At this stage I was settling into the trip nicely. The AIDS was nearly all gone and most of my preconceived apprehension of a solo trip was falling away one by one.
I was planning on a rest day for Day 6 but since the Swartbooisdrift road was a non event I decided to rather press on and get the Van Zyls Pass leg done with. Little did I know I would regret the lack of a rest day...
If the trip was going to come to a grinding halt then this was one of the legs that could possible be the cause of it.
Day 6 Thursday
Owen dropped of 5l of fuel as agreed on the night before at exctly 6h45 am...reliable as a Swiss watch this man :thumleft:
R20p/l for the fuel...steep when fuel in Nam is N$10.90 p/l. But we were about 180km from the nearest fuel cheap really.
Get going by 9h30am SA time (Nam has daylight savings in winter and is 1hr behind us).
Bike is packed heavy. (25l fuel + 6.6l bladder + 2 x 2l Coke Bottles + 6l water)
First leg to Okangwati was very beautifull.
Good road, green veld and fat cattle. Lots of dust in the air from the 4x4 traffic and no wind so very hard to pass...
Bought 5l of fuel at Okangwati and had some delicious vetkoek. Some of our local boere Tannies can go and take lessons from the Himba on making Vetkoek

ot: Get some bully beef and beens as well for provisions.
As soon as I leave Okangwati the big dirt road disappears and turns to a proper 2 spoor. Mmmmm...this was only supposed to happen closer to Van Zyls Pass. I later learn from Oom Tiempie that this was a proper graded road but that after the heavy rains last year nature just reclaimed it.
Sandy twee spoor, rutted out climbs, loose rocky climbs with big bedrock steps sticking out inbetween. Fuck me Fiddlesticks...what was VZP going to look like?! The going was slow and steady...dont need to buy the farms just yet. Had a close call when I lost the negotiation with a thornbush on lane occupancy around a corner. I was ejected over the middlemannetjie and came to a screeching halt by sticking out my mx boot to prevent a full on connection with aforementioned thornbush' neighbour.
Steady on Van Rooyen...just keep on plodding. You have done much harder than this...Ja jou donner op n ligter plastiek bike fok.
Missed VZP turnoff but luckily my OsmAnd corrected the error of my ways.
Passed Himba settlements and VZP Campsite. Couple of steep staircase like rocky ascents follows...and then some staircase type descents.
I come to a cairn with rocks with names and shit on...I thought:"oh, VZP. Was that it? Not easy but not so bad...what is everyone on about?" Have a ciggie and feel well chuffed with myself
Van Rooyen jou dom doos...daai cairn was nie die een onder VZP nie! Jou poephol.
I realise this a few kilometers on after some more staircase like climbs. Fuck...this is taking forever. I still want to get to Camp Syncro.
Up one loose rocky climb after a dry stream crossing (you enter it on a turn so cannot view your whole line for the climb unless you walk it first...too much effort) a 40cm vertical step at the end of the climb. Normally not an issue on a plastic bike but on fat arsed Ten? Well as I did not walk the climb first instincs took over and I rode it as I would a plastic. Pielle :thumleft:...I thought as the Ten launched clear of the rock step.
And then we cam down to earth. Touchdown....and stall...and fall over. P03S :dousing:. Dit fokken warm en die kak is nou nie meer snaaks nie. Did I damage my bike? Pick up the was lying slightly downhill but I managed...eks kak sterk as ek bedonnerd raak :thumleft:
Start bike and walk it a few meters on to where the road levels enough to use the side stand. damage. Thank you Mr Yamaha for building such a "werk-esel" of a motorbike.
Now here follows a bit of hard to believe:
I lit a ciggie. My hands were starting to cramp so I felt I deserved a break. Whilst smoking I walked back the 5m or so to where the bike dropped. Staring at the ground as I walk there. Now dont ask me why I did this...I do not know.
What is it covered in dust there. A plug of sort...pick it up wondering what 4 x 4 bit broke of here.
No wait...I dont believe it. Its the lid of my Tutoro oiler. Fuck me ! What stroke of goodfortune!! How did this lid get stuck on the bike all the way from Windhoek? Only to fall out here? And why did I walk back? Strange...I thanked whatever force was at work here and moved on.
It was so hot my phone dd not want to I was imited for photos.
Made it to the bottom of VZP without incident. Its steep down there and loose. The actual rock step part is fine...its the general steepness that does not allow you to ride against compression at parts as you would gather too much speed to bring t back n control again on a loaded bike.
Took a few pics and plakked my gat down under a shade tree. Smoked 3 ciggies. It was hot and I was slightly irritated with myself....VZP on a light unloaded trail bike. Fun solo fast no issue...on my overloaded pig in this heat alone...maybe not my brightest idea. Nothng went wrong but I sat there thinking/feeling that I perhaps just dodged a bullet. Or was it the result of my upbringing where one was kept in line by fear of consequences of "incorrect" action? Fuck knows...perhaps my bloodsugar was just low.
I ate a bit, drank a bit and smoked some more.
Some Himba kids were there with their cattle but the language barrier was to much. They only do Die Taal or the Queen's English I am afraid.
Some Saffers came up for a day trip from Purros in their 4 x 4's....they flew their drone. I wandered over for a chat.
I was fairly buggered...the 60km to Camp Syncro started to concern me. In this heat how bad will the sand be? I am no Marc Coma but normally I can manage sand just fine...but tired and I was not so sure anymore.
Ah well...fuckit. As ek hier moet neerslet dan moet ek nou maar...lets get it over with then.
Turns out the sand wasnt too deep at all...some tricky sections but then big open corrugated sections that went by at 90km/h. Ostrich, cattle, springbok and 2 herds of big was beautiful but most of it was wasted on me as I was 100% focussed on the 2 spoor and pinning it to Syncro before sunset.
Last 10km to Syncro was like a proper corrugated to fuck highway of sand with some rock lurkers inbetween. I was tyred and thirsty....I did not care anymore. Pin it to win it!!! Cold beer awaits at Syncro.
Arrived at 16h30ish and Ryan booked me it. 2 Cokes and an ice cold Windhoek later I started to feel like a human being again. Chatted to Ryan a bit and shared some of my ciggies with him. Once humanized again I walked back to set up my tent etc.