Magaliesburg/ Boons/ Tarlton - 2008-04-27 Report

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Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kymco (all models)
I know my good buddy Albert (aka Splash), the ride organizer,  is not a great one for the keyboard, so I am sure he will not mind me kicking off a ride report and placeholder for pics.

Not going to be a major report, and I donâ??t think there will be many picks as FransWest â?? who was the packâ??s most dedicated snapper â?? lost his camera somewhere between Breedtâ??s and Olifantâ??s neks.

Sad to think of a camera full of WD pics lying alone and unloved in some ditch somewhere.

Also, from a newsworthiness point of view a story about five bikes, a big Katoom (Franswest), a skinny one (Splash), a matched pair of KLRs (Jules and Li - matched at least until the male in the family seriously pimped one of them) and one KLE (GundaGunda),  having a great ride on dirty roads out West is not going to be in line for the Pulitzer Prize in Motorcycling Journalism. 

But to me, and I suspect Jules and Li, it was an important warm-up and butt-hardening ride for next weekâ??s Newcastle weekend, and most of all it was really enjoyable, and much thanks to Splash for organizing it.

Started at Heuningklip Sasol, headed that way, and then over there, and then detoured by that place and ended up at a really nice place in the Cradle where we had good wart-hog pies under the trees served by a charming curvy Canadian. Cant remember the placeâ??s name but have the waypoint ( S25 59.012 E27 47.553), and I see a lazy Sunday lunch under the trees there some time in my future.

Got a bit lost once and ended on a road that Mapsource knows nothing about, but hey, if you never get lost you never find new places â?? one more chicken farm in my memory bank â?? whew! Sefricans eat a lot of chicken.

At the end of the ride when the pack dispersed, I decided to stay at the pub and watch the F1 GP, but I soon got bored and missed my buddies, and decided to head to my local and watch the end of the race. 

At the front gate of the place there I see Splash coming in the opposite direction with a rear flat. I am now thinking about the four-tube-three-hour-three-beer delay on Splashâ??s last ride, but this time we have both learned from our mistakes and go into action like a well-trained Dakar pit-crew, and that rusty nail will not mess with messrs Splash and Gunda again! I missed the end of the GP but a confidence-boosting successful repair was more than worth it. 

Thanks for the great ride folks.

I just have two pics â?? first was on the way to the ride and even the old Jukskei looked pretty at dawn with mist on the water, and the second was at Boons


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