Mof se party and beyond.

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Nice one Chris. How could I miss this weekend ??? :'(
The second pic with the sunset would be my choice.
What a truly amaizing RR & photos. Thanks a lot Chris, for sharing it with us all. :thumleft:
We ride along and cross the now dry Hartbeesriver a few times.


Wierd thing happening here.
These Kokerbome always grow on the Northern faceing hang of a mountain.
These were standing down in the valley and lots of them.


Two Klipspringers.



Our third "roadwhisperer"!! Man this guy was hungry for company!
He invited us 5 times for coffee. He talked so much I only remembered three things.
Keep right at all turnoffs, a neat garden left of the road and a granite mine on the left(there were two mines)
The road schetched on the ground.



Aaaah found the garden. Still not one sign saying Doornkloof.



The granite mine.



Finally after 86kms from Kliprand we are near. Next year I want to go and see Hoedberg.


Dolfie wanted to wash his face in the stream. I ask how about we go find someone to ask permission
to camp here. Great idea says he.


First house we stopped at we meet tannie Bets Coetzee. This is her land and yes we could camp.
She lived here for 58 years of her live. Now she lives in the oldage home in Vredendal for 9 years.
She only visits in winter when its not as hot and hopefully green if it rained.
We turned back and set up camp. Stunning place.



Dolfie had a fine red in the freezer and me Coke's finest!! Diner was Chicken Breyani.






We ate our diner brought our mattrasses out onto the rocks and looked at the stars and talked.
It was MUCH warmer than at Diepdrift.
At nine we hit the sack.

Will continue............
chrisL said:
Im battling with Photobucket.
Cannot copy&paste :biggrin:

Ag nee ettertjie tog - nie alweer nie....

Gaan op kursus - ons wil foto's kyk. (of vra Amanda on dit te doen  :peepwall: )

Heimer said:
chrisL said:
Im battling with Photobucket.
Cannot copy&paste :biggrin:

Ag nee ettertjie tog - nie alweer nie....

Gaan op kursus - ons wil foto's kyk. (of vra Amanda on dit te doen  :peepwall: )
Kry jy vir my iemand wat dit aanbied op die dorp!!! :biggrin:
chrisL said:
Heimer said:
chrisL said:
Im battling with Photobucket.
Cannot copy&paste :biggrin:

Ag nee ettertjie tog - nie alweer nie....

Gaan op kursus - ons wil foto's kyk. (of vra Amanda on dit te doen  :peepwall: )
Kry jy vir my iemand wat dit aanbied op die dorp!!! :biggrin:

Ek sal na die CABC daar verby kom met my skrif, my lei en my lang liniaal.  :ricky:
DirtyHarry said:
You guys are living the dream right in front of our doorstep :thumleft:


Bleddie hel dit lyk nice :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
The next morning we were up early. Had some breakfast and left at 8.


Dolfie through the river and up the bank.


We had to say thank you and goodbye to tannie Bets.


Tannie Bets's husband built her this house when they got married.


This is the first home on the farm. Also added on in time. Tannie Bets's husband was also the
local ironworker. Fixed all ploughs and wagonwheels.


Langkloof is waiting. It's been a year since I've been here.


This little one decided to grow in the road!!!!



A small waterfall.



Dolfie was the one getting a flat this trip. A nail.


These three thought we came to feed them. Stopped infront of Dolfie's bike and realised it's not a bakkie!!



This place is special. Lots of gates to open but worth it.



Karas. Seven or eight farmhouses together. The farms lying around it. Belongs to one family.
A stunning place. Nobody here. They would be at their wintergrazingfarms closer to the coast.



And if I could pick one this one would be mine!!



Kammiesberge ahead.


If it was a KTM you might not spot the bike in the foreground.


We ride through Leliefontien. Not much happening on a Mondaymorning.


We need to get fuel and Kammieskroon is not too far off.


Fuel and "bakbrood" for the rider in Kammieskroon.


The Kliphuisie. Good food and service. Only open in the flowerseason.


We went back a bit as we came. Through the pass and then just before Leliefontein we turned right to Tweeriviere.
This must be a "veepos" left with all the coverings(matjies) of the "skerm"


I have not done this road before. One can see it is not used very often. No upkeep either.


Sorry to bore you with these kind of pics. I like a road in the distance though. Where does it go to? What is
over the hill?


We only saw one river at Tweeriviere. Maybe we should have asked where the other was.


We are rideing strait towards the N7 now. We join it at Kharkams.


Hope these flowers did not mind me rideing on them!!


We rode south on the N7 to Garies. Took in fuel and a cooldrink. Kotzesrus is 60kms away.
We did that rather fast. Blerrie "lemon" was chasing me!! :mwink:
Kotzesrus below.


Hennie the shopowner talking to Dolfie about "windlaaiers" and solarpanels and some other shocking gadgets.
You have to generate your own power here and catch your own household water. No munisipality.
Weird story happened in the last year. When I was here a year ago there was one house for sale in Kotzesrus.
Guess who bought it?
A guy with the surname of, wait for it (drumroll) KOTZE from Gordonsbay!!! :imaposer:


We had some distance to do to my friend's farm at Landplaas. The roads were rough and we could not go faster than 120
on the strait sections. On the pegs all the way. It was just too bumpy to sit down.


We had a great evening with my friends and sleeping in a bed and having a hot shower was not to bad at all. :mwink:

Tomorrow we have 622kms home.

Will continue........

Dankie Chris.

Uitstekende RR.  :thumleft:

Is daar 'n moontlikheid dat jy julle roete vanaf Mof se plaas miskien hier kan pos ?
Ghatto said:
Dankie Chris.

Uitstekende RR.  :thumleft:

Is daar 'n moontlikheid dat jy julle roete vanaf Mof se plaas miskien hier kan pos ?
Sorry Ghatto weet nie hoe om dit te doen.
Die roete is gelukkig nou in my kop. Volgende keer hoef ek nie so baie pad te vra!!
Jislaaik Chris, ek het nie geweet daardie area is SO mooi nie! Pragtige fotos ook. (Kry net die frieken goed gelaai.)

Ons gaan bietjie Desember moet gesels oor die roete . . .
WOW fantastiese verslag en fotos! Baie dankie :thumleft:
Dis altyd lekker om saam met jou te ry!!

Mooi - bitter mooi
lekker Chris,my volgende trip is deur die Knersvlakte na Kliprand
ek moet 'n draai gaan maak by Willem Joffie
Dankie Chris!! Uitstekende RR. Maak nie saak hoeveel keer mens daar ry nie, dis altyd mooi!! En daar is altyd n pad wat mens volgende keer kan ry....