Namakwaland and Richtersveld Wildride

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I was getting a bit tired at this stage.  That often messes big time with my riding ability.  So when I came to a normal corner, stomped on the back brake and overshot it in a big way I figured it is time too slow down, pull myself toward myself and get going again.  At the next corner I did the same but now I noticed that the rear brake feels "strange".  And this was true, when I looked down I saw that the front part of it had fallen off and I was using the much less effective "air brake" version.  This messed me up for a little bit until I adjusted my foot so I could still push on the remaining part of the lever to slow down.  It took a while for the brain/foot adjustment to get the right pressure but after a while this sorted itself out and it worked just fine in most (note - definitely not all) attempts at cornering.
It looked like we were reaching the end of the sandy track and we rode on the outskirts of a small settlement. There was some rubbish lying around and I remember thinking that I hope no one gets a puncture through here.... :peepwall:

Few minutes later my bike's rear began the dreaded dance........

Amsterdam mentioned later that Marc will often fight off other riders to fix a puncture, he just always wants to help. The nail we found in the tyre put a 10cm cut in the tube and I had no choice but to fit a new tube.

tau said:
Noneking said:
Hier het [mention]weskus [/mention] en [mention]Rickus [/mention] my ‘n poets probeer bak vanaf die anderkant af.

As ek reg onthou het hulle klippe in jou pad gerol dat jy kan oefen vir die Dakar  :imaposer:
Getting the wheel back in the swingarm proved to be a challenge......... :peepwall: After a lot of swearing and Marc ready to kick over my bike, Amsterdam was able to get the wheel in place and we were off again. We'd lost a lot of time and the decision was made to ride straight to Klein Pella.

We stopped at the Quiver Tree forest to take some pics

The approach to Klein Pella was stunningly beautiful in the setting sun

Marc, [member=10935]BuRP[/member] and [member=7804]Amsterdam[/member]
Amsterdam organised some beer and wine to be bought by the Guest House as they don't have liquor license. We had some braai packs, braaibroodjies and salad. It was a good evening!


I tried my best to keep this video short...... :ricky:

It has come to my attention that a short clip from the previous day's riding ended up in this edit somehow...... :peepwall:

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The most beautiful sunrise greeted us the next morning.

Canzius, have you considered fitting the Tubliss system into your wheels?

I used to be the puncture king, until 5 years ago when I fitted the Tubliss system, and I now look forward to punctures.

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