I pull in by Omenje Campsite by Reception. A lady in traditional dress recceives me...Space, yes sir, petrol no sir, food no sir, hot water yes sir. Sorted. Decide to pay her and then first head off to the Purros village to find fuel and then head back to set up camp.
I pay her the N$100...bargain. She points me to a campsite right on the edge of the riverbank. There is some saffers camped in the next campsite 50m up river. The chap recognise me...it was the drone flyers from VZP

. We chat a bit and I explain my fuel concerns. He offers 4-5 liters he had spare in a jerry can. I decline and tell him I will first check the village and if I dont come right get the fuel from him.
As I am about to leave Hendrik and his wife in the old Hilux pulls in...they made it

. I explain the fuel situation and mention that I saw petrol signs at the previous camp. They decide to go check that out.
As I head out my reserve light comes on...quick mental fuelling calcs reveal making Sesfontein may be risky.
I head for Purros...first depot only diesel, they refer me to Manchester United Store...the shebeen. It is just after lunch and the music is pumping...drunk patrons argue, dance and shout. Not my scene at all. I enter and after about 10 minutes finally gets assistance. Sorry sir...no fuel. Try shack over there with green roof. Fuckaround.
Go too green roof shack and there is no one there...I poke around and find an infant under a blanket with drawing crayons scattered over the floor...door ajar...no adult in sight. I get that uneasy feeling that this village is bad news. I poke around the fuel shed but only a little diesel left.
I decided fuckit...back to the campsite...I will grab that 5l and then head directly to Sesfontein for refuel and then come back for another riverbed sortie.
Back at the Campsite I saunter over to the Saffers for the precious 5l of petrol. No payment would be accepted and I even get offered an ice cold beer...I could not say no.
While standing around another oke of their party joins our banter.
He asks "Wat soek jy, soek jy petrol?"
I reply "Ja, jou vriend het klaar 5l gegee maar ek kan doen met nog".
He replies: "Nou hou op sukkel. Ek het 160 liter ekstra...maak vol die fokken bike"
I could not believe my luck. The detour to Sesfontein was averted. And they refused payment for the fuel. And they were heading same way as I was the next day...so again I was not alone. How I lucked into this I cannot explain
I can however give the mathematical calculation on the 5 times coefficient return on Pay It Forward in Kaokoland:
I give 5 liters
I get 20 liters plus free beer and back-up...all in the same day.
All I could do was shake my head. You lucky sod.
Lunch was Luncheon Roll... a palatable love child made when Bully Beef and Polony procreates.
Then after a power nap in my hammock I went for a walk around. Some landscape foties and then I spotted some Long Necked Spotted Horses. I wishes to get a close up so some Walk and Stalk ensued. It felt really good walking in the bush with only my phone, smokes and plakkies. No fences or rules...just me and the giraffes.
After the fuel charity I avoided the Saffers as I felt the inevitable dinner invite would come and I felt I have received enough of their charity for one day. Do not use your allotment of luck all in one go Van Rooyen...you may need some more on this trip.
Dinner was Bully Beef and Baked Beans. I heated it up on my MSR stove. It tasted great.
I slept like a baby.
PS: At this stage I was becoming very fond of the little Ten
PPS: That hole in the ground is about 3-4 meters deep and the water source for the campsite