon reflecting off the water . . . Andre is reversing from the sucking mud and I hastily get out of the way . . . on and on . . . I see orange lights ahead . . . but they never approach . . . it is Rietfontein. A SUV passes . . . a face lit for a moment smiles and waves at us . . . our droning engines mesmerise . . . this is surreal . . .

Exploring Haakskeen pan . . .

Moon reflected on Haakskeen pan . . .

A faded ‘Loubos’ sign flashes by . . . we brake and turn back . . . a promising white sand road beckons us . . . I am relieved . . . I did not want to enter Rietbos at night . . . maybe a combination of ignorance and an over reactive attitude to the muggings and hijackings that are an everyday occurrence in our wonderful new land  . . . so we skip Rietfontein and head for Loubos . . . uncertain at first . . . we take a right at an unmapped T-junction and it proves correct . . . Loubos appears from the shadows to our left . . . I feel that I am riding out of my comfort zone . . .  a little too fast . . . under these conditions . . . but I want to keep up with Andre . . . spare his stones and share his light . . .

At the base of last chance Andre skirts a flooded road . . . I see it too late and have to take it in the centre . . . no problem . . . quite cool in fact  :thumleft: . . . but I know I am riding too fast to be safe . . . Andre is riding long distances without a headlight, using the moon . . . my eyes are not so good . . . when I asked him later, he said he thought I wanted to ride like that because of the ride to Sannieshof . . . we should stop and chat more  :mwink: but we both get obsessed and ride with determination as if we will never stop . . .

Up a steep incline and into the dunes . . . I know this route by heart . . . it was not on any map I had so I made reference points on a Google Earth image . . . Last Chance, Pan on left, T to Right, straight North, right left kink, sharp left, sharp right etc . . .

A pan opens on our left . . . I feel the openness rather than see it . . a cool empty space under a fantastically starlit sphere . . . T to right . . .  we stop . . . trying to confirm that yes we have entered the dunes . . . but even under the moonlight I can see more grass than in any of the Google images . . . must be the rain . . . Coolie van Wyk later confirms that yes, this has been one of the best years he has witnessed in the Kalahari . . .

On we ride . . . the road deteriorates . . . I cannot keep up with Andre . . I see his red tail light in the dark distance . . . frequent changes in elevation . . . the road is washed away in places . . . a steep downhill . . . vacuous space to right . . . a weathered sign announcing a pan . . . I sense its splendour but see nothing . . . I will return . . . in daylight !

The ‘kink’ . . . then sharp left . . . I am ecstatic to be recognising these reference points . . . also notice a road extending to right which was not visible on Google Earth . . . maybe because it is a red dune road well camouflaged from sneaky satellite lenses  ;) . . . the corrugations are killing my wrists and arms . . . we are tiring now . . . Andre stops at ‘sharp right turn’ and we climb a dune . . . to feel the sand and affirm our presence to the local deities . . naah ! we are just so flippen tired we need a break  ;D

The quiet floods my soul and I cant think of anywhere else I would rather be in this multiverse . . . just miss my kids . . .

Ja . . . we finally here  ;D

Tannie Audrey  :D

Andre wants to sleep on a dune . . . I do to . . . but think we should push on until ‘chicken tee’ . . . at least . . . there are sure to be more suitable dunes ahead.

Andre finds a dune spilling onto the road and ramps onto it . . I see his headlight jump into the night sky from a distance . . . I stop . . . but have no intention of trying the dune on my bike . . . with the tiredness and the load and a dulled awareness of eco sensitivity . . .  I want to push on . . .

More of the same . . . hard, hard but always alluring . . . an aphrodisiac . . . a taste of the untouchable . . . freedom . . .

There is a smell . . . one that gripped my senses when we entered the dunes . . . I realised . . . ahh this is the Kalahari ! . . . like imphepho is for me the Marico Bushveld, so is this fragrant aroma the Kalahari now for me . .  I don’t know what plant creates it . .  it teased and enticed me . . . appearing and disappearing . . . I want to bottle it . . . to keep it . . and I couldn’t lable it . . . thought it was a smell to be found in a Taiwanese Buddhist Temple . . .

Perhaps when we smell something for the first time . . . or see for the first time . . . we do so with the greatest awareness . . . later our memory and association dulls the experience . . .

What can i say  ;D

I see a light momentary flash on a dune . . . and shortly thereafter ‘chicken tee’ ! Incredible ! rather than feeling threatened in this environment, I have felt completely held and safe . . . during the day things may be different . . .

Right turn towards Twee Rivieren . . now dog tired we searching for a camp site . . . ride past a side road . . . stop . . . and decide to follow it into a dune . . .  this is where we camp for the night . . . I want to lay down and sleep, but pull out the tent . . . the cross piece pole brakes . . . kak design . . . we splint it with my pump . . . a big goggs jumps onto the tent and resists eviction . . . will find out what you are when I get back little ugly one  ;D . . . in this world if you stand still for more than five minutes something will be trying to eat you . . .

No energy for coffee . . . brush teeth and lay down on the cool dune sand . . . conforming to my body . . .awesome  :biggrin: 00h30

So far . . . and no further for today . . .

One . . Two . . . Three . . . KALAHARI !!!!!!!

Tent pole splinted with pump . . . and a little beastie  ;D

Looks like some type of corn cricket . . . and i felt like an ear of corn  :)

Our 'spot' on the grassy dune . . .
Sunday 1st February 2010 

A pain in my wrist, more intense than that inflicted by a Zulu spear on Pretorius’ left hand at the Battle of Blood River, wakes me . . .  I walk a little . . . the pre dawn sky large and spectacular . . . a bird in the valley south of ‘our’ dune flies off the ground . . . ‘klak, klak, klak’s’ and lands again . . . it is a lonely and sad sound . . . I sit on the sand . . . in the first rays of the morning sun . . . praying and meditating . . . grateful to be here . . . consciously acknowledging that this was our goal . . . when in Askham the petrol attendant asked where we were going . . . we said to ride through the desert . . he asked ‘and ?’ . . . and we began laughing . . . that was all . . . so simple . . . so profound . . .

Gottcha !

What will I do with my life . . . what work will I find . . . none of these questions have answers . . . all I experience is the happiness of this moment . . . and an awareness that I love this planet and I love to ride.

Andre strolls towards me . . . the coffee is wonderful . . . the oats fantastic . .  we dilly dally a while . . . absorbing it all . . .

A large spider runs and hides under the quad . . . obviously waiting to ambush the rider  :biggrin:
The wind picks up and pushes us around . . the tent billows uncomfortably . . .

The fresh air . . . the squeaky clean sand . .  . and our physical exertions have turned us into philosophical clowns  :biggrin:  “This is lekker . . . out of the wind.” Andre quips as he sits down to eat his oats, taking shelter from a rising wind . . . “If I fart you wont see me . . . ill be covered in a cloud of dust” . . . this seems like the funniest thing I have heard in a long while . . .

I sing three songs in a row . . . unheard of and abusive to Andre’s ears I am sure  :-[

After Andre made a number two in the morning . . . as he stood up a dung beetle zoom plopped onto his you know what  :imaposer:

I like this one . . .

Guess what is happening here  :biggrin:

Looking North . . .

Looking South . . .

Looking Down . . .

Scrumptious meals  ;D

Still looking North . . . with more footprints now  ;D

A TW200 makes its way towards us . . . we meet Coolie van Wyk . .  . owner of the farm we slept next to . . he heard us late last night and followed our tracks this morning . . . this road leads to a municipal reserve and is not open at night . . . He says there are only two types of people out at that time . . . those that are lost or those that are up to no good . . . delightedly we are neither  :biggrin:

Coolie owns 3,000 hectares . . . low carrying capacity . . . 2,8 ‘grootvee enhede’  per hectare . . . gemsbok, springbok, impala, goats and cattle . . .  an hour later and Coolie speaks on his radio . . . he must report back to his wife . . . ahh human nature is what it is . . . even here in the Kalahari  ;D

Coolie van Wyk

Coolie's practicle sand tamer . . .

We are happy to be on the road again . . . a fond goodbye to ‘our’ dune and Eastwards . .  the start of our homeward leg . . . when I look at the distance to ride home . . . I need a change of underwear  :-[

The camera battery is flat . . . I use my cell camera . . . but it is a schlep . . . I will take more pics on the next trip . . . I feel confident I will return  :thumleft:

Andre's shirt sleeves are too short and he is getting sunburn . . . so he makes a plan  :biggrin:

Pan 88 . . . hot . . . corrugated red sand roads . . . difficult because I need speed to surf the mounds of sand but naked corrugations bite my tyres and suspension where they break free of the sand . . . did I mention they hurt my wrists and arms ?  ::)

The best lines are close to the edge of the road, but leave little room for error or an emergency manouver . . . pans with water . . long bright red dunes stretching against a back drop of azure blue skies . . .

My spirits are high . . . I blast over the rough stretches and feel invincible . . .  ahhh I am so fickle  ::) at pan 88 I sign Andre to stop and head for the crest of the next rise . . . I snap two pics of him . . . one in the depression and one as he passes . . . he is too fast and I am left with a digital dust cloud  ;D

Pan 88 . . . named after you Dewald  :thumleft:

A little settlement before Twee Rivieren . . a water tank with green shade cloth stands proud at the base of a dune . . meerkats scamper from dustbins across the road in front of me . . . 2, 3 . . . 6 in total . . .

We pull up at the border post/park entrance . . . victorius  :biggrin: but not arrogant to say we have conquered the Kalahari . . . no one does . . . it is patient and enduring . . . and we are mere mortals . . .

SMS to tell Dewald and family where we are . . . there is a sense of pride in me . . .  I wee in Botswana and SA at the same time  :D a brief chat to the border police and Doobie the Park Manager . . . and then we leave . .  . 60km of tar to Andriesvale . . . I look forward to a rest, but Andre finds a double track next to the road and we spend the next 21km (I measured it  :mwink: ) flying over a beautifull track . . . through small flat pans . . .around trees . . . through some trees for Andre  :) . . .until our track and energy is exhausted . . .

Looking South from Twee Rivieren . . . Botswana on left of fence . . . SA on right . . .

On the tar we ride together . . . sometimes I pretend to put my knee down in a corner . . . sometimes Andre rests his head on his handlebars . . . the scenery is spectacular . . . dunes  . . . red and white . . . a curving road more suited to my ZX 10 . . . and then Andriesvale and back to the Limpopo River Lodge . . . this time we stop next to the tap, close to the petrol pump, under a tree on a small irrigated patch of grass . . . boots off  . . .heaven !!!

Back at Molopo River Lodge . . .

Andre picks up a hose pipe and hoses me down . . . the water burns me and I jump around . . . we shower and rest . . . eat . . .and lull on the grass . . .

Some laughter attracts our ears . . . a Bushman is causing some merriment to his fellow workers . . . if I listen carefully he is speaking Afrikaans with a San accent . . . threatening to click and cluck with every word . . . his pitch is high . . . the content profane . . . it sounds like he has a speech impediment . . . he is swearing at some women who have asked him for cool drink money . . . he says he doesn’t even have money to phone call his family . . . and then launches into a diatribe on Hottentots that has Andre, me and all his mates physically crying with laughter . . . I cannot remember laughing so much . . . ever ! . . .  and then our comedian finds some money to buy more beer  :imaposer:

Reluctantly we head into the heat and the white glare of indifferent sand roads . . . we try the Molopo River road . . . I read it was good for 20 or 30km . . . and this proves true . . . white, barren, sparsely vegetated land to our South . . . a dune line runs parallel to us in Botswana to the North . . . separated by the border fence . . .

A newly constructed tar road stands proud but inappropriately on the Botswana side . . . there is a lot of activity across the border . . . dams, small settlements, road gangs . . . the gabions used to halt the dunes advancing onto the road are packed with large, dark, flat boulders . . . contrasting with the reddish dune sand . . . beautiful . . .

We refuel for the umtienth time . . . 60 odd kilometres . . . Andre is worried . . . his fuel consumption has not improved . . . the road deteriorates . . . corrugations and loose gravel . . . unexpectedly a linking road to the Van Zylsrus – Askham road appears on our right . . . there is a gate, but a cheerful Botswana work crew confirm this is our road . . . it is a great road . . .eight gates in total . . . a water pipe running parallel for a long way . . . it leaks in places creating pools of clear water in the road . . . a 2m spray of water makes Andre stop to shower but the water is too hot . . . 

At every gate Andre skids to a halt, jumps off the quad like a spring hare and closes the gate behind me . . . I am grateful, my legs have shrunk and longer clear the saddle when I remount . . . Andre laughs at my grunt each time I climb on my bike . . . I feel like a Russian dancer but without the vodka . . .

We hit the tee to Van Zylsrus . . . I look back for a sign ‘Kalahari Guest House’ . . . so I can remember where to turn next time from the opposite direction . . .

The scale on my road map is bad and an unexpected 71km later we approach Van Zyl’s . . .

The road improved . . . I manage 138kmh in places . . . Andre passes a farmer in a white bakkie . . .  he wags a finger at me when I pass . . . I think he must have been hit by stones from the quad . . . but when we stop at the garage, he pulls up behind us and says “Ek sien julle ry te lekker !” . . .  and we chat for a while . . . . oh well just my paranoia I guess  ;D

We head for the hotel . . . and let ourselves in . . . beautiful artistic mosaics and décor . . .  a steak and some beers later we are feeling great, albeit a bit tired . . .

The hotel . . .

Some history of the hotel framed on the bar walls . . . farmers day on Mondays . . . a booze bill paid with a sheep . . . I love it ! . . .the cigarette smoke . . . I hate it  :xxbah:

We get ready for another night ride . . Andre drains the tank and flushes the fuel filter . . . he sprays carb cleaner into the carb . . . “This is gonna be a bit loud” . . . Baam, Baam, Baam ! clouds of black smoke eject from the screaming exhaust . . . I am relieved when he cuts the engine.

Dustbins line the dusty street . . . and litter lies strewn all over the ground . . .  a battered Toyota passess . . . rusted and knocking . . . loud music pours from open windows . . . I am impatient to leave . . . Andre finds a loose pipe from the air box . . . he unpacks all his kit to remove the seat and replaces it . . . I feel like screaming but know it is just my tiredness catching up with me.

Almost ready to ride . . .  :biggrin:

20h00 and we leave . . . head back to Aansluit . . . I feel uncomfortable riding at speed next to the river at night . . . after some awesome roads . . . wet with recent rain . . . I stop to tell Andre I want to ride slower and don’t mind if he pulls ahead . . . but he is happy to ride at my slower pace . . .

It is very dark . . . we get cold and stop to put warmer clothing on . . . a truck passes and stops 100m away . . . then starts reversing . . .  Andre walks towards it and soon makes friends with the driver . . . he is a biker  . . . leaves his name and number . . . next visit he will show some trails we can ride . . .
With faith in rural humanity recharged, we leave . . .

A cat like shadow jumps in front of me and then darts back into the bush . . .

The road becomes magic. . .  damp . . full of traction . . . scattered pools . . . we move away from the river bush . . .and our taps are open  :biggrin:

We stop at a T-junction . . . it looks different to what I expect . . . tired, we make coffee and are very funny . . . we decide to open a coffee shop right here . .  . a SUV speeds past but doesn’t stop . . . disappointed we decide on a more aggressive marketing strategy . . . Andre will run in front of the next vehicle  . . . coffee in hand . . .  but he doesn’t  ;)

Coffee in a dixi ? . . . not as good as coffee in a fire bucket . . . but Andre seems happy enough  ;D

Turn left looking for turn off to Severn . . . but it doesn’t appear . . . about turn . . . we are flying now . . . we should never have left the river valley and don’t know exactly where we are, but the road is soooo good I don’t care . . . two shadowy figures stand at an intersection . . . we stop . . .the lights of Black Rock in the distance . . .we ask directions and turn around once more . . . I am disorientated and cannot visualise where we are on the map . . . we ride . . . the road is awesome . . . later, much later a sign to Severn . . . happiness  :ricky:

Now a winding river road . . .we ride close . . .about 30 to 60cm apart . . . my mind quietens . . . there is a harmony . . .  a oneness as we curve in and out the river bed . . .now standing, sometimes sitting . . .this is priceless . . . indescribable . . .

You know what is happening here ne  :biggrin:

Lights . . .Severn police station . . .my internal compass has shifted 30degrees . . . and after annoying vicious guard dogs I head off on the wrong road . . . lots of birds settled on road  . . .we hit a couple . . . I apologise to them . . . we stop to refuel . . . Andre politely asks to look at the map and points out where we should be . . .

One liner  :xxbah: . . . promise i am smiling  :biggrin:

Monday 2nd February 2010 

My head is thick and stubborn and wants a landmark to reset itself . . . I write a silly note . . . its 01h00 and we are driven . . . we want to ride . . . about turn . . . moonlight on flat veld . . .Severn once again . . . pass the grumpy dogs . . .over a spruit and Northwards . . .

Best road so far by far  :thumleft: . . .stop to refuel . . . a distant farm house has barking dogs . . . we push on . . and on . . . suddenly Heuningvlei to our right . . awesome ! lights shine on the far side . . .  we skirt left of the pan . . . deformed cacti watch monsterlike from the verge . . .through the town . . . a fenced police station . . . I don’t want to stop here . . .feel uncomfortable . . . we push on . . .  towards Morokweng and Banana Banana or something . . . the veld changes . . .the road widens . . . Andre rides on the left . . I hang back a little . . .his eyes are good . . .when his flat out drone shuts off so do I and brake hard . . . he swings the quad left and right to light the road . . . and we thread through cattle, donkeys and horses . . . standing, walking and often lying in the road . . . sometimes black and blending into the night . . .  20, 30, 40 times  . .  I do not know . . . it is exhausting . . . stop . . .last fuel in now . . . need coffee . . . I lay back on road and instantly fall asleep . . . Andre’s laughing wakes me . . . the coffee works . . . and we move again . . .

The new route to Marokweng is to find petrol as quickly as possible . . . we are also tired and want to get back home . . . more cows, donkeys and horses  . . . on and on. . .  the lights of Morokweng appear  . . . bleak and distant . . . but never get closer . . .  on and on . . . we don’t slow until the main road . . . Andre still keeps off the tar on the dirt sidewalk . . . and blasts towards the only garage in town . . .

To my surprise they are open . . . we walk around . . . shell shocked as the light of dawn paints the eastern horizon . . .  why are these towns so filthy . . . litter . . . sewage . . . I am glad to head South once more . . .

Morokweng at first light and petrol . . .

The tar road ride to Vryheid is mind numbing . . . Andre is falling asleep . . . I am falling asleep . . . standing, jumping, singing and shouting . . . we pull off the road in knee high green grass . . .vehicles buffet us as they speed by . .  some Energade jelly babies and off we go once more . . .

Vryheid . . . slowly through town . . . over main road and stop on gravel parking bays . .  Andre wonders off to find food . . . I take my boots off . . . my right big toe is in pain . . . I think I doze off a few times . . .  Andre returns triumphantly with burgers and cokes . . . he is tired and hungry . . .  so sleeps and eats simultaneously . . .  he calls Oom Hennie who gives us directions for a sand road route to Sannieshof.

My big right toe hurts like hell !!!

Andre does his best to sleep and eat at the same time  ;D

My daughter leaves a message on my cell . . . crying . . . I will miss her first gala this afternoon at 17h30 . . . my heart hurts . . .

We ride up and down before finding the sand road to Migdol . . . this map is kak, the scale is way out.

This is an awesome road ! . . I open the throttle. . . the km’s fly by . . .

I stop at a farm store . . . Andre passes and I follow . . . dust . . . I notice the quad fall off the road . . . once to the left and another to the right . . . Andre fell asleep but says the change in surface woke him so no problem . . .

Migdol . . we take the wrong road . . . call Hennie then go back against my sense of where we should be heading . . . I mistake one road . . . but later recognise the error . . .  I am irritable and tell Andre to follow me . . . when I apologise he looks at me in surprise “what for ?” . . . he never judges me . . . what an awesome friend . . . but I will thank you later #16  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

I ride ahead on the tar road to Delareyville . . . take right onto dirt road before N14 . . . it skirts the bottom end of Barberspan . . . then North to the N14.

Right and a short distance to the rail road line and back onto the dirt . . . we stop to check this is the correct road . . . it is . . . the one we exited four days ago where the farewells were said . . .

To the bluegum road . . .  we ride together, joined as one . . . I hear marching bands announcing our arrival . . . get swept up with emotion . . . Andre makes a sudden right . . . I overshoot . . . the solo violinist in my orchestra falls off the stage and I hold my breath as I plough through grass and weeds . . . over another road and regain my composure . . . we call Oom Hennie several times . . . each call followed by a blast through mielie fields roads or farm tracks . . . I have long since given up trying to follow where we are . . . my daughters crying fills my heart . . . things are unravelling and I want to get back to her first swimming gala . . .

We stop . .  . Andre asks Oom Hennie to fetch us . . .  he arrives in his bakkie with Tannie Audrey and two grand daughters . . . they watch us through the back window and their own dust and we follow with panache and pride and too much throttle  :biggrin:

I am tense . . .  I know that if I rest I will not get up again for a long while . . .

We stop at farm house . . . relieved . . . Oom Hennie takes some pics . . . I feel like a celebrity . . . I immediately excuse myself . . they are such amazing people, I see they understand completely . . . no selfish wants of their own . . .  a plate of bobbotie, beetroot salad (sorry Manta), cold grapetizer . . .  delicious ! Oom Hennie helps untie my Jerry cans and back pack . . . Andre will carry them home for me . . I hug Andre a lot . . .  even in my extreme tiredness I am overwhelmed with gratitude towards him . . . he has been amazing . . .  always smiling, and riding a quad which is ten times more demanding than my bike . . .  we have achieved something great here . . .

Awesome people . . . Oom Hennie and Tannie Audrey

I make a junior wheelie and head for the tar road . . .  the bike is light and nimble . . .  beautiful  :biggrin: fill up in Sannieshof and onto the road home . . .  it is hot and I am tired . . .  several road works force me to stop . . .  I cook in the sun and am impatient . . . 

My tiredness is causing me to loose seconds of consciousness . . .  I stop at Venterdorp . . .  devour and energy drink . . . the effect is immediate . . .  I call Trix and say I am on my way.

Outside the town I am sobered by the sight of a cattle truck trailer which has unhitched and rolled . . . three bulls lie dead in the road . . fresh blood glistens on their broken horns . . . another lies in the road but cannot stand . . . others limp on the grass verge . . .  ahhh this transient life we have been allocated . . . let me live it well . . .

Rush hour traffic near Roodepoort . . . a blast down the concrete highway and into Edenvale High School parking area . . . I call Nick but see them running towards me . . . Trix grabs me in delight . . . I have made it !

Nick takes me to a spot separate from the rest of the parent spectators . . .  I take my boots off . . . cover my matured socks with a ripe jacket and share my daughters experience with her . . .

Nick says “Gross dad! There are flies around you !” . . .  I look and indeed there are  :-\

Trix swims . . . I fall asleep sitting up . . . vaguely aware that my mouth is hanging open . . . a guy wakes me in passing “You tired?” I mumble “I went for a ride” . . . duuuhh  ::)

A cloud burst cancels the rest of the gala . . .  I have incredible traction in the wet with my Metzeler Sahara 3’s  :biggrin:

Back to my mom’s house . . . I am locked out . . . Nick makes me a bed on their couch next door and orders me to shower . . . I lie down, Nick and Trix close by . . . happy, content as deep deep sleep puts an end to this chapter in my life . . .

I wanted a long hard ride . . .  I got one  ;)

I just love these reports!  Wish I could just pack up and go!  NOW!!! :ricky:
Hell man , not a thing cheesy about that ride  :thumleft:
Fantastic. Couldn't stop reading. That Kalahari highways are some of the best gravel roads one can get. How do one go on with normality after a trip like you guys had ???? Where's my topbox. Let's go for a ride. Cheers !!!
Now this is Goenhas, Hats of to you and Andre, Dorje!!

Thanks man, I really enjoyed your RR!!

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