Justin's Log - Friday - Ficksburg to the Bash!
So, the next day we had a long hard route to tackle.
Our route was: Ficksburg, Ladybrand, Wepener, Zastron, Telle Bridge, Lundeans Nek and then the Bash.
The wind was astounding! Fortunately from the left back, but my word. My Arai peak was dragged big time! It was too tiring to really stop for too many photo's.
At Tella bridge we turned off to start on the dirt to Lundean's Nek, but then saw a new tar road going straight over the mountain. I figured it might lead the same direction, tried it and then noticed my folly. The tar road goes over the mountain (really steep and tight turns) and then just ends at 10 huts! They built a road for those 10 huts to be able to get back to Tella Bridge's shops and schools. Go Eastern Cape!
Anyways, went back to the gravel road and absolutely LOVED it. It was windy, tracky, not too technical, not too easy. We bumped into JourneyMan and the meat trailer on the way.
Around the tight turns there was some water and that's where we met Gary and his son Kenny. They saw us coming and waited at a turn to warn us of the slippery moss underwater. We saw some tyre marks which meant someone has already come off there.
At the nek Kenny and Gary went up to the rock (we were a bit too heavy to attempt it). What a photo!
The wind was quite bad again so we headed through to snow valley and then met up with the gang, and some well deserved beers!
Little did we know of the rain to come...dumdummmmDUMMMM!