Namakwaland and Richtersveld Wildride

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We made our way down Gannaga Pass



At the turnoff to Ouberg we said our goodbyes to Amsterdam and Marc. They were heading back to Cederberg Oasis where they would load their bikes and head home.

Wind was pumping at the top! BuRP needed some help to light his skyf.


It was 4 degrees celsius at midday and I was freezing. I put on every piece of clothing I had that morning, but still my teeth were clattering.

We had a small lunch at the hotel in Sutherland - a very sketchy place….

While fuelling the bikes, it started to snow. When we got going again, temperature had dropped to 2 degrees [emoji19]

We head fro Rammelkop Pass with its 12 million gates [emoji848]


Snow visible on mountains in the distance

We’re desperate to find coffee in Merweville but we’re not successful. We end up stopping in front of the church so that BuRP can have a smoke.

Riding towards Prince Albert and there is snow on the peaks

We arrive at the quest house and load our bikes on the bakkie. After a shower, we head to Lah-Di-Dah for dinner and we meet up with [member=2052]Heimer[/member] for a chat and some drinks.

That night I start feeling very ill and spent a large portion of the night on the floor next to the toilet. I vomited more than I thought humanly possible. When I do get to bed I'm shaking and shivering with fever gripping my body. By the time we have to get up to start the drive back home I am weak and don't have the strength to carry my luggage to the car.

I'm awake to see lots of snow in the Karoo, but for most of the trip I am sleeping and [member=13878]Muffin Man[/member] has a lonely drive back .....





Huge thank you to [member=7804]Amsterdam[/member] for arranging an epic trip!

Thank you to [member=13878]Muffin Man[/member] for the drive down and back and [member=8876]2StrokeDan[/member] , @BuRP , Marc and Wayne for being part of such a special trip. It was thoroughly enjoyable to ride with you guys again and I look forward to the next one!

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