jupiter's travels - the story of a journey ( Index Post 1)

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Lekker man - dis hoekom Ds so n lekker tydverdryf is. Bike ry, ja, maar ook drama, vrees, aftjop, exhiliration, despondency, relief, dispair, surrender, uitputting, angs, paniek en onsekerheid, and a great sense of achievement to boot en nog so n paar emosies wat ek nie in engels of afrikaans kan beskryf nie!  :ricky:

Wat nogal handig sou gewees het op die trip is nog n deug van bike ry: kameraderie!
                                                                              Day 4 - 1/1/09

I've done some crazy shit in my life, some hairy skydiving jumps with a couple of near bounces, canoeing flooded rivers in a K1, free climbing, bombing down Prins Alfreds Pass on a MTB at over 70km/h, but whatever may be said about yesterdays ride, it was one hell of an adventure and one of the best I ever had.

It was clear that no-one had been through that pass in years and I doubt anyone had done it since, in any case with a motorbike, and I would safely say I'm probably the only WD to have done it. The uniqueness of the ride makes it something to treasure, and I do.

I woke up having slept like a dead man, and just lay there letting it all come back to me. The prevailing emotion for a while to come would be the pleasure of being alive.

My brain sent a message to my body to move and get up, and nothing happened. Those that have done ultra-sports events will know the feeling. After a while I wrestled myself out of bed. I was SORE and stiff. My hands were the worst. They were bruised and swollen with some nasty blisters, a couple of which had torn open.

I had a plan for the day, but was in no rush. The route I was going to do had a few cut outs, if I ran out of time. But I will NOT change the route  :imaposer: I was heading for somewhere near Calitzdorp.

The bike had worked hard and earned some TLC. After servicing it I got packed and eventually got away in mid-morning. A brekkie at the Wimpy in Sedgefield and then over Outiniqua pass to the Karoo.

Most of the day would be easy gravel on roads I had not done before, or done a very long time ago. I was at peace with myself and enjoying the world around me.

After the turn-off to Oudtshoorn I randomly took gravelroads, heading for the Robbinson pass road. At Ruiterbos I headed west for Herbertsdale and then up Cloetes pass.

When I did my National Service I cruised the mountains around Oudtshoorn a lot, but never really paid attention as to where I rode. I had a bivvy and sleeping bag and just slept when it got dark. I could not remeber having done the pass before and loved it. I've done it many times since then.

I stopped at the bridge over the Gouritz to enjoy the beauty. There were two families camping out on the rocks next to the river with Webers and braaipanne. One of the husbands walked over to chat with me and I was invited for lunch. This is what makes trips memorable... the interruptions. I spent a pleasant hour or so with them and got on my way again.

I was cruising along when I saw the board, Dwarsrivier, Biker friendly pub, hooked a u-turn and pulled in. Here I met Martin and Jenny. They had just started getting there B&B going and were entusiastic bikers as well. I battled to eventually get away from there.

I got lost finding the turn-off to Van Wyksdorp, but eventually managed to get myself there, looking for Rooiberg pass. There was no petrol and I got a bit concerned. The bike had just gone on reserve, giving me about 100km and it was 70km odd to Calitzdorp.

Rooiberg pass is undoubtedly one of the most beautifull I had ever done. It was again late afternoon and I was enjoying it, stopping often to admire the scenery.

I had as yet not decided where I would camp the night, so I decided to get a move on to Calitzdorp, for food and petrol, and to sort myself out.
Aprilian said:
Lekker man - dis hoekom Ds so n lekker tydverdryf is. Bike ry, ja, maar ook drama, vrees, aftjop, exhiliration, despondency, relief, dispair, surrender, uitputting, angs, paniek en onsekerheid, and a great sense of achievement to boot en nog so n paar emosies wat ek nie in engels of afrikaans kan beskryf nie!  :ricky:

Wat nogal handig sou gewees het op die trip is nog n deug van bike ry: kameraderie!

Daar sê jy dit nou baie goed.

Aanvanklik het ek maar altyd alleen gery, en om daai dag iemand saam te gehad het, sou die hele dinamika verander het. Dit sou nie dieselfde trip gewees het as wat ek hier beskryf het nie. Ek is nogal heel jaloers op daai solo ervaring.  :3some:

Deesdae deel ek my ry, wat dit weer anders, besonders maak.
As kids we often visited the Calitzdorp warm baths, and I had fond memories thereof. Its years since I've been there so that would be the place to go.

Its actually too modern now. I liked the old days of the clapboard houses and cement pool. When they opened the sluice to let water in, you could not stay away and burned your nuts off. Who remebers the old truck, that was the shop, where I bought my packet of 10 Cavallas  :imaposer: for the week. (I was 10 years old  :eek7: )

There's a couple touring on Harleys, camping next to me and we kuier a bit. They've been touring all over and came from Gamkaskloof that day  :eek7: Just shows you. They don't plan their day, just ride and see where they end up, with as yet no idea when they will finish the trip. Now that's the way.

Later I go soak my tender body in the warm bath. Glorious. I could feel the lameness being sucked out of me.

I rode the day without any pressure, seen some beautiful places and met really nice people, the way a 'normal' biking day should be. It was a good day.

Tomorrow I'm off to Gamkaskloof and there's a somewhat nervous excitement in me.


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How am I supposed to work with a RR like this on the boil????


Is this the road over the mountain perhaps?



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                                                                          Day 5 - 2/1/09

I've known about, and had a facination with, Gamkaskloof since I was a kid. Mostly from horror stories told by the adults. Over the years I collected books and read about it a lot. You'll note I don't call it "Die Hell"

In my early travels I went down the road a few times, but never actually as far as Elandsberg pass or seen the actual Kloof as on that very famous photograph.

This then was the highlight destination of my trip. My father had warned me to be careful  :eek7:

I did not sleep well and felt uneasy. Tried to figure it, but could not. That gastronomic highlight of the day I enjoy at Die Dorpshuis in Calitzdorp and set off for Seweweeksspoort. Its years since I've been there and I take delight in the beauty.

(The whole trip of course I rode through our most beautyful, awesome, mindblowing countryside and mountains, and I'm now really beginning to run out of adjectives to describe it to you. So please excuse... it was all very pretty, even If I don't always say so  :biggrin: )

At the end of the poort I hook a right and head down Bosluiskloof to the Gamka dam. I'm jittery and do not ride easy. No Mojo. I finally figure its the excitement and expectation of riding Elandsberg pass and seeing Gamkaskloof for the first time in my life later in the day. I'm actually rushing to get the day over so I can get there.

I make a concious effort to calm myself down and none to soon. I come over a slight rise, too fast and there smack in the road stands a mother of a big bull. The training instinctively kicks in and I make the AT stand on its nose, stopping with my wheel almost under his belly. He just stands there, unperturbed, a thousand kilograms v three hundred. Screw you my man, and I have to ride around him.

I check out the dam and kloof, very nice and talk to the Keeper about overnighting there. Not a very accomodating chap with little regard for us biking scum. O well !

Back up the road for a lekker gravel cruise to Laingsburg for some food for the night and then the Floriskraal dam Road to Prins Albert. I was going to regret that decision.
ClimbingTurtle said:
How am I supposed to work with a RR like this on the boil????


Is this the road over the mountain perhaps?

Thats the one. Between the two dots is the kloof part.
ClimbingTurtle said:
jupiter said:
ClimbingTurtle said:
How am I supposed to work with a RR like this on the boil????


Is this the road over the mountain perhaps?

Thats the one. Between the two dots is the kloof part.


I am looking on Google Earth.... Wow.....

Gooi the pic as well  :biggrin:
jupiter said:
ClimbingTurtle said:
jupiter said:
ClimbingTurtle said:
How am I supposed to work with a RR like this on the boil????


Is this the road over the mountain perhaps?

Thats the one. Between the two dots is the kloof part.


I am looking on Google Earth.... Wow.....

Gooi the pic as well  :biggrin:

OK - lemme see what I can do - there is hardly a road on GE - it's a goat track! I can only follow it because of the pink line on Mapsource!


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Pink Arrow points to the road
Blue arrow points to the river bed
You can hardly follow the track!
GPS below for those interested...


  • Jups Route.gdb
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ClimbingTurtle said:
jupiter said:
ClimbingTurtle said:
jupiter said:
ClimbingTurtle said:
How am I supposed to work with a RR like this on the boil????


Is this the road over the mountain perhaps?

Thats the one. Between the two dots is the kloof part.


I am looking on Google Earth.... Wow.....

Gooi the pic as well  :biggrin:

OK - lemme see what I can do - there is hardly a road on GE - it's a goat track! I can only follow it because of the pink line on Mapsource!

As I said, it was an interesting ride  :biggrin:
Yup remember you at Angie's

don't start working now!!!!
The rest of us can't work while we waiting, so stop keeping the country's production down.
Jups, glad you survived  to become part of WD.

Sounds like you lost your zen there on a few occasions  :imaposer:
At the Garage I have a sarmie and meet a couple on a 1200GS, Bennie and Sureta, also on their way the Gamkaskloof. They decide to ride with me to Prins Albert and will also regret it.

Some will know what I'm talking about... 58km, 28 gates... one every 2km. It was stinking hot and sapped us dry. Bennie decided that It was a good idea for Sureta to get off to open and close the gates despite my efforts. She was wearing the wrong jacket and did not take long to loose her sense of humor. They had no water and we soon depleted my waterbladder. Then there was this funny thick gravel on the road that had no grip. I left behind a good few snakes and how Bennie managed, I had no idea.

Then there was the ostrich(after I missed the goat) I pass the farm yard with the goat still throwing me the bird and down the road there's an ostrich, his chick and a couple of little ones. Mommy and the babies take of to the left into the veld and he watches me. At the time I did not know about the branch-above-the-head trick. I slow right down and watch him as he starts walking towards me. I have no idea what is supposed to happen, but he is clearly the Moer in. We're still a good distance apart and he starts to jog, and I keep moving forward,... and he charges, oop ketel and we're on a chicken run.

Now these things are quick and change direction in a flash. I measure our meeting point, second gear in the bikes torque band... I'm going to need instant power for my manouvre. You wanna play games, lets play. To the right the road slopes up an embankment with a clean approach, all allong our collision path. At the last moment I sweep to the right, up and around him on the embankment and blast down the road. He never flinched. MOFU. I have no idea what Bennie did to get around him.

We park off in Prins Albert for coffee. I'm in no rush. I want to time my ride into Gamkaskloof with the late afternoon.
J-dog said:
Jups, glad you survived  to become part of WD.

Sounds like you lost your zen there on a few occasions  :imaposer:

On the contrary... The mojo slipped a bit here and there, but it was the ZEN that got me through. Sit, ponder and just wait for it to come to you  :thumleft:

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