It looked like the Renegade Ride dust has settled. We tried some new stuff and the DASH concept was born in the process. The end result speaks for itself. We have learned a few things in the process which will help us to do future Renegade Dashes even better. Unfortunately due to the nature and logistic requirements of a DASH, the riders will be limited to 20 only. The emphasis is on riding in new areas, dash from one sleep over to another, exploring, experience new things that the particular area has to, offer but above all for everybody to have maximum fun all day every day.
Special thanks to
Chicco for the briliant routes that you picked. He even did midweek recce rides on his own to make sure that we are on the right track. Also for the T-shirts and caps that you designed and organised, the accomodation that you organised. 5 Days supperb accomodation for only R600,00 is wow stuff. He is a usefull fella after all.
Mark for helping us plan the routes and for the Rennegade Ride 09 stickers. Nice touch buddy. And for teaching is to drink 3 beers only but I wonder why the Porn Shag pub run dry.
Paul for roasting the crap out us KLR riders wiff his sharp but humorous tongue and for riding 1000 kays plus to join us on the ride. Sorry that you had to go back bruised and battered in a Avis cage.
Judy, Deanne, Kevin, Therresa it was very nice to ride wiff you again and a party without you lot will not be the same.
Judy for showing us how to ride a Dakkie and how to party.
Jules for showing us how to ride a KLR very properly and also how to party.
All the rest, it was so much fun wiff you that we realy hope to see you again at all the future Renegade Rides. Because you were brave enough to attempt our first try and are such nice people, you are automatically invited for the next Renegade Dash.
The target date for the next Renegade Dash is mid June 2010. The basic plan is to "DASH" the coast line up north and to go for a splash in the warm Indian Ocean waters of Mosambique and while we are there a moerofa beach party must definately be thrown in which will be a nice alternative to the Jozi winter. Get your passports ready, polish your sand riding skills (we cater for all so there will be alternative routes for the non hooligans) A photo of a groupride down a beach is an absolute must do on the next ride. I think the wilddog shop has licence disc size ZA stickers with a WD emblem on it. Get it now if you can cos you need it to go into Moz.
See you next year for a DASHING good time.