Morgans Bay to Jacaranda ship wreck.

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Bachelor Dog
Jan 20, 2006
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This is not really a ride report, it's more intended to show you some of the Transkei Wild coast beauty, well and Somewhere-Els
got a as-good-as-new CRF230 to take with. Mr and Mrs Jack accompanied us on the trip, and with a shortage of bikes
MrJack had to make the KLR work and Metaljockey borrowed us his CRF250.

It was MrsJack first off road anything so she was as nervous as a pregnant nun. Slangbyt can cure that :twisted:
Waiting for the barge to take us over the river.



All geared up and ready to go, Lot's of fun awaited us.


Trying her best to keep the boots dry, wimmen :lol:


We were really impressed with MrsJack, she did well for her first time.


The Wild coast amazes me every time we visit, it's got a rugged
beauty to it. The people are friendly and there are wide open spaces, it's so different to other places in SA.



GO!!GO!!!GO!!!!! and she made it, make no mistake it's not
that easy, it took allot of courage from her to get up there. :lol:


What a view, the girls worked to get there and this is the reward.



Not worried just a bit concerned about that little uphill :lol:




Where in the world do you see cattle enjoying a bit of beach tanning?
Just for the record we don't disregard beach riding, you have to travel this short piece to go around the lagoon to the other side of the river.



And they made it, we were really tired but it was a beautiful day for riding, MrJack had his work cut out for him on that KLR, the power
on the kLR is a big help uphills, well he's also a good rider :lol: . The wreck of the Jacaranda, not long and she's gone
to the fishes, well, I am not sure but she stranded in the 70's.



Back at Seagulls Hotel, we had plenty of beers, not a wasted day :D

All I can say is the Cape, east and west, has some stunning scenery. Good on Mrsjack for her first outing. :thumbright:
Nice report! Great area to ride. :D Looks stunning.
Stephan said:
All I can say is the Cape, east and west, has some stunning scenery. Good on Mrsjack for her first outing. :thumbright:

Thanks for the report and wonderful pics.

That area is still very high on my to-do list, next year july if all goes to plan.
A ride report from Michnus! :shock: :shock:

No wonder it is so cold up here in Gauteng this morning. :twisted:

Lekker! Congrats Mrs. jack! Looks like trip where all-round skills were tested.
Malice the CRF is a hellova potent bike, it handles stuff with ease and for long stretches it's got a 6 gears.

Sorry Ryperd, will try and add more :oops: :lol:
sweet like a lemon bru. congrats on all the ladies particularly, that 230F looks sweet indeed.. 8)

michnus and poepol jack (what a name), congrats on your ladies, awesome stuff.

ja ja and a congrats to u okies too. mooi man!
yaah! a ride report from michnus :) and a very cool one at that :wink:
Nice report man.

I have nothing but respect for the 230F , great little bike.
Nice one Michnus, and thanks for meeting up with me while I was in EL. Really enjoyed the Deck in Gonubie. Sorry about my condition the following morning when we met for coffee with Mr Jack. Its due to too much exposure to fresh air I think :roll: