From Ashes to ashes.....and then some bliss!!!!!

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As Brian said at this was almost a huge know he is free now and there is no other place in the world he would have liked to be.

Saarkie applied her rally car skills again and we all seemed a bit more uplifted in the car....not because of her driving skills though.....if you know what I mean.  :)



Back at the bash site we had lots of fun like everybody else.....although with Soetbul krokkodiltril entertaining us maybe we had a little bit more.






The fact that Zonkie didn't fall his hentie off was just a pure miracle as well.

Pretty much of the same partying followed than the previous night. I was quite excited as our journey would only be really starting on the Sunday. It was kind of a weird feeling that I was the first trip ever that I was part of that I didn't do the planning. I mean I knew roughly what the schedule was and where we would but IDR  was the tour leader from here onwards.

Jup showed me some parts of Lesotho earlier in the year and I was keen to see more. IDR has been there plenty times and we had no idea of what was waiting for us. I was ready and content to just follow and enjoy it.

Tomorrow we ride!! I have some of Glen's ashes with me and I'm happy!


Yes Wortelhol. Baie dankie vir die awsum report. Wie kon nou ooit dink dat gingers nie n siel het nie? :peepwall: :lol8:

Verder almal se bydrae maak die nogal een bedonnerde report. Wens ek was daar :thumleft:
The bash was a huge success - thanks to all who made it what it was, most of all everyone who attended!!


Truly a spectacular setting

Some party snaps from Friday night:


Inside the barn


Things were heating up


Mooch unimpressed ;D

The rest of my photos are a bit blurry ::)


As per usual there was a clear winner though...

Then the next day this happened....


With all credit to Carrots

It was a COLD Sunday morning, frost on everything, tents frozen, etc - but SUNNY!!
:notworthy: :notworthy:

Dankie aan almal vir die RR!!!
Some of my pics from Saturday


Saartjie vdM chasing a 4X4 up Bastervoet


Smuggy and Cocky

Carrots and Smuggy making space for more beers

How the bike pic started out


Gryshond, Jules and Stoetie


Zonkie wat iets wen

alwyn_gs said:
:notworthy: :notworthy:

Dankie aan almal vir die RR!!!

Daar is nog so 4 dae of wat wat nog moet kom  ;)
En dit was nie bietjie koud die volgende oggend nie.....darem so polisiekoffie gehad wat bietjie gehelp het.

As the Carrot mentions, in my mind there were three parts to this trip - the trip down to Glen's mom, the actual bash and then the long trip home, two of which I had a lot of planning and effort invested.

With the Bash behind us, our road trip was only really beginning, and there was a distinct change in how I was riding, approaching things more from a traveling and survivalist aspect than all-out hard riding just to get to a destination.  Here is where our trip really started.

The bash was ideally situated for a Lesotho jaunt either on the way there or back.  I have done quite a bit of travelling in the Eastern parts of Lesotho, and would have liked to visit Semonkong and the Maletsunyane Falls for the first time.  I know Carrots had done some travelling through Lesotho, and Justin had been up and down Sani Pass, but Dwerg had never been in Lesotho, was quite new to longer trips and didn't have a clue of how to fix a puncture ;D  So if anything I was over-prepared, but had faith in my companions' riding ability - which was one major thing less to worry about.  bud500 would also have joined us, but had to withdraw at the last moment due to an old injury.

The idea was to get from Snow Valley, over Naude's Nek (one of my favourite dirt passes), through Mt. Fletcher, up Ongeluksnek pass, past Letsie dam (where we would wild camp), and then get to Semonkong via a mysterious shortcut that nobody has any idea about what the condition is like - known here as "Plothond se pad", because that's where they murdered two blocks of flats ::)  I have done as much research as I could about this strip of road, to no avail.  We were going in blind - where Justin and Theonette would take the detour around Mohale's Hoek as I was apprehensive having a bike with a pillion on this road.  

Then we would have a rest day in Semonkong, where Justin and Theonette would head home to tend to kids and the like.

Carrots had never been through Monontsha pass, and I wanted to go show them that, so that was the plan to get out of Lesotho from Semonkong, with Clarens probably being the destination before we head home on the last day.

Everyone was keen on the plan, and Sunday morning at the bash came around and we were off at around 09:00, destination Letsie dam.

Day 1: Snow Valley to Letsie Dam (246 km)

Because we were planning to wild camp next to Letsie Dam, we had to do some planning around the fact that it was Sunday and Monday was a public holiday and that no shops would be open en route.  For Monday morning's breakfast Kath from Reedsdell boiled some eggs for us, gave us a pack of frozen bacon and I arranged some extra braaipacks and had picked up some pap and sous in Barkly East for dinner.

We set off in high spirits - I was excited with 4 days of awesome scenery and riding ahead of us.  We took it easy to Rhodes, getting the last Bash cobwebs out, and stopping for a quick cold one in Rhodes at the Walkerbouts Inn to charge up all of Carrots' kak that he'd forgotten cables for :)

Once that was done, we took on Naude's Nek, with Carrots leading and myself and Dwerg trying to catch him.  Road was dry despite Saturday morning's rain, with just a bit of loose gravel on a hard surface.  It was EPIC!!!  When we got to the Nek the wind was absolutely blasting through there, so we decided to just descend a little to find a quiet corner for a rest.


Wind-still spot




Room with a view


Dwerg has a pose...


The road was awesome

We headed down the from the Nek, stopped in Mt. Fletcher for fuel and to try and arrange some firewood for the night's braai.  It's a total dump and I was just too keen to get out of there.

On the way to Ongeluksnek we had another rough dirt road, and a beer stop...


One of my favourite photos of the trip

Passed through the National Park gates and made our way up to the border post.

The okes are all too happy to just stamp you through, and let you use their facilities ;)

And then we kakked off.  From the border post you can see a STEEP incline, rutted and perhaps even a bit muddy.  We saw Justin get stuck there while we were still at the border post.  With a bit of help we got him and everyone else up as well, since RatKas was also lying on its side.

I had a huge bag of charcoal on the back, in conjunction with my backpack this didn't make for very comfortable sitting, so I had to pretty much stand all the way up.  Arm-pump to write home about :eek:  All made it safely to the dam, just about before sunset, and we set up camp in a sheltered donga - with yours truly blowing up his mattress manually because not a single one of our 12v outlets were working.  Not bad for a smoker! ;D

Was an awesome day's riding, a spectacular setting to spend the night, and great company that made the first day of our trip memorable.




Kuier like in the good old days


Check that profile!!

Thanks guys!  Seems like just yesterday we were sharing a cold one with Glen discussing why the KLE is the BEST bike ever!!
It was really great meeting the rest of his family at the bash and through your report.

Justin's Log - Sunday - To Lake Letsie

As IDR said, the Sunday trip was awesome.


A quick stop to tie down some bags

The quick beer or 2 at Rhodes to ensure we don't start off with a dry throught.

The top of Naude's Nek was seriously windy. I managed to take a pick, but the bikes were almost blown off the top.

Just before Ongeluks Nek we decided to stock up on charcoal (no wood in Lesotho) and some drinks to take along.

Man, these guys love pics with the bikes. Dwerg actually lifted a little kid for a while. The kid wanted Dwerg to take him home, apparently 60km's away! It didn't happen. Dwerg crushed the little kid's dreams.

We were heading to those mountains over there!

And then Ongeluk's Nek. Man o Man. Theonette and I decided to head first, seeing as we would be the slowest up the mountain. But then, as we headed into the first steep climb, the sun went into my eyes, the wind was blowing, and my front wheel found a deep rut! Wham! That night Theonette asked me why I laugh when I come off the bike. I honestly didn't even know I laugh when falling. The riding was just that much fun.

However, picking the bike up twice was seriously tiring. The wind was cold and strong. We finally made it to the top, just after sunset.
View from the top...

I was honestly fistpumping everyone as they came over the hill! I felt the satisfaction you only get after doing something really tough and klapping it! What a high. That night, sitting around the fireplace was legendary.

And, on IDR's note that everyone's 12V plugs were blown: He doesn't mention that he commenced to plug his electrical pump into everyone's 12v plugs which in turn blew the fuses! I didn't have indicators, a tail light or GPS the rest of the trip! LOL!
I enjoyed Naude’s so much that I didn’t even notice that I’d left my neck brace in Rhodes. Awesome fun.



Theonette AKA Her Stigness. She even drank beer with the helmet on

Mt Fletcher was a complete shithole. I wasn’t looking forward to the trip after passing through there actually. I thought it was a sign of things to come. Luckily it was the complete opposite.



The others forgot to mention the rocks on Ongeluks Nek. Big scary rocks and cement pipes waiting to crack engine casings.


I went up last and got stuck once and came up short in the leg department once. After trying to pick my bike up a few times, Carrots came down and with bear like strength lifted my bike practically with one hand! I have to commend Justin and Her Stigness for doing it two up and heavily loaded.




Easily the best braai I've ever had!

I struggled to sleep and heard strange noises all night. Turns out it was Carrots. It sounded like two bears making sweet love. All night. It does explain how he managed to pick my bike up. I also learned that I am not a big fan of camping. The setting couldn’t have been any better though!
Carrots sleeping  :imaposer: It is a rather strange experience to observe. Nice description.
To be quite honest, Dwerg was the big culprit keeping people awake. He snores like a demon! We tried putting rocks under his tent so that he is forced to lie on his side!  :biggrin:
i never met Glen
only responded and read his posts
when He passed i was broken ( strange feeling for someone i didnt "know)
remember reading everyone's appreciation of the man ( thru tears mostly running down my face )

i just want to express , my appreciation for Carrots and the rest of the "TEAM"
people like you lot are a treasure
well done people for honoring and respecting your bud Glen

you guys are PEOPLE , OF THE HIGHEST ORDER ,  i wish i could get to know you's better ........  that would be MY HONOR

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Justin said:
To be quite honest, Dwerg was the big culprit keeping people awake. He snores like a demon! We tried putting rocks under his tent so that he is forced to lie on his side!  :biggrin:

Dit was net by die bash. Moet nou nie ou koeie uit grawe nie  ;D
You gents summed the day up pretty well so I will gooi some pics and add where I can.

We say goodbye to the Brian and Saarkie vd Merwe as well as the rest of the bashers...pack the bikes and head of to Rhodes. Quite sad that Deon couldn't come with cause I was looking forward to have him with us on the trip.

Thanks for charging my entire IT-shop everyday IDR......just as I thought when I got home that little important bag was in the garage  where I knew I forgot it.

So Justin goes first up Naude's and I'm following next. I'm very much looking forward to this day cause it is pretty much the same route that Jup and me did earlier in the year. It was rainy season then and the stretch to Mount Fletcher was very wet and muddy and it kept us busy for a big part of the day.

I love Rhodes...there is just something to it......and from what we heard when we had a cold one there is only like 30 people staying there on a permanent basis. Like I said...that is what we heard.

I enjoy the first part easy going as well as the scenery


Then I sort of get a bee up my bonnet en ek begin mielies gooi.....rustig eers.....ons gaan verby Tommy T en ek trek RatKas se oor.....


Nie lank daarna nie vang ek vir Justin hulle en toe is dit ek en Naude's........en wat 'n ride.


Ons het telkemale teen die einde van die trip om die vuur vir mekaar gevra "wat was jou highpoint" van die trip....en dit was seker amper myne.....maar ek kan nie nou al alles vertel nie.

Jy weet as dit een van daai rides is waar alles net in plek val....jy en die bike voel een....jy vat dalk kanse hier en daar maar jy maak nie foute nie en dit is net pure bliss! Bliksem dit was lekker tot bo.

Bo aangekom waai die wind een kakhou.....vreemde mense gesels met ons maar ek is so vol van die adrenalin ek kan nie onthou waaroor ons gesels het nie.



Stop uit die wind uit...gesels bietjie twak en so aan en begin afgaan aan die ander kant.

Laas toe ek hier verby is het ek die verkeerde kant gekies en Jup en Lyn moes so rukkie vir my wag


Awesome paai wat ons ry hier en ons gaan verby die spot wat Whale Kisser en Alta 'n plaas gekoop het. Ek grin lekker toe ek terug dink aan hoe ek daai GS se agter modder skerm met 'n boog oor die stroom in die veld gegooi om hom weer te gaan moes haal omdat hulle 'n peekcha gehad het.  :biggrin:

Op 'n staduim stop Justin om sy luggage vas te maak.......en dis waar ons stop.....


Dwerg en RatKas pose vir peekchas....



Jup ek is amper seker die was ons lunch stop laas war jy vir die eerste keer vir my geleer het van picnic en padkos en daai tipe goete. Die keer is ek gegear...ons gaan ook sulke dinge doen op die trip....


Dwerg doen sy deel vir Laurues Sport for good Foundation en maak die locals spills met spins op sy baaik en so aan.


Ons kry 'n paar koues en laai "elke" bike behalwe Justin sin vol charcoal.....hy het alreeds nie plek nie.

Ons sleep en nou kom my sak charcoal ook los. Stop en dis hier wat 'n dronk versin bergie met Dwerg kom kak soek terwyl hy ewe rustig op sy bike sit. Ek kon nie die detail hoor nie....hy sal beter kan verduidelik.


Net hierna spot ek so groen vlakte en besluit om af te draai vir peekchas en 'n koue bier. Dis nou al 'n lang dag en mens raak moes moeg. Stem saam met IDR.....daai fotie is ook een van my favourites vir die trip.



Ons bel en sms vir oulaas voor ons in Lesotho ingaan en geniet die view.



Klim op en sleep weer. Ek gooi voor....ry lekker....groet die locals.....probeer die son uit my oge hou....toe kry ek so lekker surprise.....en dit is mos hoekom mens dit 'n surprise noem....want jy verwag dit glad nie.....dink RatKas het so paar merke in die saal.....


Phew....focus Danielson...focus....

Into Ongeluksnek......and here is me finking it is just a little hill......yeah right


One can see there was some water here...but nothing to worry about...yet


Getting lekker now......


Gelaaide bikes......en op die einde van die dag het ons net een en 'n halfsak gebruik me finks....want ek het die hele nag innie bosse rondgeloop en hout gesoek............. :eek:


Easy peasy deur die border post....en ons tune vir Justin hulle moet solank mielies gooi. Dwerg en IDR besluit dis 'n goeie tyd om gou vir oulaas 'n regte toilet te gebruik voor ons vanaand gaan stealth camp. Terwyl ek wag loer ek so oor die vlakte na die Nek en ek verbeel my doer ver lyk dit asof ek 'n agterlig van 'n bike sien. Nee fok...kannie wees nie....Justin hulle is alreeds 15 minute terug weg........

Anyhow....daar gaan ons en toe ek so om die draai teen 'n moerse afdraende afkom....loer ek so vlugtig na waarheen ons moet gaan bo teen die bult uit.....en jou wragtig....dit is Justin hulle. Die modder, rut en sakkende son het hom uitgevang en nou is hy stuck.

Ek kyk die storie so....en dis nou nog een moerse ent ek gaan nottamoer soontoe stap en weer terug nie. Lyk asof hy in die middel van die pad is maar ek reken ek kan verbykom.....gelyk grond soek en afstap om te gaan help.

Verbasend gaan ek redelik maklik verby...maar toe kry ek my les van 'n rut en die sakkende son. Ek ry met die voorwiel binne in die bleddie ding in.......en so halfpad oor die handlebars koop die Wortel grond. Kadwa!!




OK staan op.....alles voel OK.....kom ons tel gou die bike op dan gaan help ek. Norrafok......en ek het al baie swaar BOF's (GSA's) opgetel sonder moeite.

Die wiele le hoor as die bike en daar is net nie plek vir grip nie.

Ons het natuurlik gespot voor die trip.....dat oppad en terug....het ek en Dwerg die lekkerder bikes...maar as jy eers swaer gelaai is....en sulke goed doen in die KLR 'n beter masjien....ok tool dalk...masjien is nie noodwendig die regte woord nie.  :peepwall: :pot:

Hy stop by optel en hier kom hy verby.


Ons al 3 kry vir RatKas daar uit met 'n gesukkel. Ons check dat almal OK is en daar sleep hy en IDR.

Ek en Dwerg vat dit so bietjie rustiger en neem 'n peekcha of twee. Ek weetie van hom nie...maar ek is bietjie nervous oor wat voorle. Ons eindig saam op en die ander 2 henties gaan solank vooruit.

Elke switchback of obstacle sal die ou wat eerste deurgaan stop en die ander een laat verbykom en so tandem ons die Nek uit.

Baie naby aan bo.....en dis nou al amper donker en hentie koud....misgis ek my met 'n switcback en RatKas word heeltemal sideways gegooi. Ek etter darem nie neer nie...maar nou moet ek die baaik eers reguit kry....en dan so 30 meter terug recover voor ek weer genoeg momentum sal he om weer te try.

Ek hoor Dwerg van onder af kom en shame......hy het geen ander opsie as om te stop nie....op daai tegniese deel. Toe ek weer hy en sy baaik sideways.....sorry ou.

Dit vat my so rukkie om RatKas daar uit te kry en op 'n staduim dink ek....ons gaan net hier kamp....fok dit. Ek gaan help baaik optel....kry ons asems terug en kap dit verder daar uit.


Ons is toe daar uit en IDR kies die lekker kamp spot en die res weet julle al.

Bliksem was ek bly om hulle te sien staan van hulle bikes af en cheering.....gedog dit gaan nooit eindig nie.

Ons slaan kamp op...steek vuur aan....en verkeer rustig. Soos met my vorige alles eers klaar en opgeslaan as dit dit pikdonker is....en dit is nou maar Lesotho vir onthou ek dit.




Aandete vir konings....en daai pap en sous wat IDR en Theonette gebou het was amper een van die highlights vir my in terme van kos. Ek is al die laaste 2 aande de donner in vir myself oor ek nie 'n rib braai pack gekies het vir die bash nie...maar daar kry ek toe my ribs......legendary stuff. Serenity en nog meer.


Bliksem...wat 'n dag was dit nie.....en dit het net nog beter geraak van hier af. Goeie werk Justin en T teen die Nek uit.....ek weetie of ek dit met 'n pillion sou kon doen nie.

As jy lus is vir ‘n regte adventure gaan doen dit en kamp daarbo……dit is die shit. En ek verwys nie na ‘n plastic nie. Doen dit met 'n behoorlike en gelaaide me...jy sal nie spyt wees nie.
Carrots said:

Mens kan hier mooi sien hoe laag die son sit. Toe ons op kom was hy oog hoogte. Ons almal het gesuffer met die -10C wind van voor en die son reg in die oog. Te koud om visor te lig, te helder om hom toe te hou (want dan sien mens vet mooi nokkol deur die stof)!

Almal het hulp nodig gehad en almal het mekaar gehelp, wel, behalwe vir IDR. Hyt nie hulp nodig gehad nie. Hyt net mense help bike optel en rustig met die KLR die opdraente uitgery.
Soos ek se, 'n great gevoel van accomplishment hoor. Kon nie help as om almal te high five na die tyd nie!

En vir die wat wonder, dis biltong in daai pot pap. Man o Man, dit was amazing!
Dude - kudos vir daai gelaaide bike met jou vrou agterop daar uitkry - etter!  The KLR is really well suited to this terrain, traction everywhere and really light to throw around to miss the odd ditch or rock, so I didn't have too many issues going up.  I also don't really have much experience on the larger bikes, so I might have underestimated how tough it might have been for Carrots and Dwerg, otherwise I would definitely have been a bit more supportive, nd not just rode ahead of everybody ;D

Now that Carrots mentions it - sitting around the campfire, every single one of us felt that we were gatvol and wanted to camp wherever we were.  Fortunately we all kept this to ourselves, and pushed on to the lake, for this....

