Mark Hardy/Malibu Run 27 November 2011.

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Jeez guys, with all these comments Im not surprised I keep falling over, forgeting to look up - I cant concentrate!
Big ups to the organisers  :thumleft: (M&M ... Mark and Malibu)

Big ups to the fellow riders  :thumleft:

And big ups to Mike for the beer at his place after the ride  :thumleft:
Mark & Malibu    :thumleft:  It is lekker to have a well organised ride, with great bunch old new and old WD's.

Great Route, great weather, great mix of sand, mud, rock etc. Great beer (Tx Beemer Mike). Hats off to the newbies!

I thoroughly enjoyed it.  TM

APO said:
Jeez guys, with all these comments Im not surprised I keep falling over, forgeting to look up - I cant concentrate!

You only had a small ooops going up The Rock... and after that you just blasted up!  :)  Where was all this falling over stuff you talk about? 