Makgadikgadi Mud Monsters part 2 added

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Good show!!!
Looking forward to some more!  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
:hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

:notworthy: :notworthy:
Fantastic RR cant wait for the rest :thumleft:
Awesome!  Brilliant! Magnificent! Love it!  This is what adventure riding is supposed to be!  Hanging on every word and pic.  Well well done guys!   :biggrin:
Scuba Diving on a GS

Day 4, time to head home.  An easy 8 km’s has been trashed by a few vehicles and the overland truck so not only do we have the same long puddles but now the holes in them are deeper and more unexpected.


I plough ahead, like a horse smelling home.  I am standing having fun, spinning my rear tyre and having a blast.  I stop at the end of the puddles, I wait and I wait.  Hein eventually arrives.  Jake’s fallen he says.  Bad?  Not sure Pierre went back.
Jake goes down, look how we ride off


Jake holds up the bike looking as we disappear


Jakes alone now and Simon wades in to help, check how deep they are.



Jake tries to start the bike, it won’t, so they push.




The bike engine won’t turn.  Out with the tools, I have every tool one needs for a GS…or so I think.  The spark plug spanner I got with BMW written all over it, won’t fit!  Fuckety fuck, and now!



Sue and Simon head off to Nata to find a spanner; I tow Jake to the tar road Jake having a big fall behind me on the sand. 

Sue and Simon visit all the little mechanics shops, I love this bunch on part of a safari vehicle!



This mechanics not here, but they find Christmas… yes Christmas is the Nata mechanic and he has paydirt.
Pierre sets up shop chair and all,


We remove the spark plugs and turn the engine… a wave shoots out the cylinder!



We decide to tow it to get more water out at speed!  As Pierre drags me down the road the water puffs out like an old steam train. 


We put it all together, the guys are worried!


And she starts!  Coughs, splutters and then purrs!  Amazing, with that much water in how easy it was to fix!

We hit the road home leaving the lakes that were desert behind, we’ll be back.  We will get to Kubu, but not this season. 


We are privileged; we have seen the pans and surrounding area with more water in June than has been seen in more than 40 years.  No one will believe us when we return and fight the sand and dust pointing out the lakes we scuba dived a GS into!

What an excellent read, thanks for sharing your adventure.

That is one good story to tell when you are an old man in a rocking chair talking to the grandchildren.

Wow...  Thank you for sharing this.

I though I bought a dam this weekend.  I am an amateur, it seems.... :biggrin:
Had the same problem with my 1200 and water in the engine when I crossed a river that was deeper than I thought!!!- flushed the oil 3 times afterwards and shes still running sweetly
Great stuff Roxenz :thumleft: - tell me did the GS or any of them for that matter have the airflow intake mod done where you raise it by means of a kreepy Krawly tube of some sorts??

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