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Boerha said:
Julle is YSTERS!!!

Ongeloooflike trip en ervaring van 'n leeftyd ne!?
:thumleft: Praat jy, dit was onvergeetlik.

Trailrider said:
Louis, ek het nou die hele ding in een sitting gelees. FANTASTIES!!!

Ek vermy gewoonlik Reports oor Suid Wes. Ek was te lank laas daar. :'(

Ek sal terug gaan. A.g.v. van die RR gou.

Jislaaik dankie dis 'n great report.
Baie dankie TR, Suidwes is en bly maar net 'n juweel.  Doen dit net en kry klaar.  Ons was daar telke male met die 4X4, glo my dit is 'n heel ander ervaring met die fiets, dit is onbeskryflik.  Hoop jy kan dit binnekort doen. :biggrin:
Kannie wag om saam met julle op die volgende trip te gaan nie. My plek voor die PC is geboek....for sure :thumleft:
We busy doing Namibia at the moment and read bits of ur report here this morning in Swakop...never seen it so wet and sandy also some serious corrugations...damaged my drive shaft...when we hit a wash at speed before Ai Ais...we also fully loaded 2up...managed to fix it using a pipe and its still going strong...nice report
Very entertaining.  I am thrilled.  But 14 km p/ltr seem on the deep side.  I get about 17.4--19.14km per littre depending on my riding.
Mother said:
We busy doing Namibia at the moment and read bits of ur report here this morning in Swakop...never seen it so wet and sandy also some serious corrugations...damaged my drive shaft...when we hit a wash at speed before Ai Ais...we also fully loaded 2up...managed to fix it using a pipe and its still going strong...nice report
Sorry about your mishap, take it slow at the many washes, they are deceiving.  Enjoy your time, I've seen that you are a regular visitor to Nam.
Maak my Jaloers en baie lus vir bike ry !!! :drif:
Nice trip !! :thumleft:
Mzee said:
Very entertaining.  I am thrilled.  But 14 km p/ltr seem on the deep side.  I get about 17.4--19.14km per littre depending on my riding.
14k/l is a bit steep, but we had lugguage bags on the front crashbars that were catching the wind like mad.  Another factor was the heavy sand we encountered, and then of course, weight and speed is your biggest enemy.  In normal conditions here locally the fuel consumption is more or less the same as yours.

Valiant said:
Maak my Jaloers en baie lus vir bike ry !!! :drif:
Nice trip !! :thumleft:
What a RR!!!!  Seems to me like this could be up for election to the Roll of Honour  ;)

:hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:
Thanks Pickle, appreciated.

Dankie boere, dit was 'n moerse nice trip.

Thanks ThunderBearer, appreciated.

Glad I could share it with fellow dogs.
Hi Louis

Thank you for an awe inspiring ride report  :drif:

Its one of those reports that make you want to pack the panniers and just ride !

Namibia is on my To Do list and now Im busy looking at the calender ...  >:D

How did find that intercom system you are using, what is the quality like ? 

Thank you  :thumleft:
Pickle said:
What a RR!!!!  Seems to me like this could be up for election to the Roll of Honour  ;)

:hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:  :hello2:
Hey Louis,

Ek het hierdie RR in een sitting gelees. Hierdie is moontlik die lekkerste RR wat ek nog op die forum gelees het. Ek het altyd gewonder of ek weer Namibie toe wil gaan. Was 'n paar keer daar terwyl ek in die weermag was en ken die nat Noorde van Namibie baie goed.

Was een keer met die Landy daar toe ons die Visrivier Canyon gaan stap het.

Nou wil ek dit op 'n bike ook doen. Daar is net iets van Namibie wat my soos 'n magneet trek. Ek weet nie of dit daai oop vlaktes is of dalk die ongereptheid daarvan is nie, maar definitief baie hoog op my "MOET DOEN" lys.

Dankie dat jy dit in soveel detail gedeel het. Ek het dit baie geniet. Selfs my vroutjie het op 'n stadium onder my arm ingeklim en saam geniet. :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Vis Arend,  Great riderapport. Ja Suidwes/Namibië bly maar mooi, veral as dit gereën het.
Blerrie lekker RR  :thumleft:

thanks vir al die moeite sodat ons ook bietjie kon deel in julle great trip!!
Hidalgo said:
Thank you for an awe inspiring ride report  :drif:
How did find that intercom system you are using, what is the quality like ? 
Thank you  :thumleft:
We will definitely not go on such trip without some sort of communication between us.  At some stages we were in the saddle for more than 11 hours, the communication were great and the batteries lasted the whole day.  (The manual indicates 7 hours.)
It is however almost useless @ 120 km/h +.
Quality is questionable, the one aerial casing cracked within 48 hours (we don't know how) and we had to fix it with insulation tape – it is still like that.  The other bracket to attach the device to the helmet broke and we attached it with Velcro, which we found to be the better option.  It lasted the trip and is still going strong. 
Great RR Visarend. It's one of those that everybody wants to do, but reality is that only a few will end up actually doing it. May I call you Sir and Madam? Salute!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

what a mind blower of a trip and spritual starter for the brain!
sharing this with us is greatly apriciated! .... !!!!
that blue thing of yours is looking fantastic without the load on it!
the two of you have made a memory for life! great story for the grandchildren!

thank`s again

.... Peace & Joy ....

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