Nine fiddy fuel pump ....

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Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure
Greeting all,

My 950 fuel pump has given up the ghost. Odd thing, is that its been bust for ages (no telltale tick tock on ignition on cycle) and as long as the bike didn't stand for ages, it would start up no problem. When it stood, it required liberal Quick Start to get it to fire and once warm would be ok including starting a week later.

Anyway, I stripped it over this long weekend. Cleaned the points, bench ran it and then plumbed it back in, It ran twice (the pump that is) and the bike started much better obviously. But now, its dead again. The points system clearly dicky.
I have toured the HOW on this subject, and ADV rider as well.

Have a trip coming up so time to dealer stock sir, two to three weeks sir...grrrrrr!!. FWIW, that unit is 3600 new these days.

Now I am faced with the FACET dilema. I would prefer to keep my bike unmolested mechanically and don like hacking connectors etc so my 1st prize is: is there another OEM type solution or somebody local selling just the points portion, or taking from another bike that uses the same system (I have heard a Honda of some sort may have the same).
If I cant get 1st prize, then next best is local source of the correct FACET if anybody knows that.

Appreciate any wisdom from the community, thanks

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