Kudu Encounter

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All of the best with your recovery mate! The plates and screws look like they will do the job in getting the bones to fuse again.
You must still be bloody sore and uncomfortable though. Good to know that time heals old wounds and more importantly that
this didn't turn out any worse than what happened. Similar thing happened to me in about 2001, just much luckier then I guess.
Coming back from Brandberg going to Omaruru, travelling with a biking mate on his MZ660 and me on the R80 Airhead doing
about 100 km/h a kudu came jumping out behind the bush at point blank range and sprinted across the pad. The gravel road
there was fairly wide so we were riding in staggered formation, me about 2 or 3 bike lengths behind my mate. (Big!) Kudu comes
sprinting and all I could do was close the throttle - no time to brake or anything. Kudu was so damned close I could have stood
up on the footpegs leant forward and stroked its flank. Needless to say i didn't. Felt a bump on the front wheel and that was it!
The damned antelope had managed to sprint in between the two of us and nothing happened. Since then I've been a lot more
vigilant, not that it helps much because you don't see the buggers in thick bush.

Speedy recovery and lets see you get back on that bike of yours sometime soon.
Not lekker at all DB. Glad you are on the mend already and sterkte during your season of healing. It will come to an end sooner than you think.
Dom, short of hijacking the RR, I agree that the sound of the whistle will alter animal behaviour, however I don't believe it will necessarily reduce accidents.  In most cases the animals are between fences and even kudu will not always jump the fence immediately, but run along it first.  Also consider the hundreds of duiker, steenbok, and other animals whose first line of defense is to freeze (from there the name Steenbok  ;) ).  If you surprise them, you won't even know they were there.  If you give them enough warning, they start running.

So "pre-warning" animals of your approach will not necessarily reduce collisions IMHO.

I reduce speed when visibility on the shoulders of the road is non-existent.  Riding between Rundu and Grootfontein during December last year, the grass was very tall on the road shoulders, easily hiding smaller game.  I warned my "partner in crime" but he kept hanging on the cables.  When a warthog popped out of nowhere, his near miss slowed him down.
Get well soon mate. This is why i have these KUDU whistles on my front mudguard. They work like a bomb on all animals. Other bikes come along and the animals walk infront of them. When i come along they change direction and head away from the road. Even birds do the same.

Will see if i have a pic but for R 11.99 from the local hardware store a very good bye!!!

Hope they keep working for me and all who decide to try them!!


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Spoedvark, yours definitely works - look at that pig on your screen running!!!  >:D ;)
Can concure with the results of the Kudu Whistle. I have had it on for a couple of years now and have seen all animals try & avoid me by moving away as far as they can.
The only thing that jumped in front of me & that I hit was a bridge.
It must have been deaf.  :imaposer:
Mr.T said:
Can concure with the results of the Kudu Whistle. I have had it on for a couple of years now and have seen all animals try & avoid me by moving away as far as they can.
The only thing that jumped in front of me & that I hit was a bridge.
It must have been deaf.  :imaposer:

So, where can one get these gadgets? I'm willing to try anything
Cheetah said:
I have seen them at Midas. I think I must fit one too.

They generally come in a pair - high and low frequency. I have mounted mine below the front fender on a number of bikes. Cheap enough and as I say if they do not work I may not be here to tell anyway  :eek:  Mine are coupled with a shortened Remus Hexacone  :ricky:
I bought mine at Spargs Superspar in Beacon Bay, East London. They have a hardware section. Was R 11.99 for the set.
I too had a close encounter with a herd of kudu,almost shAt myself. Fitted kudu whistles after that. Available from Midas for about R25 for a set of two. Whether they work or not, dunno, but they are small enough and out of the way.