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Thanks Panjo :thumleft:

Pleasure Soundboi :thumleft:

J-mo said:
Nou wil ek dit op 'n bike ook doen. Dankie dat jy dit in soveel detail gedeel het. Ek het dit baie geniet. Selfs my vroutjie het op 'n stadium onder my arm ingeklim en saam geniet. :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Doen dit net, jy sal nooit spyt wees nie.  :biggrin:  Ons is bly julle kon dit saam geniet, dis die dat ons alles saam doen.

Ja Grysalp, droog of groen, Namibia is 'n land van vele kontraste en bly spesiaal.

Ons plesier Gasman :thumleft:

nice trip just posted mine here.....we made it home after my fix
great RR!!

very unselfish of you to share - it must have been a uge amount of work and have taken many hours to put together.

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Vosperd said:
great RR!!

very unselfish of you to share - it must have been a uge amount of work and have taken many hours to put together.

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

yip i can relate...its like riding is lekka then reflecting back ......mmmmm  thinking of the next ride......makes it all worth it in the end
Vaalseun said:
Great RR Visarend. It's one of those that everybody wants to do, but reality is that only a few will end up actually doing it. May I call you Sir and Madam? Salute!
True words, at the end of the day we have one life to live, live it to the fullest as long as you can.  We will humble accept your request thank you.  :thumleft:

Shangali said:
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
what a mind blower of a trip and spritual starter for the brain!
sharing this with us is greatly apriciated! .... !!!!
that blue thing of yours is looking fantastic without the load on it!
the two of you have made a memory for life! great story for the grandchildren!
thank`s again
.... Peace & Joy ....
:thumleft: Our pleasure in sharing, memory for life for sure, just wish for the grandchildren though.....
Mother said:
nice trip just posted mine here.....we made it home after my fix
:thumleft:  Seen your RR, very nice :biggrin:

Buffel B said:
Baie mooi ! Dankie
Altyd 'n plesier :thumleft:
Vosperd said:
great RR!!
very unselfish of you to share - it must have been a uge amount of work and have taken many hours to put together.
:thumleft: Thanks, the work is the least, as long as we could share some of our experience with fellow dogs, as Mother said
Mother said:
...its like riding is lekka then reflecting back ......mmmmm  thinking of the next ride......makes it all worth it in the end
Thanks you guys, including old faithful, Blou Bliksem. :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

Namibia is an entire destination, journey and experience all on its own. You've laid it out here for us to share in the beauty and to glimpse at your experiences. Not everybody has this opportunity. This may be the closest that some get to that experience.

You were very lucky to see Epupa falls in flood, it was spectacular!

The roads were also tough in places and you handled it masterfully.

I'm a bit disillusioned about the Heidies. I've done about 5 on mine now. I looked for signs of delamination of sorts like yours but none. The TKC's are better but don't last very long as you mentioned.

Thanks for sharing
Thanks White Rhino for your nice comments, we are glad we could share our experience.

Most guys are happy with their Heidies, it might have been the weight that caused it, dunno.
Baie dankie - dit was great (en 'n baie onproduktiewe oggend by die werk ;) ) Ek het al 11 bl'sye in een sessie deurgewerk. Dit was baie mooi. Fantastiese foto's !!! Ek kon net nie ophou nie! Geniet die rus, ons sien uit na die volgende fantastiese RR.  :thumleft:
Dit was nou baie lekker om jou rr te lees. Great trip en unbelievable mooi photies en lekker memories van my laaste trip daar. Thanks julle.  :thumleft:
Duracell said:
Baie dankie - dit was great (en 'n baie onproduktiewe oggend by die werk ;) ) Ek het al 11 bl'sye in een sessie deurgewerk. Dit was baie mooi. Fantastiese foto's !!! Ek kon net nie ophou nie! Geniet die rus, ons sien uit na die volgende fantastiese RR.  :thumleft:
:thumleft: Baie dankie, moennie te veel worry oor die onproduktiewe oggend nie.
Ons is al moeg gerus (duracells is vol gelaai  :biggrin:), gat jeuk al vir die volgende trippie.
Tankwa said:
Dit was nou baie lekker om jou rr te lees. Great trip en unbelievable mooi photies en lekker memories van my laaste trip daar. Thanks julle.  :thumleft:

:thumleft: Thanks Tankwa

Sien ek dalk 'n Windhoek bier en glase vol Jagermeister op jou avitor?  :biggrin:
VA Absolutely great Ride Report!! :thumleft:

Your wife seems like an abolute star pillion - I had a good chuckle when you mentioned that a long stretch of sand was getting to you and you politely asked your wife if she wouldnt mind walking a little - Gees My wife is off the back before I can ask, when things look a little doge with thick sand or mud.

Appreciate the detail you provided - Wife and I are doing a pillion trip end June and certainly will use lots of the info you shared!! I am limited to about 15 days but after reading the section from Henties to Epupa ..... Man I need to make a plan and somehow do that!!!!!! :eek7:

:thumleft: Thanks TM, I have send you a PM.

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Thanks to all who send me PMs and e-mailed me, it is much appreciated.  I will kindly assist were possible.
I will be posting the maps soon.  :biggrin:
Happy travelling.
Thanks for a great RR Vis Arend. Wonderful pictures, really well documented. It is a lot of work putting these reports together but they are so worth it.  You have me pining away here for the African sky blue...

Im really looking forward to your maps as well.