KZN New Roads / New & Old buddies - Week 2

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
Another day on a bike in the Zulu Kingdom !

And what a great day it was. Although for an unfit old-timer like me, long, but huge thanks to CliveG for putting it together.

Riding in KZN is always a little Forrest Gumpish - "Riding is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get til the day comes" Clive had phoned the day before to say that he wasn't sure if anyone was coming along - I said no
problem - Two would be fine, but the night before I got an SMS from Husky to say he would be there, so that made three. But on the day the pack swelled to a respectable six, and If I can remember there was :-

Glen (Non-dog) on a 525 Beta
  (first I have ever seen - skinny like a ramp model with terminal AIDS)

Geoff (Non-dog) on a grey 640.
  (complete with last week's broken rib, Geoff's - not the bike's)

CliveG on his Suzi 450.
  (resting the R80GS and other 92 bikes for the day)

Husky (john) on the 640,
  (the propper orange one)

Mike (non-dog) and a brand-spanking new 1200gs Adv.
  (but "little" Mike makes it look like a pit-bike )

And me on the old KLE.
  (a little out of my league among all these seasoned ex-plastic riders)

So, off we went. The nice thing about the Durban area is that you don't have to go far to get out of town, and we soon on the dirt.

The route we followed. 


First stop to make sure we all made it. (A sector)


First smoke break along the way - Already starting to get hot 


Rains had settled the dust - great roads to ride.


Husky (A Sector)


"Little" Mike on the pit-bike 1200 


Snack in the countryside - sector B somewhere. 


"Eish, but these mlungu's are crazy and noisy !" 


Our fearless leader testing the depth and if there are crocodiles in the Lovu river.
(Sector B)


Only Glen on the Beta decided to brave it - rest watched from the dry side.

Then we couldn't find Glen for a while - the roads are twisty and confusing.


A visit to Roy's Bike Shop - bike corpses and body-parts everywhere, but as it was a Sunday there was no sign of life in any form.


Shots from sector E



Crossing the Umkomazi aftter a great bit of twisty road down in the valley - Sector F.

This sector has been added to my collection of "Must ride" roads.


High Ground - Sector G


Eish, but it was hot. Found this tap in the middle of nowhere and the water was like nectar !


A short but very steep concrete strip out of then valley.



From there it was along the "ou Voortreker pad" back to Marianhill and a welcome drink at the "Hog" in Gilletts.

Got to bed before it was even dark. Managed about half a page of John Kellerman before I was out like a very tired puppy. 

Thanks again to Clive and the pack for a great day !!!  :ricky:   

We see way to little about your awesome roads in Zulu Kingdom!!

nice report!
Hey Gunda!!

Why I can't see no pics!!! Any help? Is there some setting I have wrong?

Sound like it was a great ride!  Sorry I missed it.

Anything happening tomorrow?
I'm thinking of making a run for it......

The Capo is booked at the doc for Wednessday so need to give the washer something to do!

customrv said:
Hey Gunda!!

Why I can't see no pics!!! Any help? Is there some setting I have wrong?

Sound like it was a great ride!  Sorry I missed it.

Anything happening tomorrow?
I'm thinking of making a run for it......

The Capo is booked at the doc for Wednessday so need to give the washer something to do!


Photos are on photobucket - maybe the web-hitlers are blocking for you - try :-

and see what happens.

Am up for a short ride tomorrow - weather permitting. My butt and back need recovery time  ;D

well done gg,,,,,and fellow wds from the last frontier

just love those roads,,,,wooo hoooo,,,river crossing,,,

all we need is cattle shirting in the road then its a perfect road

so you signing up those non wd's????
malgat said:
well done gg,,,,,and fellow wds from the last frontier

just love those roads,,,,wooo hoooo,,,river crossing,,,

all we need is cattle shirting in the road then its a perfect road

so you signing up those non wd's????

There was plenty of cowshirt in the road - and goatshirt and donkeyshirt and mynahshirt and plenty other shirts.

(cowshirt on cement is slippery - learned that with a semi-oops yesterday)

Working on the KZN dogs - plenty of DS bike riders here. 
Malibu said:
Looks like a fantastic ride... and it was not raining which must have been a bonus...  :biggrin:

Was a fantastic ride ma'am - and I was actually praying for a little shower on the way home to cool me down !

It was hot iand muggy in the valley. 
GundaGunda said:
Malibu said:
Looks like a fantastic ride... and it was not raining which must have been a bonus...  :biggrin:

Was a fantastic ride ma'am - and I was actually praying for a little shower on the way home to cool me down !

It was hot iand muggy in the valley. 

I can imagine, but then the sun has been rare these last few weeks down there, so it must have been a pleasure...

Anyway - your ride reports always make me very envious... so, excuse the snippy retort  ::)

Malibu said:
GundaGunda said:
Malibu said:
Looks like a fantastic ride... and it was not raining which must have been a bonus...  :biggrin:

Was a fantastic ride ma'am - and I was actually praying for a little shower on the way home to cool me down !

It was hot iand muggy in the valley. 

I can imagine, but then the sun has been rare these last few weeks down there, so it must have been a pleasure...

Anyway - your ride reports always make me very envious... so, excuse the snippy retort  ::)


Hey J.


I am working on a secret ride down the railway road on the edge of the KNP some time between Christmas and New Year - You & D & S iinterested ?

Would love to, but I'm taking the whole gang down to the Barberton Valley next week Tuesday through till the the 2nd...

I'm just hoping that I can get enought riding in, so that I don't pick up a whole heap of weight... Mom's cooking and all...  ::)

Will have to make a plan after that sometime...  :biggrin:

Malibu said:
Would love to, but I'm taking the whole gang down to the Barberton Valley next week Tuesday through till the the 2nd...
I'm just hoping that I can get enought riding in, so that I don't pick up a whole heap of weight... Mom's cooking and all...   ::)
Will have to make a plan after that sometime...  :biggrin:

Will you be en-biked or en-caged and bikeless down there in Mpum ? Cos I'll be in Hazyview 26-6th jan , and the bike is coming along. 
Peter and Husky, a big thanx to you for coming. Really enjoyed having you along and another big thanx to Peter for the RR.....great work.

Regards, Clive