My Buff '07

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Race Dog
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
New Hudson (all models)
Having had my GS for only a couple of months I planned for my first real long distance trip to be the Buff. I booked my leave early, made plans with my fellow riders and we decided to head off on Thursday afternoon, haul to Masselspoort where we would spend the night and travel down to Mossel Bay on the Friday while trying to do as much gravel and scenic routes as possible.

Accomodation was booked in Masselspoort and we decided to meet at 15:45 and be on the N1 by 16:00.

What we didn't take into account is Joey's crazy traffic in the afternoon especially heading south along through the Crown interchange. Things were going slowly and lane splitting with saddle bags and kit was fun but demanding. The traffic died down eventually once we got onto the N1 and from there it was a fight against the light.

We took our first ciggy break just before the Vaal river.

My pig.


A mate of mine's (Alex) '96 R1100GS (Redbaron 01)


Back on our bikes and with light fading fast we decided to push. As the light diminished and dusk fell Alex realised his indicators and lights weren't working yet the brake light still was!

We still had around 200km's to do in the dark and I led with Alex shadowing me and Nic behind wedging Alex in. This was not ideal and the most difficult and dangerous aspect was overtaking. We made our way as best we could and refueled at Ventersburg.

While filling up we made a call to look at accomodation in Ventersburg or haul out to Winburg and spend the night there. We were led to the Ventersburg hotel and thought we'd decide over a frosty beer.


After inquiring into availability of rooms we decided to stay and wake up before sparrow's fart and make our way down. We had a quick shower, got out of our riding gear and enjoyed some more beer and a chat with some die hard locals.



Waking up earliest I headed off to Nic's room to wake him up only to find his room in a complete mess, looking more like a warzone than a hotel room. He had got pretty hammered the night before on double Brandewyn and coke on special for R10 and further evidence sugested he got a litte more hammered than we thought.

His bathroom was the wost hit and it seems his conversation with the big white telephone extended to the bath. When I asked Nic wtf happened to the curtains he couldn't remember and I can only assume it was a violent conversation... :roll:


After laughing for a good 10 minutes, we packed and got on the road as the sun was coming up. We decided to haul to Bloem and visit Speed Bike to try ascertain why Alex had no lights or indicators but his brake lights worked.

Early morning ciggy break just before Bloem.


We found Speed Bike and tested the circuits there was no power running to 2 of the fuses and we were advised it's most likely a wiring issue. So we decided to haul as much tar as we could in the morning so we could hit some gravel and scenic routes in the afternoon.

Just before Colseburg, after every truck, car, bakkie and minibus flashing their brights at us we came up a hill to find some SpietKops waiting. They pulled us over and asked if we were heading to Mossel Bay. We nodded, presented our licences (those that had theirs with them) and stood aside while the impeccably dressed SpieKops scrutinised our bikes.

Nic didn't have his driving (or is that riding) license on him so he headed across the road to get his fine. Funny thing is he didn't have his plate on either it was in the back of his Travel Bag, but he whipped it out and showed the kop and he didn't seem fazed... :shock:

Alex got nailed for not having an SABS sticker on his plate and also proceeded to collect his fine.


I was the only one to get off without being nailed. :wink:

We stopped in Colesburg to get some lunch and fill the pigs and decided to take the N9 down to Graaff-Reinet and decided our route from there.


The roads were nice and quiet and we really enjoyed Lootsberg and Naude's Passes. We stopped to consult the map and have a ciggy and see where we could get on some gravel and start some real riding.


We decided to branch off on gravel from Graaff-Reinet. Just before we reached Graafies, we saw the Agava factory and could not miss a quick visit after seeing the sign 'Now open for tasting'.

After going through the gate, there's alot of loose white stone leading up to the entrance and having done off road riding for a while I knew this stuff bites you quickly so I idled through it. Nic on the other hand took no notice and continued to maintain his current pace only to end up dropping the bike as the front wheel just washed away while he was trying to do a gentle turn.

Alex and I laughed uncontrollably (under our helmets of course) and once we were able to hold back the laughter we helped Nic up and accessed the damage.


EINA! One scratched 36L Kaoko Tank with custom paint job and broken left indicator...


We did a tour of the factory and tasted some of the Agava. (it's Tequila, they just can't call it that)



Most of their 'tequila' gets exported and SA is the only country outside of Mexico to produce tequila.

Making our way into Graafies we decided to take gravel through to Klipplaat via Kendrew, Aberdeen Road and Oatlands.

Having a ciggy before we hit some real roads!


The 'gravel highway'


Me ready to roll again!


Stopping for some 'refreshment' and yes you guessed it, a ciggy.


Beautiful scenery


Unfortunately we took the wrong turn at a small farm intersection and found ourselves on the R337 and headed on to Jansenville then to Staytlerville. I then also realised I left one of my zips open on my pants and my cell phone went missing... :(


Baviaanskloofberge with the famous Baviaanskloof behind them.


From Staytlerville, we hit the concrete strip known as the R329 and battled with the sun setting directly in front of us for most of the road.


From there we had to push on and I didn't take many pics. We hit Willowmore and got back onto the N9 riding at night again having to wedge Alex in who still didn't have lights. Stopped for a ciggy in Uniondale and made our way to George. We eventually arrived in MosselBay and at the Buff at 21:45.

The rest of the night was a blur as we consumed great amounts of alcohol while trying to work out how the hell it took us so long. The ride down was filled with great sights, gravel roads and excellent company. We weren't fazed about arriving late. We set up our tents with the Pielkoppe.

Waking up on Sat morn and not having seen much of the camp due to only arriving there at night we awoke to this sight


We decided to see if we could find an auto electrician to check out Alex's 1100.


Saturday also flashed by and saw us replacing Alex's starter motor with a spare brought by Dan who's the head of the Koppe and rides this immacualte R80GS. At the same time we found the culprit of the malfunctioning lights. The connector wire which attached to the starter motor.


I didn't take many pics except of this homemade V6, 4.7L 'bike'


We planned our route for Sunday, packed up and headed out towards Knysna. From Knysna we took the R339 through the Titzikama. One of the most beautiful roads I have ever been on whether it be on a bike or a car.

We found a track heading up to a look out point and made our way to the top.


The view




From there Prince Alfreds pass awaited us...



Once in Uniondale we filled up and made our way to a friends farm just outside Steytlerville.




They've had a lot of rain in the E Cape and the roads were pretty bad in some areas. Erosion had washed away alot of the ground from the concrete water ways and hitting a pothole at 130km/h head on tends to bottom out your front and read shocks as well as dent rims. :oops:


We spend the night on the farm and got an early night as we had some distance to cover to be back in Joey's on Monday night.

Alex's brother Nic was heading home to PE and we were off to Mount Steward, Klipplaat, Oatlands, Aberedeen Road, and eventually Aberdeen and back onto the N9 home.


We eventually rolled into Joey's at 17:45 and to the Jolly Roger for a well deserved frosty!

A total of 2860km's later and with many fond memories of my first Buff I slept like a baby and enjoyed Tuesday and Wednesday off. See you at Buff 08.

PS. Was good meeting Kilroy and LuckyStriker. Herman I looked for you all over and went past your campsite twice. Jammer ek het jou nie gevind nie maat!
awesome report and pics...

branna's has the exact same effect on me.. thus i do not drink it at any price!!!

but that bathroom pic is funny as hell.. :D :D :D
very cool report 8)
SuperJuice said:
... They pulled us over

I guess steeking past them and turning off at the next gravel road wasn't an option :?

Sorry we missed you okes.

Excalibur was calling you mal, now we know why you couldn't be reached :wink:
We all need to understand our limitations, including riding skill, and ability to consume alcohol and a whole lot of other things. Real men have control over these things, but if you don't and leave a room in that state and be proud of it - something has suffered somewhere. Sorry, but I cannot go with that. Enjoy your life in whichever way you see fit, but just be man enough to handle what you bring over yourself. :? :( And then you are willing to mount a motorbike the next morning! Crazy.....

Just IMHO..... :oops:
Thanx lekka report


Ps - did we meet? :oops: :D :wink:
SGB said:
We all need to understand our limitations, including riding skill, and ability to consume alcohol and a whole lot of other things. Real men have control over these things, but if you don't and leave a room in that state and be proud of it - something has suffered somewhere. Sorry, but I cannot go with that. Enjoy your life in whichever way you see fit, but just be man enough to handle what you bring over yourself. :? :( And then you are willing to mount a motorbike the next morning! Crazy.....

Just IMHO..... :oops:

Nic that's for you, hope you're listening you bad, bad man!

SGB, I hear what you're saying and I understand where you are coming from having read your ride report and the unfortunate loss you suffered. I just don't think you have a right to preach to someone who doesn't frequent this forum on my ride report thread.

We're all individuals who have to take responsibility for our actions but most of all we answer to no one but ourselves.
Leo said:
SuperJuice said:
... They pulled us over

I guess steeking past them and turning off at the next gravel road wasn't an option :?

Sorry we missed you okes.

Excalibur was calling you mal, now we know why you couldn't be reached :wink:

We could have done that but I was safe and didn't get nailed. :wink:

It is a pity we missed each other, searched frantically when we were there.

Had a good chuckle at the messages Excalibur left on my phone. Went from excitement to dissapointment to just being plain PISSED OFF!

Nice trip there J man.

Your mate a member of think bike by any chance?
SuperJuice said:
Nic that's for you, hope you're listening you bad, bad man!

SGB, I hear what you're saying and I understand where you are coming from having read your ride report and the unfortunate loss you suffered. I just don't think you have a right to preach to someone who doesn't frequent this forum on my ride report thread.

We're all individuals who have to take responsibility for our actions but most of all we answer to no one but ourselves.

My statement had nothing to do with my report. I am commenting on your report on your thread, which is what the forum is about. And I am not preaching to anyone. My point simply goes about how you as a biker representing the biking community (not YOU) conduct yourself in a public place and the pride you take in making a mess of someone else's property. That's all - basic manners.... Someone had to clean up and repair the damage. You don't report the detail, but I was hoping to see something like: "The next morning we called the owner, apologized, paid some money to clean up and fix up" or something like that. Saying that you only have to answer to yourself in this case is therefore not fair towards the owner and the next biker who checks into this hotel.

It is about bikers and the image they portray and I am asking the members of the forum to agree or disagree. And it is about the treatment that fellow riders will receive at this hotel in future. And we complain on this same forum if there is negative attitude from the public towards bikers.

I can write another tome about the safety on getting onto a bike the next morning.

Hope that clarifies it. And you don't have to agree. As I said: IMHO. :)
Did all bikers vote and make Nic and Superjuice our representatives?

Sorry, I didnt get the memo, you dont represent me.
Do what you want.
SGB said:
My statement had nothing to do with my report. I am commenting on your report on your thread, which is what the forum is about. And I am not preaching to anyone. My point simply goes about how you as a biker representing the biking community (not YOU) conduct yourself in a public place and the pride you take in making a mess of someone else's property. That's all - basic manners.... Someone had to clean up and repair the damage. You don't report the detail, but I was hoping to see something like: "The next morning we called the owner, apologized, paid some money to clean up and fix up" or something like that. Saying that you only have to answer to yourself in this case is therefore not fair towards the owner and the next biker who checks into this hotel.

It is about bikers and the image they portray and I am asking the members of the forum to agree or disagree. And it is about the treatment that fellow riders will receive at this hotel in future. And we complain on this same forum if there is negative attitude from the public towards bikers.

I can write another tome about the safety on getting onto a bike the next morning.

Hope that clarifies it. And you don't have to agree. As I said: IMHO. :)

Listen, I'm not getting into a pissing contest with you, but I'll tell you one thing. You don't know me or the culprit, you have no fucking right to take any moral high ground on anything, let alone try and tell me what good or bad manners are.

While I don't condone his actions, I am not responsible for the actions of my fellow riders and don't come here with you piss willy attempt to try and tell me that he gave bikers a bad name.

It was HIS hotel room and he wasn't on a bike when he was drinking. He was in a bar sitting on a fucking bar stool. If a cage driver had done the same would he be giving all cage drivers a bad name? I think not. What he did to that hotel is HIS responsibility. You don't even know if he contacted them to apologise or make up for actions.

IMHO? Do you think that exonerates you from sounding like a fucking anal, preaching do gooder? I think not.

Commenting on a ride report is one thing, preaching is another.
shark_za said:
Did all bikers vote and make Nic and Superjuice our representatives?

Sorry, I didnt get the memo, you dont represent me.
Do what you want.

1. No they did not. But life jsut works like that. We do the same thing. "Cagers don't see us" " Bikers are bad" etc etc.

2. Yes, do what you want - but dont expect me to agree with all you do, and don't get up tight if I tell you.
SuperJuice said:
While I don't condone his actions, I am not responsible for the actions of my fellow riders and don't come here with you piss willy attempt to try and tell me that he gave bikers a bad name.

I did not say you were. READ - I specifically said "NOT YOU"

SuperJuice said:
It was HIS hotel room and he wasn't on a bike when he was drinking. He was in a bar sitting on a fucking bar stool. If a cage driver had done the same would he be giving all cage drivers a bad name? I think not. What he did to that hotel is HIS responsibility. You don't even know if he contacted them to apologise or make up for actions.

Exactly, that's why I asked. And cage drivers don't come into this? And I never said he was on a bike - I did ask about the next morning.

SuperJuice said:
IMHO? Do you think that exonerates you from sounding like a fucking anal, preaching do gooder? I think not.

Commenting on a ride report is one thing, preaching is another.

Chill brother - I disagreed with some stuff, that's all. I never abused you or your mate. I wonder if you will talk like you write if I ever had the priviledge of meeting you. I am no Anal, preaching do gooder or whatever. And I can drink lots of brandy too. That's not the point. I gave my opinion, and the more you say, the less impressed I get with your attitude. I will stop here, you have the last say. :D
You're right you didn't abuse anyone.

What you have done, is try to tell others how to act, behave and the difference between wrong or right and you spoiled my ride report.

If you're ever in JHB send me a PM and we can meet and I can assure you that if you try and preach to me in person, I'll tell you to fuck off, otherwise we can have a beer without preaching and discuss the weather or something.