Mighty Men ride reports.

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IceCreamMan said:
how much and what for?

R20 per person and the staduim is not for free.  Where else must the money come from?  There are lots of expenses to do something like that.
Lourens.dL said:
IceCreamMan said:
how much and what for?

R20 per person and the staduim is not for free.  Where else must the money come from?  There are lots of expenses do do something like that.

ok , but what is it about ? i aint seen any adverts or anything like that ....

KiLRoy said:
I can't handle crowds - not even shopping malls



Guys, if I offend, I'm sommer apologizing up front. So a big, heartfelt "Sooorie."

BUT... seeing that I'm not a religious kind of guy I'm curious. Here's for a totally banal question: Did anyone take any, erm 'slanggif' along? Or did you see anyone do it? Or was it, like Lynchburg Tennessee, totally 'dry'?

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

But still, I'd like an honest answer, please. I am NOT taking the piss.
If you mean did anybody take some alcohol with I did not see/smell any but one never know what happened behind the tent zipper.  ;D

I doubt if anybody would have dared to take a alcoholic drink in the open. He'll get a serious sermon from his mates.  ;D
I was once with my bro-in-law to a church held little rally in Mosselbay - had a d/s ride the sat and all.  Prize giving in the tent the evening - I didn't know the protocol and was the only one pissed out of my bracket that evening.  Singing along with the gospel band and everything ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  - they seriously did pray for me later on.  ;D ;D ;D

Must admit I went along blindly - didn't know the event was of that nature
Lourens.dL said:
IceCreamMan said:
not even wine?

No not even wine. Why would wine be different from other alcoholic drinks?  ???

i would of thought wine would be ok...

bible is not anti alcohol, merely anti drunks

You can see how people can get swept up in all the emotion.
The whole sense of belonging and group togetherness must be overwhelming.
much like this forum hey shark ;D >:D?
IceCreamMan said:
I would of thought wine would be ok...

bible is not anti alcohol, merely anti drunks

I suppose its each individuals personal decision.

shark_za said:
You can see how people can get swept up in all the emotion.
The whole sense of belonging and group togetherness must be overwhelming.

Yes, it was very emotional. It is awesome to know that one is part of what God is doing.
I agree to all. The weekend was awesome. Uncle Angus spoke to each ones heart that was there.

I doubt that many okes would have taken a dop, but even if they did, we love each other the way we are. That is what Jesus did. If dopping is a sin the Holy Spirit wil confront and convict and one will come clear of the sin. In the end of the day God is concerned about the condition of our hearts firstly and the rest will be dealt with.

Lets praise God for the awesome weekend and so many men being touched in one weekend.

I agree LdL. Thankfull that I am part of what God is doing. Let us stay humble at the feet of Jesus.

Enjoy your evening. Tell your wife you love her and be a man she can be proud of.


I saw a few guys having a castle and would have one myself if I took some along. Their is nothing "wrong" with consuming alcohol. :)
Yes the MMC was great to attend. Got to know some fellow WDs a lot better too!

Angus spoke very well, practical talks that everyone there can apply to their lives. I know I am already trying to change some of my routines for the better! The Sunday morning talk was also very good, for those who missed it. Glad I stayed.

even had the excitement of running out of petrol on the way home - not the Suzuki, it would never do that! LdLs Yamaha. And no sooner had had we given our frustrations up in prayer, petrol arrived next to the road, and we carried on on our windy journey!

So conference was amazing, riding was fun too  ;D

Jacko said:
KiLRoy said:
I can't handle crowds - not even shopping malls



Guys, if I offend, I'm sommer apologizing up front. So a big, heartfelt "Sooorie."

BUT... seeing that I'm not a religious kind of guy I'm curious. Here's for a totally banal question: Did anyone take any, erm 'slanggif' along? Or did you see anyone do it? Or was it, like Lynchburg Tennessee, totally 'dry'?

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

But still, I'd like an honest answer, please. I am NOT taking the piss.

...an honest answer from the MMC attendance  ??? , funny request  ;D ;D
dustsucker said:
...an honest answer from the MMC attendance  ??? , funny request  ;D ;D

Absolutely not a funny request.
You would always have to check that answer if it is serving an agenda or overly biased.
Lets be real here man.
Drank is nie die euwel nie, dit is die hand wat die glas vashou.  :D
....how about smoking(plain ciggies that is)....not cool to drink but to light a ciggie is OK?
shark_za said:
dustsucker said:
...an honest answer from the MMC attendance  ??? , funny request  ;D ;D

Absolutely not a funny request.
You would always have to check that answer if it is serving an agenda or overly biased.
Lets be real here man.

Aaag couz, glad to see you have not lost your tjirp yet  ;D, was getting quiet on the other side. I would think that if any of these guys did things diffirently at the MMC conference than what they would normally do at home a bit of introspection is needed. Only you as as that person would now.
Bottom line is i think the general intention behind a gathering like this is to bring people together and do good through spreading the Word.  Suspicious people always want to know about the MONEY issue and unfortunately that is due to previous corruption etc, we all watch the news.  If the 'lead figure' is corrupt one can only go on for so long before you get caught and it seems 'Uncle Angus' is keeping things together still. (must be Gauties thing cause first time i hear about it...what a moegoe) Does anyone know if they come to CT?

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