Day 6 – 6th May 2009 : Fat Monkeys
Route: nil
Distance: 0km
Fuel: n/a
Border costs: n/a
Accomodation costs: Fat monkeys MK 1000 p/p/night (Approx R 50.00). Basic but clean accommodation in dormatories, Clean Toilets, Hot showers, Bar & menu
Boat hire to Island: US$ 20.00 each (x4) including guide and lunch excluding drinks
I slept in...... ,
What a waste though - because by the time I dragged myself to the beach bar - the most perfect day was already presenting itself on the horison. :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
We cannot even begin to describe what it was like and we were like young kids again. The excitment reached a new high as we eagerly awaited our guide to take us on the boat trip to the island.
But, .... lets start the day with the placid lake waters lappping at our bare feet, even before the sun rose
In no particular order:
The camp at rest
A lone paddler appears, and then another
.... and then some more.
There is a peace here - silently paddling along. A far cry from the chaos erupting whilst on our normal daily commute on a busy Gauteng Highway in South Africa, a few thousand km away. Maybe they know something we don't. Maybe these Malawians have found an inner peace that we work so hard to buy, so many hours behind our desks, in our cars and in the corporate jungle we call home.
The tranquil beauty of an approaching sunrise
see no evil, see no evil, see no evil ...... >
The bar at Fat Monkeys where we drank an inordinate amount of Beer :mwink:
The bald chap in the foreground of the last pic was an interesting character to say the least
He has travelled all over the world on a bicycle, and this was his second trip down through Africa
If I recall correctly - more than 8 years now and well over 60 000km
.... and the campsite and rooms for rent
Can it get better than this ?? - I doubt it
..... what then a better or more fitting title to our story ......
So then the time arrived for our boat trip
En-route the guides stopped to picked up some supplies.
The children, curious to see what the visitors of the day looked like
This little one, a little more indifferent, .....
... aaaah the memories come flooding back. I remembered the beach much longer, the house much bigger - but then, 18 years is a long time and the minds dulls with time.
I did remember his name though - this was THE PLACE. This was MR STEVENS's place
However, time and the winds of change dealt him a cruel blow and places like Ghecko Lounge and Fat Monkeys are far more popular now.
There was also a time when the Ganjora's of our time frequented the place and it became quite a popular destination for those that wanted to "escape" for a while .........
Here's to you Mr Stevens - it was good
Fish drying beds
Some other accomodation along the beach
and a rental establishment
Not sure why, but when I saw these three - I thought of us - POPFUNPLOT :ricky:
Free as birds - speading our wings on a journey through life
We arrived on the Island.
The instructions were quite clear :laughing4:
Snorkeling on the Lake is an experience no man or woman should miss. It was just incredible !!!!!!
..... and some of the other attractions in the water >

Unlike the fish, we had to come up for air
Lunch being prepared
Being guide, chef and supplier of info of all things lake related is hard work and our host took a well deserved rest
There was a rocky outcrop a few metres away. Only I did not listen - it was more like a few hundred metres away - SILLY ME :biggrin: - Not fun on a stomach full of lunch and beer
Funacide and I on our impromptu expedition
Explaining how big the man eating sharks were - out there in the deep blue sea ;D
Then another treat awaited us - beautiful Fish Eagles.
Beautiful birds
and again
Back to the mainland - We were content
sunburnt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot begin to describe how painfull it was wearing the bike jacket the next day
All this drink was hungry work, and back a Fat Monkeys we had afternoon tea ;D - Pancakes with Bully Beef filling
All this eating was thirsty work - so we had another beer :imaposer:
There was unfortunately some distraction, but we did our best to deal with it 8)
Our orders arrived - HAPPY PANTS - Don't we just look dandy ...........

and our keyrings
All too soon it ended and the sun set on a perfect day in Africa. Again, life was good;