My "mourning ride" this morning

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Race Dog
Dec 8, 2011
Reaction score
Honda CRF-250L
Received a message early this morning that an ex-colleague of mine is not doing well in hospital after being admitted for Covid more than a week ago. The doctor apparently summoned his wife to hospital during the night as his condition was deteriorating rapidly due to an infection.
A few hours later I received the sad news that he had passed away.
I there and then decided to get on the bike and go for a ride to be alone with my thoughts and to mourn the loss of yet another good friend of mine.
I had no specific route in mind and just rode in a general direction. All I knew was that I had to get out of the city.


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Soon I found this road sign that pointed in the direction of nature, where I wanted to be with my thoughts.


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The road stretched ahead into the distance with very little traffic


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sorry for your loss!  :'(

I know the feeling
Some sections had lose sand but the little CRF handled the sand very easy even with the more road biased Michelin Syrac tyres


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I did not take my GPS when I left home so I decided to take the Kopermyn road to see where it was going. I continued south on this road for quite a while but as I got closer to a rural settlement, the pedestrian and vehicle traffic increased (being month-end and Friday) so I decided to turn around and get away from the madness


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I then took another turn-off in an easterly direction and this road was quiet with beautiful distant hazy views out towards the Wolkberg


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I crested some hills and dropped into some valleys and later stopped at the top of a hill with nice views of the valleys below and the mountains in the distance.
Here I found myself a comfortable rock to sit on and right there I said my final goodbyes to my bud


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Beautiful scenery.

Sorry to hear about your friend...
After an hour or so with my thoughts, I started heading back towards the city and home


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Final thought.......appreciate your family and friend and maintain contact with them as often as possible. Like the Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes lyrics of the song Up where we belong...."who knows what tomorrow brings?"

RIP Coenie....Gone but never forgotten  :'(
8 min Mark said:
Sorry for the loss of your friend. The mourning ride and report was a very cool gesture.
Thank you Mark
Niks beter as om die pad te vat om die kop skoon te kry nie, lekker rit daai.    :thumleft:

Jammer oor jou vriend Coenie.  Sterkte vir jou en sy familie.  :'( 
Vis Arend said:
Niks beter as om die pad te vat om die kop skoon te kry nie, lekker rit daai.    :thumleft:

Jammer oor jou vriend Coenie.  Sterkte vir jou en sy familie.  :'(
Dankie Vis Arend
chopperpilot said:
Jammer om te verneem van jou vriend se afsterwe. Sterkte!

Sent from my FIG-LX1 using Tapatalk
Dankie Chopperpilot
Going to clean the bike this morning.
That white dust got in everywhere.
Vis Arend said:
Niks beter as om die pad te vat om die kop skoon te kry nie, lekker rit daai.    :thumleft:

Puts it exactly right. There are times one needs to be alone and outside. The next best thing is cleaning the bike.  ;)
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Jammer oor jou vriend!

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