From Ashes to ashes.....and then some bliss!!!!!

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Lekker Dwerg, ek neem aan die Bike het geloop soos stroop?
No need for tent or underpants when this is packed  >:D :thumleft:

Justin's Log - Friday - Ficksburg to the Bash!

So, the next day we had a long hard route to tackle.

Our route was: Ficksburg, Ladybrand, Wepener, Zastron, Telle Bridge, Lundeans Nek and then the Bash.


The wind was astounding! Fortunately from the left back, but my word. My Arai peak was dragged big time! It was too tiring to really stop for too many photo's.

At Tella bridge we turned off to start on the dirt to Lundean's Nek, but then saw a new tar road going straight over the mountain. I figured it might lead the same direction, tried it and then noticed my folly. The tar road goes over the mountain (really steep and tight turns) and then just ends at 10 huts! They built a road for those 10 huts to be able to get back to Tella Bridge's shops and schools. Go Eastern Cape!

Anyways, went back to the gravel road and absolutely LOVED it. It was windy, tracky, not too technical, not too easy. We bumped into JourneyMan and the meat trailer on the way.

Around the tight turns there was some water and that's where we met Gary and his son Kenny. They saw us coming and waited at a turn to warn us of the slippery moss underwater. We saw some tyre marks which meant someone has already come off there.

At the nek Kenny and Gary went up to the rock (we were a bit too heavy to attempt it). What a photo!


The wind was quite bad again so we headed through to snow valley and then met up with the gang, and some well deserved beers!

Little did we know of the rain to come...dumdummmmDUMMMM!
And boy did it rain that night!! Besides Groenie's tent....I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the way all of our tents dealt with the huge amounts of water that was thrown at us from the sky.

I'm pretty sure you have seen more than enough bash foties so I will just gooi a couple of our party the Friday evening.

Cream soda and tequila........






Volgende oggend na die storm


Wat de moer......JC kyk of daar skade is op sy 10 man tent nadat Dwerg amper die ding in sy hentie in geval het in die vroee oggend ure


Ons vriendelike bure


En Da Peeg met ginger koekies vir my



Last night Brad Pitt....this morning Sorry Shit.....he he


Nog vriendelike bure.....

Gaan skeit Carrots! Ek het nie ‘n foto van jou die volgende oggend nie maar jyt self nie goed gelyk die Vrydag aand nie  :peepwall:


Nou ja, daar is nie veel om oor die bash te sê wat nie al klaar gesê is nie. Ek het great mense, mal mense en rustige mense ontmoet, almal van hulle mens mense  :thumleft:

Nog ‘n paar fotos van die Vrydag

Die groot kakmaker

LMG wys waar my forum naam vandaan kom   :eek7: :eek7:




Justin's Log - Saturday - Bash weekend

Yes, not much more to say about the bash. It was great finally putting faces to avatars.  I met people that seem like real staatmakers! Salt of the earth...and then Stoetie comes roosting you full of mud!  ;D

What a photo! I'm sure everyone has posted theirs, but here goes...

Hang on...what is it that Stoetie is doing over there by the bikes?


Classic, the timing of my shot was totally by accident. Only after going through my photo's did I notice my Buttism gem!

That Saturday night we had a lekker braai. Kenny was turning IDR's chicken, seeing as IDR was getting ready for the speeches and prize giving.

The Sunday morning was chiiiillllyyyyyy! Man it was cold. The clouds cleared overnight, but so did the heat. Fortunately the sun came out!


We packed up our kit (and a bit of IDR's  ;)) and started on a 3 day journey that was, to put it mildly, EPIC!

Mountains, here we come...
Kyk, my boetie is effe aan die kort kant, maar die man het 'n moerse skelet!! :imaposer: :imaposer:


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Wortel said:
Lyk my hy is so lank dat hy twee Windhoek's op n slag moet drink...  

LMG wys waar my forum naam vandaan kom  :eek7: :eek7:

Was dors . . .

Het twee bene . . .

Kan hul vashou . . .

Het dit fokken nodig gehad na daai head wind vroeer die dag.
Noneking said:
Kyk, my boetie is effe aan die kort kant, maar die man het 'n moerse skelet!! :imaposer: :imaposer:

Dit herhinner my aan die ou wat vir die plaas Oom vra hoe hy dit reg kry om sulke groot seuns te hê wat almal provinsiaale rugby speel, die Oom antwoord toe: "Kyk boeta, jy trou nie met Cinderella nie"  :imaposer: :imaposer:
So....ons het ernstige besigheid gehad om af te handel vir die dag.......en Brian wou dit oor en agter die rug kry.

Met al die reen van die vorige aand het ons besluit om eerder met die karre te ry en dit was inderdaad 'n goeie besluit want die pad was een modderbad.

Erens die vorige aand het kommunikasie vir 'n pot stront gegaan en ek wil plegtig om verskoning vra.....veral vir Veldtie, Douw en Swifty en wieookal wou saam gegaan het omdat julle nie geweet wat ons planne is nie. Jammer ouens.

Saarkie van der Merwe.....genugtig kan sy 'n kar bestuur



Die volgende fotos kan die storie self vertel........











Jis, ekt nou 'n bietjie van 'n knop in die keel hoor...
RIP GLEN - the Arrow of Elliot - 02/02/12

The little man with the big heart that truly was larger than life
You have touched us and left us better for having known you - even if it was only briefly
For grabbing the moment and living the day
It's been way too early that you were taken away​

- Eisbein
KTSSSSK Glen......jy was 'n man sonder gelyke.....en ons mis jou elke dag. So long brother.

Soos Glen dit wou gehad het ons 'n dop op hom gaan drink by Mountain Shadows Hotel en terug verkas Bash site toe.


I never had the pleasure of meeting Glen but it is very clear to me how much he meant to everyone who knew him. The trip up to Bastervoet was emotional to say the least. I can only hope I have friends that grieve my passing and celebrate my life in the same way one day. Such was the inspiration of it all


I think all people would want to come to the end of their lives and feel they were appreciated. Glen was that certainly, and for many of us it was that one charactor trait I think... his total unselfishness.