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Nou al die videos gekyk!!!(y)
VA die 503 sal n 4x2 bakkie hom heelpad kan loop of met mens n fo x fo hê vir hom? Reen tyd is die sand seker stywer as Aug/Sept?
Chris, daai is 'n moeilike vraag. Ek het lang pad uit op die D503 paar keer met 4X2 gery sowel as met 'n Yota Avanza. Nog nooit my 4X4's wat ek gery het in vierwiel gesit op daai pad nie. Die kort kant in en uit al gery met 'n Skyline en 'n treiler op die hak. Dan bygesê, ek het vriende wat saamgery het en vasgesit het met 'n 4X4 op daai selle pad en Magda hulle het al paar keer toeiste met 4X4 voertuie op daai pad gaan help wat vasgeval het. Hulle kinders het daai plaas al platgery met 'n Nissan 1400 bakkie, so dis doenbaar met 'n 4X2.

Jis julle 2. Dankie!!! Het dit baaaie geniet. Lyk my net julle vermy nou Prieska.....
Jis julle 2. Dankie!!! Het dit baaaie geniet. Lyk my net julle vermy nou Prieska.....
:eek: Nie met opset nie, ek beloof. Dit was of Prieska of Cradock, laasgenoemde was prioriteit op daai dag..... ;) .........en ons wou julle nie uit die werk hou nie. :ROFLMAO:

Baie bly jy het dit geniet. 👍
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Jis julle 2. Dankie!!! Het dit baaaie geniet. Lyk my net julle vermy nou Prieska.....
Nee, jis, ek sal nooit met opset julle koffie mis nie. Ek weet nie wie het laas ons koffie gemaak nie, maar myne was lekkerder as Wimpy koffie. Ok, ok, ons sal jou ook graag weer wil sien. Dis darem nie net die koffie nie. 😛🥰
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Laaste videos van ons trip. Die een is vanaf die res van die D503 na Ariamsvlei.
Daai D503 gruispad het my gal gewerk. Hier iewers op 1:35 het ek hom amper verloor. :eek:

Dankie dat ek kon saamry, so laat op 'n Saterdagaand :cool: Die kiekies is mooi en dankie ook vd windpompe.

Dit is darem baie sand daardie - lyk asof die mense daar met sand boer 🤣
Dankie dat ek kon saamry, so laat op 'n Saterdagaand :cool: Die kiekies is mooi en dankie ook vd windpompe.

Dit is darem baie sand daardie - lyk asof die mense daar met sand boer 🤣
Dankie Jaco, ons waardeer en is bly jy het die rit en windpompe geniet. 👍

Gepraat van sand, hulle het ons al die plaas belowe as ons 'n klip op daai plaas kan vind wat nie ingery is nie, en glo my, ons het al gesoek. 😂
Great RR Visarend. Beautiful scenery and makes me very lus to explore that area. I think you made the right choice with going with the sidecar as I think that sand would have not been as easy if one was too laden on the smaller bikes. The video also makes it look very smooth but I presume that is the GoPro stabilising it? Amazed though that you can do those speeds with the sidecar. Does seem a great way to explore our wonderful country if you don’t want to be stuck in a cage. Thanks for the effort in putting it all together.
Great RR Visarend. Beautiful scenery and makes me very lus to explore that area. I think you made the right choice with going with the sidecar as I think that sand would have not been as easy if one was too laden on the smaller bikes. The video also makes it look very smooth but I presume that is the GoPro stabilising it? Amazed though that you can do those speeds with the sidecar. Does seem a great way to explore our wonderful country if you don’t want to be stuck in a cage. Thanks for the effort in putting it all together.
Thanks for your reply @Dacquiri, appreciated.

The sidecar for this particular trip were the right choice. It is however doable with the smaller bikes, but that will be kept for the summer month, where little luggage is needed and less luxury etc. We did it a few times previously with the S10, but that was only the short tweespoor in to the farm and back. I did not have the balls to ride the 55 odd km's out the long way. See attached phodie.

Yes, the GoPro gimbal effect makes it look very smooth, in real life it is much more ruff and bumpy, but still a very unique but enjoyable ride. Those speed you will not get with a Ural however, and yes, not really recommended with a sidecar. :eek:
Hi Guys thanks for the share. Enjoyed the RR immensely. Great photos ens. Ye as Ian said we got good and nailed by 60km winds on our trip. was no fun believe us.
Hi Guys thanks for the share. Enjoyed the RR immensely. Great photos ens. Ye as Ian said we got good and nailed by 60km winds on our trip. was no fun believe us.
Thx Allen, ja, that wind was a nightmare, though I think we got the tail part of that wind, but still, it was plain k@k riding in it and not to mention the dust. I see Ian mentioned in his RR that the Koës rally was on the cards for you ous, would have been great to see you guys there, pity.

Keep well.

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