Maverick's Ride Slow See More tour 2008

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Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Prince Albert
BMW R100GS / Kalahari
The last thing possible in my mind was to actually visit South-Africa this year and to top it off also get the old R80GS aptly named Die Walvis (The Whale) in Namibia last year due to it's uncanny ability to drop in the sand and lay there like a big beached whale.

Allow me to illustrate


To get it up takes a mammoth rescue operation of like minded fools thinking it is great riding big bikes through terrain not fit for a bobbejaan with a knop kierie. The fact it is fitted with a 43 liter fuel tank and being naturally big boned like that friendly little cartman charachter of Southpark certainly makes it difficult for one person to get it back upright. This trip however I was going to struggle as my two companians joining the ride have their own bikes to keep in a vertical position so up to me to basically not fall  :eek7:

Anyho I am going slightly off topic so back to the beginning.

My parents was suppose to visit me this year in the UK but after mom had a operation that went seriously wrong ending up with her recovering several months instead of couple of days due to hospital neglect and the general no care attitude doing it's rounds in some  of South-African hospitals. My dad turning 60 this year was not to be missed so when an email dropped in my inbox from British Airways with tickets on special around the same time the credit card was hastily ripped out and tickets bought to visit. At this point the GS was still not roadworthy neither licenced for the last 9 years and not even in my name!

Luckilly father in law Lindsay who rode his 1150GS up through Africa and joined me on a trip to Scotland and Lands End in July took it upon himself to sort out. I have no idea how he did or what he had to do but on arrival in Prince Albert three weeks ago I was faced with a newly registered R80GS in my name, washed and ready to roll  :mwink:

Mrs Maverick was to visit with her dad in Paarl for a few days and then join me in Keimouth the following week. As she is expecting baby Maverick I thought it wise not to drag her around on gravel roads on the back of the bike this time around - ok and I seriously wanted to ride alone on the bike as well  :-[  :)

My brother in law picked me up in Cape Town and we drove back to Prince Albert the Sunday evening. It took forever as I kept on asking to stop at places visiting old friends I have not seen in ages. So much for prepping my stuff before our little trip. Had a nice dinner with some wine and fell into a deep sleep breathing in the fresh Karoo air with it's wonderfull night sounds I have longed for so much.

Next morning up at 6:30 ish and draped all my stuff on the bed.


My inlaws own Dennehof the lovely B&B in Prince Albert with it's lovely views out on the Swartberge If you in the area and looking for a bike friendly place listening to Lindsay's Africa adventure feel free to drop in. Their place is awesome.


Lekker big stoep to sit and watch the world go by and of course enjoy breakfeast or sundowners


We wolf down our breakfeast and walk across the road where my bike was stored at some friends of the inlaws.

I move the bike out of the garage and push the little green starter button.........IT's ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!


This was some morning the wake up call from our group in Namibia and rang fresh in my mind. So much so that whilst taking this picture I send Lootch a sms with the very same words  :ricky: And at this point I realised again how fortunenate I am to have so many like minded friends that I would of shared this couple of days with anytime without any hesitation.

Lindsay was eager to get on the road and quickly showed me the way to the petrol station to fill up. It is there where I realise the footpeg that was partly broken last year after coming off in Nam has now less meat on it than before


I take some of Lindsay's old Adventure footpegs as spare even though I know they won't fit. Decide to ride it like this until it breaks. GPS fitted, roll bag packed and knock off crocks bungied on the back. Wallet, camera and gloves set out so let's hit the road dawgs  :biggrin:


Lindsay's GS packed with his brand new flower decal inner bags from Pep's


Stephan who is co-owner of the Bergwater winery in Prince Albert heard of our little planned route and managed to get a few days off to join us on his 1200GS


The general idea I floated with Lindsay when he asked if I would have some time to do a few days when visiting was the following.

I have three days and would like to ride mainly dirt from Prince Albert to Kei Mouth in the Eastern Cape. Don't really care what we see and where we go as long as I can taste the dust and miss big cities. Lindsay quickly worked out a route for us and day one would go something like this.

Prince Albert over the Swartberg Pass towards De Rust

Swartberg Pas


The three steeds


Looking back over the twisty and winding road was so happy and felt like I have never heard or lived in Engeland ever before in my life.


Maverick in his element


Yep you guessed it I stopped at least three times just to the top of the mountain taking pictures, I am sure my fellow riders got that sinking feeling of this is going to be a farking long trip  ;D


Die Top


Compulsary photo shoot at signs  ;)

To think only a few months ago this very GS was up in Scotland with us


Now back in Africa


Stephan was also slightly nervous as his previous venture out on the dirt he came off breaking a few things on the bike hitting a pothole. I assured him with the amount of photo's I take we won't be going anywhere fast and would be lucky to reach Oudsthoorn by dark  ::)


As we went down the Swartberg pass the remaining part of the footpeg broke off and I was now balancing my boot on what ever there was left or sticking it on the rear footpeg. Just past the Cango Caves we took a gravel road towards De Rust


Stephan was tagging along at the back so caught up every time I stopped for another shot, he must of thought I was mental (pretty good judge of charachter  ;D )


From Dysselsdorp we headed towards Herold and then Blanco just before George via another stunning gravel road.

Amanda's Grave


Breathtaking scenery


Pee stop errrrr I mean pitstop...


Apologies I don't know much about this Amanda's Grave or exactly where it is so if someone can enlighten us please


What I do however know is the twisting winding road going down this pass is spectacular



I can do this the whole day long every single day, this is what I miss about Africa. Around every corner there is more space and more gravel and more adventure.


The rock walls must of taken ages to build and pretty sure another creation of legendary road builder Thomas Bain - I could be wrong though although his style of roads all look similar and built 24 major roads in the 1800's including Prince Alfred's pass where we heading towards


At this point I told Lindsay and Stephan that my footpeg is no longer there and they decide we do a quick detour at BMW in George to see if we can get some help.

A young chap who's name now evades me but very friendly in the service department goes scrounging around for a 2nd hand footpeg after I explained where we heading towards and that I might need to stand up now and again, it is a BMW afterall  :deal:

Whilst waiting I see his slightly modified HP2


Looks quite different to his "new" one as he proudly pointed to one of the last new HP2's in South-Africa


He fits a 650 dakkie footpeg which does the job perfectly


Asking how much I owe he just shrugs his shoulders and say don't worry about it, now this is the type of service we like when in need and I thank this lad for proving that not everything is in making maximum money out of a stranger walking through their doors. BMW in George rocks  :thumleft:

We now have to do a small bit of tar to Knysna which was actually quite pleasant and quiet. Also gives me the chance to experiment taking photo's on the go with my point and shoot. Stephan behind me


Lindsay leading the way


The blue skies of Africa, nothing like it


We roll into Knysna around lunchtime and pretty hungry


We lose Stephan in a roadworks somewhere and stop to wait for him


Ferries? Where to ???


We have a lovely lunch at the seafront enjoying some fresh fish and chips with a cold lager. I am slightly nervous leaving my rollbag on the bike but one of the "I wanna watch your ka" okies make sure no one gets close to our bikes and I tip him generously. He cracks a wide smile when I stuck the bank note in his hand and obviously I am out of tune with the amounts as it seems like xmas came early  :biggrin:

Our goal is now to go over Prince Alfred's Pass towards Avontuur, Uniondale and then head into Baviaans kloof to sleep over for the night.


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