My favourite bike pix

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In the spirit of this fred a couple of my favourites

On the turn-off to Klein Pella:


On the Nam side of the Orange

At Gert Du Toit se Baai

Somewhere on the way from Frazerburg (I love silhouette photos)



In the northern cape outside of Springbok somewhere where we took a break and then it started raining
When the guys started pulling away I saw these 'rain shadows'

Whoa bring jy nou die onthou uit daar . . . Was daai nou n lekker draai wat ons daar gery het daar by jou mooi wereld :love: Jan nee ou Dorsland ons is nog hier rond. Deesdae werk ons maar meestal ons dae om sodat ons die kjinders deur die universiteit kan kry
Jammer ek het jou antwoord gemis @JK Mens kan eintlik nie glo hoe vinnig die jare verby gly nie nè :oops: Daai rit voel soos verlede jaar.
In the spirit of this fred a couple of my favourites

On the turn-off to Klein Pella:

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On the Nam side of the Orange
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At Gert Du Toit se Baai
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Somewhere on the way from Frazerburg (I love silhouette photos)
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In the northern cape outside of Springbok somewhere where we took a break and then it started raining
When the guys started pulling away I saw these 'rain shadows'

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That is now a selection of proper riding pix! Baie mooi.
Heeltemal tevrede dankie(y).

Ook, so bietjie U raad gevat oor minimaal pak. Daai sakkie het alles in gehad wat nodig was vir 3 dae se saamekoms nodig, insluitend verversings
Ek wou nou net vra of daai sakkie alles bevat en of die bakkie die grootsak saamgery het? Wat is alles in die sakkie?
Ek wou nou net vra of daai sakkie alles bevat en of die bakkie die grootsak saamgery het? Wat is alles in die sakkie?
So @Exploratio kindly provided me with accommodation and the bag had

Ballantine's 50ml refreshments
1 x Tracksuit pants
2 x pairs of shorts
3 x t-shirts
1 x pair of "tekkies"
3 x pairs of underwear
2 x pair of shorts socks to wear with the tekkies
1 x toiletry bag with all that is needed
1 x quick-dry towel
1 x headlamp and powerbank
So @Exploratio kindly provided me with accommodation and the bag had

Ballantine's 50ml refreshments
1 x Tracksuit pants
2 x pairs of shorts
3 x t-shirts
1 x pair of "tekkies"
3 x pairs of underwear
2 x pair of shorts socks to wear with the tekkies
1 x toiletry bag with all that is needed
1 x quick-dry towel
1 x headlamp and powerbank
Thank you!! Everything needed when the accommodation is provided and not camping. Is it a specific make of bag?
So @Exploratio kindly provided me with accommodation and the bag had

Ballantine's 50ml refreshments
1 x Tracksuit pants
2 x pairs of shorts
3 x t-shirts
1 x pair of "tekkies"
3 x pairs of underwear
2 x pair of shorts socks to wear with the tekkies
1 x toiletry bag with all that is needed
1 x quick-dry towel
1 x headlamp and powerbank
As mens in gastehuise bly en dis somer is dit waaragtig al wat mens nodig het. Net vir interessantheid, het jy enige gereedskap of papwiel goeters saamgevat?
Thank you!! Everything needed when the accommodation is provided and not camping. Is it a specific make of bag?
My accommodation was a tent though:ROFLMAO:
Only addition for me in terms of camping would be the addition of my sleeping bag and bivvie

It is a Nomad bag from @Lars and interesting enough this size fits perfectly on the side pannier racks of my bike
As mens in gastehuise bly en dis somer is dit waaragtig al wat mens nodig het. Net vir interessantheid, het jy enige gereedskap of papwiel goeters saamgevat?
Dis jys die ding, almal in die Vrystaat is so vriendelik, hulle nooi jou sommer om oor te bly:D

In terme van gereedskap, het ek slegs my "leatherman" en klein Desert Fox socket stel saam gevat omrede ek vir die eerste keer 'n motorfiets het wat gebruik maak van "mousses". Nie meer nodig om enige papwiel goeters saam te sleep nie
Dis jys die ding, almal in die Vrystaat is so vriendelik, hulle nooi jou sommer om oor te bly:D

In terme van gereedskap, het ek slegs my "leatherman" en klein Desert Fox socket stel saam gevat omrede ek vir die eerste keer 'n motorfiets het wat gebruik maak van "mousses". Nie meer nodig om enige papwiel goeters saam te sleep nie
Dis hoe ek wil langpad ry. (y) Absoluut minimum goeters saamvat.