Living the Dream Solo Around the World Trip

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Draad said:
What was the price from Egypt to Italy ?
Hi Draad they can only have a price for me by tomorrow and a definite date as well but provisionally it looks like the 4/08/15 only.
Sjoe, it's difficult when you want to get somewhere and there is some sort of hitch!  Just make the most of the time in Egypt - why not leave the bike at the hotel and explore on foot for a bit.  When I am stuck somewhere for longer than intended, I go in  It's a way to pass the time, anywhere in the world, while you are looking for hidden caches - and you get to see so much of the area - little hideaway places that you would not normally experience.  Try it while you are stuck waiting for the ferry! :peepwall:
capetowntocairo said:
Sjoe, it's difficult when you want to get somewhere and there is some sort of hitch!  Just make the most of the time in Egypt - why not leave the bike at the hotel and explore on foot for a bit.  When I am stuck somewhere for longer than intended, I go in  It's a way to pass the time, anywhere in the world, while you are looking for hidden caches - and you get to see so much of the area - little hideaway places that you would not normally experience.  Try it while you are stuck waiting for the ferry! :peepwall:
Thanks Fiona I just joined them. Thanks for the help
Schalk jy moet na King Faruk se kasteel moer cheap daar en hulle weet almal waar dit is en baie interesant
Schalk dis ongelooflik, en daai yacht se brug is bleddie mooi!!
Ek hoop regtig dat dinge vinnig sal uitwerk vir jou, probeer maar intussen n bietjie explore soos die manne voorstel.
Hoop jy het spoedig goeie nuus vir ons!
Hillman said:
Schalk dis ongelooflik, en daai yacht se brug is bleddie mooi!!
Ek hoop regtig dat dinge vinnig sal uitwerk vir jou, probeer maar intussen n bietjie explore soos die manne voorstel.
Hoop jy het spoedig goeie nuus vir ons!
Hi Hillman sien report hierna
Dear WD friends. My trip has made a drastic turn. I got a quote today to ship my bike from Egypt to Italy for the amount of R 30 000 add another R 8000 for a plane ticket for myself and I sit with a bill of R 38 000 to cross the Mediterranean Sea. The only alternative is to go through to Israel where I can cross for the total amount of R 10 000. Now the Egyptian army would not allow me to cross the Suez canal due to their civil war so I have no option but to tackle the 13 000km back to SA. As I am only 2 000km short of completing my first leg of the round the world trip I will now rather travel back on a slightly different route and then in six months’ time ship my bike to Italy from SA for the 2nd half of the trip around the world. So much more of Africa is coming your way. I will first go back to the Red Sea and meet up with the Argentinian Zapp family again and from there plan my exact route back.
That is a shame. Isn't there a way to join police convoy to Israel or thereabout, or maybe put your bike on a truck that can take you there?

There must be supply trucks going to Gaza.
Schalk dit R38K is 'daylight robbery!
Nee mater ek stem, daar is steeds baie om in Africa te sien, baie ander paaie en selfs mooi plekke waar n ou klein rukkies kan vashaak soos in Uganda daar langs Lake Victoria.
Kyk sodra ek die dag kan bekostig en die Vader wil gaan ek lui lekker die 'B' roetes opvat Uganda toe, en selfs n draai by Ruwanda en in die DRC maak. Plekker waar ek jare terug gewerk het en bitter graag weer wil gaan sien sonder om op n 'werks skedule' te wees.
So jy verloor gladnie, elke dag mag jou 'ryker in gees en ervaring' en ek sien uit om jou vordering te volg watter kant toe ookal!
Veilig en lekker ry!
Jammer om te hoor Schalk, maar ek kan hoor jy is nog positief.  Maak die beste van 'n slegte saak, dis al hoe jy gaan survive in Afrika.   :thumleft:
Dis nie lekker nuus nie Schalk - maar ja, als met goeie rede, as dit help???

Geniet die terugrit - dit sal net so fantasties wees.

Ek haal my hoed af vir jou - jy doen wat ons almal soooooooooooooo graag wil doen.  :thumleft:
Oh my not good news, but if there is something I've learnt Everything will be all right in the end... if it's not all right, then it's not the end