Ok where was I :biggrin:
Right so we get up at 3:00 in the morning
atch: WTF is the first thing going through my mind as the sun is up already ??? Quickly pack camp and hit the shower to wake up. Could do with a cup of coffee but no time for that as I hear the distant rumble of bikes getting ready for the long way down to Lands End. We do the normal group picture thing and for some strange reason I did not bother to even take my camera out so this is courtesy of Chad
The guys start heading out :ricky:
The anticipation was so great that it looked like a stampede as everybody tried to get out of the parking lot :deal:
Now for the whole day I did not take any pictures, purely because it was either to cold, to wet or to tired :biggrin: We headed down through the beautifull Scottish landscape on our way to Inverness. The morning light softly disturbed by the rumble of big trailies blasting down the roads at 4:00 am. It is about 6 degrees and clear skies, but the landscape is enough to thrill the adventure in you as the one after the other bends are taken in their stride.
We eventually split up from the main group and myself, Lindsay, Fanus and Andy rode together the whole day right into Lands End. We hit rain from Carlisle all the way down to Bristol. We are soaked to the bone and the HP2 has run out of gas twice already. Luckilly I brought a 5lt container with extra fuel. As we enter Cornwall a thick bank of mist appears and we struggle to do 30mph on the motorway it is that bad. 50 Miles of this and we are all tired, miserable, hungry and to scared to climb of the bike. My hamstring goes into spasm when we hit the 830 mile mark and nearly jump off the bike, luckilly it was so bad I could not move and just burst out in laughter thinking this really really hurts!! We stop about 15 miles outside Lands End around 20:45 and I give Chad a call. They already in the pub and ask if he can order food for us as they stop doing food at 21:00
The thought of a warm meal and something cold to drink after a very long day in the saddle make me ride faster as the lanes get narrower and more misty. Not very clever as I nearly end up in the bushes a few times so try and slow down. As we get to the pub informed that they refused to take the order and closed the kitchen. Needless to say now you sitting with three very fukced off boertjies and one slightly annoyed englishman :biggrin:
We decide where we going to sleep and Lindsay opts for sharing a hotel room with someone. Myself and Fanus go local to find food and a place to sleep.......farkall!!
As we decide to finish off the last two kitkats I have with some water as every single establishment is closed we ride past a surfers lodge. Lindsay's bike is there which means he found food. We stop and he explained the hotel was full of shit and the girl here charged only £18 for the night for warm bed and breakfeast. As I am a social but skaam oukie ask the lovely girl whether we could have our breakfeast now....22:30. She looks at the three of us and smiles, she goes into the kitchen coming out with the owner. The lady also look us up and down smiles and says ok only because you guys are friendly and nice what do you want - anything lady, freakin anything!! :drif: :biggrin:
She makes us each a plate of tappas with a cold beer and we chat untill 00:00 about how lucky we are that there is still nice people who actually care about travellers. Next morning's breakfeast was outstanding to say the least and we can't thank her enough for her generosity :thumleft:
We head out to meet up with the gang at Lands End for some photo's
The South-Africans
The HP2 made me proud
HP2 and Faantjies GS1200
Realised on this trip don't need more than this
To think only 40 years earlier Jan arrived in the Kaap
A lovely day on the cornish coast
Bikes and Pubs....goes kinda naturally
Funny thing is Lindsay with his small 6'7" frame can actually surf quite well living in East London most of his life
There is no looking back now Linds, you have come from the South of Africa all the way to the North of Britian - well done! 8)
We take an easy ride back through Darmoor National Park, I stopped ahead and got some action shots...
We make our way back to London, another 330 mile day. A lovely sunday with no rain but hectic traffic from Salisbury onwards. I quickly pull over by the rocks to get another shot...
Africa GS in the front, Stonehenge at the back
Who would of thought you see a Cape Province licence plate around here :biggrin:
That my friends is the end of the longest day tale, sorry we did not take more pictures but circumstances sometimes beyond your control stops you from getting of your bike and taking some time out to report 8)