Living the Dream Solo Around the World Trip

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If it wasn't for all the issues and problems and kak you have to endure then it wouldn't be as much of an adventure.

Well done so far Schalk, keep your chin up, and you'll get there in the end.  :thumleft:  :ricky:
Dankie Schalk, dit is regtig 'n groot droom van my en ek het die grootste bewondering vir jou. Dit is 'n eenmaal in 'n leeftyd ervaring :thumleft:
Respek vir jou en daardie Yamaha 660
gser said:
Schalk, watter bande het jy nou op die fiets en hoeveel km het jy met hulle gekry
en wat gaan jy nou opsit ?
Tubes ?
Hi gser Ek hardloop net Continental met die groot knobbelie en ek moet sê dit het al my verwagting oorskry. Ek het nou 13350 km van die huis gery met hom en ek is seker ek kan dalk n klein bietjie meer gaan op hom maar ek het nou die tyd so ek gaan vandag altwee om ruil. Dit sal ook n bietjie van die gewig van die bike af vat omdat ek die twee tyres al van Khartoum op my bagasie het. My voorste knobbelie is die selfde maak maar het omtrent 16000km op. Ek het hom in Addis Abeba om gedraai omdat hy skuins af ge wear was en hy spring n bietjie. Ek het my self belowe ek ry Africa nooit weer sonder Knobbelies nie. Op my laaste trip na die ewenaar toe en terug het ek en my seun Michelin Cyreck of so iets op gehad. Ek het toe 16 keer geval en my seun 21 keer op daai trip. Op hiedie trip het ek nog net een keer geval en dit is nie asv die bande nie. Die bande het presies die selfde km op as wat die Equator trip gegee maar "the proof of the poeding is in the eating". As jy meer teer ry dan moet jy nie heavy duty tubes in sit nie want dit smelt die tube binne in die tyre. As jy my nie glo nie lees my RR onder Ride Reports>Long Tours>Africa trip to the Equator and back in 40 days. Ek het ook fotos daar van die gesmelte tube. In my voorste tube het ek nog "Dyna beats" dit is sulke klein ronde balletjies wat jy in sit en dit balanseer jou wiel terwyl jy ry. Net een nadeel van dit is dit gaan in die valve en die oomblik wat jy die koppie afdraai dan blaas jou wiel af. Ek gebruik dit al vir meer as 5 jaar maar gaan nou weg doen met dit. Dit is blykbaar vliegtuig technology maar die nadeel is net soos ek genoem het. Ek sal maar my bande in Italie laat balanseer. Die bande sit ek altyd self op.
Mr Zog said:
If it wasn't for all the issues and problems and kak you have to endure then it wouldn't be as much of an adventure.

Well done so far Schalk, keep your chin up, and you'll get there in the end.  :thumleft:  :ricky:
Hi Mr Zog yes maybe I make it sound so romantic sometimes but quite often it hard and that is what I enjoy. I love the unexpected and when I leave for the day I do not want to know where I am going to sleep tonight. The hardships comes to right once you made a plan and you can carry on again, much like life it is just much more intense on a trip like this. Then there are the miracles that happen, the unexpected.
schalk vd merwe said:
ChinaPete said:
Great stuff  :thumleft:
Hi ChinaPeta I think you also followed my previous trip to the Equator now it is your turn to do something like this.

I wish, it's not that I can't make the time or don't have the gear, I just don't have the requisite XL kahunas to take something like this on  :deal: I'm enjoying reading this report mate.
Man from Nam said:
Dankie Schalk, dit is regtig 'n groot droom van my en ek het die grootste bewondering vir jou. Dit is 'n eenmaal in 'n leeftyd ervaring :thumleft:
Respek vir jou en daardie Yamaha 660
Hi Man from Nam ja sit die droom in aksie. Ek dink party keer wag ons te lank vir die regte oomblik. Party keer moet 'n mens net 'n ding doen. Ek moes my vrou wat ek 14 Aug 37 jaar mee getroud sal wees alleen by die huis los. En glo my ek is lief vir haar en my twee seuns Juan 36 en Francois 32. Baie van my familie het my verkwalik maar my vrou verstaan hierdie honger wat ek het vir die onbekende. Just do it.
ChinaPete said:
schalk vd merwe said:
ChinaPete said:
Great stuff  :thumleft:
Hi ChinaPeta I think you also followed my previous trip to the Equator now it is your turn to do something like this.

I wish, it's not that I can't make the time or don't have the gear, I just don't have the required XL kahunas to take something like this on  :deal:
Start small and grow them bigger slowly
Die is AWESOME!! Jy is 'n masjien MENEER Schalk vd Merwe.
What exceptional experiences you are having - simply because you are taking a step at a time.  Finding that hotel room (it is always something in the back of your mind when travelling, thinking where you will lay your head that night) with the most perfect view of the Pyramids AND meeting those biker dudes, who I'm sure had lots of stories to tell.  You are living the dream.  Fantastic!
schalk vd merwe said:
ChinaPete said:
schalk vd merwe said:
ChinaPete said:
Great stuff  :thumleft:
Hi ChinaPeta I think you also followed my previous trip to the Equator now it is your turn to do something like this.

I wish, it's not that I can't make the time or don't have the gear, I just don't have the required XL kahunas to take something like this on  :deal:
Start small and grow them bigger slowly
capetowntocairo said:
What exceptional experiences you are having - simply because you are taking a step at a time.  Finding that hotel room (it is always something in the back of your mind when travelling, thinking where you will lay your head that night) with the most perfect view of the Pyramids AND meeting those biker dudes, who I'm sure had lots of stories to tell.  You are living the dream.  Fantastic!
Hi Fiona I do not know if I answered your previous PM but let me answer this one. I like the unknown and do not like to plan too far in the future. I do not mind to meet up with people as long as they keep up with my pace. Might meet up with the Zapp family again (they are on the Red sea now) although I am trying to get across to Italy. There are no ferry to cross over due to the political situation here and they do not allow me to cross the Sinai to Israel
schalk vd merwe said:
Just had the best news. Draad organized from SA a contact here and I can get out of the country Yippie

So I am off to Alexandria in Egypt today from Port Said on the Mediterranean Sea to go and catch a boat that was arranged by Draad by a contact here in Egypt. This is a great relieve as I was stuck here for some time. Once in Italy I will also be able to claim back my 200% deposit I had to pay to the AA in South Africa for the Egyptian Carnet. This will also help with the cash flow. If I can make it to Italy in time then I can meet up with Flavio the Italian/Ethiopian KTM guy. Talk to you guys soon when I have WI fi again.


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