How to transfer Tracks4Africa maps from Zumo590 unit to new laptop (Basecamp)

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Nov 9, 2014
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Husqvarna (all models)
Clever Dogs,

I bought a Zumo 590 unit a while ago, and had it loaded with Tracks4Africa maps.  And had Basecamp loaded on my laptop.  And I used to plan my trips on the laptop with Basecamp, using Tracks4Africa as the background basically.
Now I have a new laptop with newly loaded Basecamp again.
However I am unable to see Track4Africa on the new laptop Basecamp, it only picks up the City Navigator maps that the GPS unit comes in.
Yet on the GPS itself it still shows Tracks4Africa loaded and selected.

How do I get it across on Basecamp, so I can plan routes from the Tracks4Africa software instead of the City Navigator software...?

PS, I do not have a SD card slot on the laptop, or rather I need an adapter or something to accommodate the small SD card for Tracks4Africa, which I don't have.  Any other way to get T4A across??

Many thanks