jupiter's travels - the story of a journey ( Index Post 1)

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jupiter said:
J-dog said:
Jups, glad you survived  to become part of WD.

Sounds like you lost your zen there on a few occasions  :imaposer:

On the contrary... The mojo slipped a bit here and there, but it was the ZEN that got me through. Sit, ponder and just wait for it to come to you  :thumleft:

Swartberg pass will always be one of my favourites and I've crossed it countless times since I was a youngster. Way back in the early eighties, when I took Lyn over for the first time in a car, she ended up under the dashboard crying. Now she relishes the ride, saying she feels safer with me on the bike than in a car( I need to mention that I am a very poor car driver)

I cruise up easily, while Bennie has a bit of a blast. I catch them at the turn-off where he's busy tying their bag which kept coming loose. I continue slowly and marvel at the beauty not seen for a long time. The road is in good condition and the ride passes too quickly.

At last the moment I've been savouring for many years, as I start descending Elandsbergpas. The timing is perfect and I look out for that foto spot where you look down on the pass and over the Kloof. THERE ! I stop and park the bike find a place to sit and enjoy. No foto can ever do that scene justice. The awesomeness is... well, just awesome.  :biggrin:

Down the pass is a thrill and then I lose Bennie and Sureta. They were camping deeper into the Kloof. I find my spot at the Cape Nature camp and settle in. Its almost dark. Next to me is a guy, Neels, on a 1200GSA and we make our aquaintance. He's also touring and making his way up to Gauteng.

We spend a pleasant evening swopping bike stories. I turn in for the night, very pleased with myself. The main objective of the trip has been fulfilled and the rest would be bonus enjoyment.

Tomorrow there will be an interruption with a most pleasing outcome.  :3some:
                                                                            Day 6 - 3/1/09

I told you I met Crab earlier in September, when I did my first gravel ride and he told me about WD's. I also met Wolweseun on that ride, but was not aware of the WD connection, still as yet having little idea what it was about. It took a longer time for me to start visiting, not because I thought you might be doses, but simply because I had no idea how to switch a computer on.  :imaposer:

I spoke to Wolweseun about my trip planning and he said not to just do an in and out of Gamkaskloof. Take a day and spend some time or you will be disappointed. I did not head the advice, and was a bit short of time for that, and I was in the end dissapointed that I could not browse a little longer.

I was up and gone early to take a ride down the Kloof and still have an early morning ride out. Its a beautiful place and you have to marvel about those early settlers who farmed here. The isolation must have been something else.

I did not want to intrude at the gate, but must still go back one day to see the end of the kloof.

The ride out is great. I give it a bit of horns and enjoy the thrill. Over and down Swartbergpass and then down the Kango valley towards Calitzdorp. At Kruisrivier I stop for a smoke and meet a guy called Jaco on an HP2. Its the first time I see this bike and I am in awe. What a machine.

At Redhills I turn to the R62 and Oudtshoorn for brekfis.

The plan for the day was to mosy around and end up in Knysna where I was to stay over with a friend, do a ride together the next day and then head home. I would regret that deision.

For starters I take the Old Muragie Road over to De Rust. Its one of those must rides if you are ever in the area. I know of the waterfall but give it a skip this time. I'm rustig lost in thought, busy planning Lyn and my first tour. I want to show her the roads I did on this trip and then I'll show her the waterfall.

Next I come around a sharp corner and there's a bunch of guys all over the place with this big MOFU standing in the middle of the road. I almost take him out and that is how I met my BIGGEST friend... Fat-b  :imaposer:
One of the guys have a flat tyre and they are falling all over each other to try and fix it. So I pull over and help, but the heat is a problem and we battle to get a patch to stick after a new tube was pinched.

We nevertheless make our way to De Rust, where further plans for the day are discussed. The group are planning to do the railline to Vondeling the next day and camping over at some spot in the mountain tonight. I'm invited to join them and should have, but I had already made plans for the evening and the next day's ride and it would have been unkind to the guy in Knysna to change it. In the end it was a big disappointment.

But all's well that continues well. It was meeting Fat-b that brought about the final push to get me on the Forum, after still being a lurker for almost a year  :3some:

jupiter said:
Hi Dogs, and especially FAT-B,

Been a sleeper for more than a year but finally got the courage to login and press the buttons. I am old dog and not all that comfortable with this new technology.More at home with the smell of oil and grease on my hands.

I'm from PE, been biking for about 34 years, and ride an Africa Twin. Hope to chat more as time goes by and I get used to this thing.

The rest of the ride was not of much consequence. I slabbed it back to Uniondale again, down Prins Alfreds pass, coffee at the Tannie's shop and then a quick detour to Wittedrif to say hello to dear old friends. I made it to Knysna late, had supper and went to bed. No kuier.

For all intends, the trip was over.
                                                                        4/1/09 - day 6 - Sunday

When I originally planned the trip it was to meet Innis in baviaans yesterday afternoon, sleepover at Rietrivier and the do the Kloof back home. Early in the tripo he let me know he could not make it and that is regretably how the change of plan came about. I at the time had nowhere really to go for the Saturday and arranged the stayover withj the friend in Knysna, do a roundabout ride and head home. I should have allowed the interruption with Fat-b and his friends and cancelled the other ride. But thet's in hind sight.

The lesson was learned however, and it would not happen again... follow the interruptions, they make the journey.

And so it went,... we got up, blasted through Kom se Pad, brekkie at Angie's G spot, blasted up Prins Alfreds pass, along the Kammanasie Road, took a LEFT at Buffelsdrif, R62, Montagu pass, carried on blasting along the Seven passes road and then back to  Knysna. Then I rode home on the N2.

They were on KTM's  :mad: A most unsatisfactory ride.)

And that's the story  :thumleft:
Ek volg die pad deur die kloof op Google earth en ek kry daai gevoel wat jy beskryf.

Dit moes beslis een helse ondervinding gewees het.

Die manne praat gewoonlik van hulle "recce" n roete.

Ek dink jou trip was in alle regte n "Recce Ride"

Respek ou vriend....respek.
NEEE!!!! jy kannie klaar weesie, ek lees nog te leker  :3some:


I finally got to tell the story. Was the trip a success ?

In all my many years of travelling it never bothered me where I rode my bike, even the road bikes. If I wanted to be there, I rode there, be it gravel or tar. Many of the gravel roads around the Klein Karoo were done on my RS in the earlier days. But those were rides... not Adventure Touring, as we've termed it today.

You will recall that back in my army days I had an XR 200. Part of training with the Troepe was to walk Vasbyt around the Swartberg mountains. In 1984, as an officer the route was from Swartberg pass through the mountains to Meirings poort(ChrisL will recall this one  :biggrin: ) All I could think about dring the whole time was that this is what I want to do and where I want to ride my bike. I want to be in the mountains.

I was young and still had a lot of road touring to do though, and did some awesome tours seeing the best our beautiful country can show on tar.

28 years later I at last got to realise that dream with this trip (and since). I think it was important to do it solo, giving me the space and time in my head to decide that this is IT.

You will note later that in the following years Lyn and I will do all these roads again and again (except Kammanasie) as I took great pleasure in sharing it with her.

The answer is therefor 'yes' This trip defined our DS riding.
Tiger8 said:
NEEE!!!! jy kannie klaar weesie, ek lees nog te leker  :3some:


Dis nou maar al vir eers. Ek het gereël vir die foto's om gehaal te word so ons wag maar nou.

WORD VERVOLG...  :biggrin:  :sip:
Nice  :thumleft:

You actually told me about this trip just after you got back
Dit was nou 'n flippen lekker stuk om te lees man  :thumleft:
Ek het so bietjie gaan google, ek dink dis 'n stuk van die pad wat jy die derde dag gevat het.  Jy kan nie veel sien op die image nie, maar gaan zoom hom in -------------dis scary.   ???

edit:  Seems to be the wrong route, but still in that area. 

jy moet maar n nuwe thread begin vir jou en Jyn se trips

hierdie epic ride het beslis die donder gesteel van wat kan volg
Wolweseun said:
Nice  :thumleft:

You actually told me about this trip just after you got back

I remember that now yes. We still looked at it on the maps.  After I returned I thought that this was a ride you would have enjoyed.
Vis Arend said:
Ek het so bietjie gaan google, ek dink dis 'n stuk van die pad wat jy die derde dag gevat het.  Jy kan nie veel sien op die image nie, maar gaan zoom hom in -------------dis scary.   ???

Weet nie so mooi nie. Die hoek is verkeerd asook die topografie. daai lyk na twee groot rivier kruisings en dit was nie daar nie. Die roete moet SO na NW strek.

Aan die ander kant daar was groot reën deur daai kloof die laaste jare wat hom glo kwaai verspoel het so as daai Google image geneem is na my trip kan dit wees.
JA sorry, ek het nie gesien dat CT al 'n kaart gepost het nie, as ek na syne kyk lyk dit meer na die ware jakop. 
Vis Arend said:
JA sorry, ek het nie gesien dat CT al 'n kaart gepost het nie, as ek na syne kyk lyk dit meer na die ware jakop. 

Syne is defnitief reg. Die kloof gedeelte.

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