Old School ride to Oudshoorn-Ride hard or stay at home

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Berm_Rooster said:
Thanks Pete for bringing us all together.

I believe you have a booking at the Tattooist this week? :amazon:

I heard so as well.....

to get one of these?

"KTM fan - JoeRocket"

Berm Rooster my ou:  Waar james bond 'n license to kill het jy 'n license to drive.  Julle ouens moet die ou sien bike ry!!! Dis 'n motocross biker die.  Hy vat nie kakkie.....!!!!!!!!

Jy sien net............niks voor jou nie want dan is Berm rooster al lankal weg.............
Sprocketbek said:
Oh, before I forget: Mr Python I think you forgot something in Calitzdorp.

Will PM you the details.

Here's a clue: didn't the cop sitting under the tree pull you over because the XT was a bit loud?  ;D

Indeed  it was loud, I noticed when I got to ladysmith and pulled out my ear plugs :eek7:
Thanks guys for rescuing the abandoned pipe.
:pot:    :peepwall:



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GRyPH said:
ek het die bike gesien ja  maar nie vir Pad nie,   As ek geweet het dis die mothership wat daar staan sou ek gestop het.

Lyk na n moerse paartie. Ek was onder by die rivier gewees. Moes Saterdag oggend Slaapstad toe gaan en terug, toe Sondag oggend gedink miskien ry ek julle iewers raak.
What a great weekend, I am sure fun was had by all! Thanks Pistonpete for arranging such a lekka weekend, Sprocketbek for Friday night and Leftless for the fantastic routes there and back. It was really great seeing al the familiar faces again and meet some new ones. I also really enjoyed the group I was riding with. Two Stoke Dan, nice seeing you again and glad to see you made it back home safe!
What an experience! This was my first outing with the Wild Dogs and, as Arny said in Terminator, “I’ll be back”.  It certainly had it high and low points.  For me the low point was the sand we hit after lunch on Saturday.. I need a bit more time to get used to the feeling that the sand is in control of the bike and not me.

But the high points vastly outweigh the low points.  I could not have asked for a more pleasant group to ride with on my maiden outing.  Leftless, Pete, Kat, AntonW, Rynet, Doerengone, N[]vA… to name but a few.  Thanks for making it a wonderful experience.  The terrain we rode through was amazing, ranging from the vast vistas of the southern Karoo, the Swartberg mountains, the passes and the hidden valleys.  It makes you realize that there are so much to see in our country, all you need is time, two wheels and a sense of adventure.  I even had the opportunity to taste the Karoo… being the slowest riding gave me ample opportunity to “vreet stof”.

Thanks again to Pete and Leftless for all the effort they put in to making it a great weekend.
GRyPH said:
Berm_Rooster said:
Thanks Pete for bringing us all together.

I believe you have a booking at the Tattooist this week? :amazon:

I heard so as well.....

to get one of these?

"KTM fan - JoeRocket"

Now, I'm sure you all know PistonPete. So the Sunday morning, I ask PP if he actually owns anything without a KTM logo on it. Oviaas, his andwer is "NO!". Told him I know a bigger KTM fan than himself and he looked at me as though I as he just caught me trying to court his Granny.

So, JR pull up his pants to reveal what you see in the picture above. Pete looks at it and............silence. Not only did he not have any word, but he was stunned that he had been proven an inferior Toom fan.

Pete, no matter how much gaytape put put on that thing's wheels, you wont beat this. So next time I see you, I expect to see a fresh chappie on you somewhere!
Thanks to all the baai se manne,will ride with you dogs anytime.Sorry not to say goodbye,but Ileft early as that patch job on my bike worried me,it also had a oil leak on the feed pipe next tothe front sprocket,need to buy new front,rear sprocket and chain,try repai the housing.Thanks to all you guys who helped,got back to Trail end at8.45 ,bet you guys were still sleeping.Thanks for letting me ride with you guys,thanks Johan was a blast ,nice to ride your side of the world,hope to join you boys again.Berm Rooster your 800 goes like a bomb 8) oh 1200 hundred,was lekker to ride with you again,need to buy a bigger bike :biggrin:.
Stoetbul ,thanks,was moerse fun to meet you,will keep in touch.DR Dirt thanks for tryng to get me a chain,really apreciate the effort ,BMW on call :thumleft:.Thanks to our back up ,Jack,who kept us in cold beer at all our stops.Groen mamba,thanks for the lekker company :thumleft:.Cassie will ride with you any time ,thanks for making me laugh so much,thanks to all you guys once again.
Berm_Rooster said:
Now, I'm sure you all know PistonPete. So the Sunday morning, I ask PP if he actually owns anything without a KTM logo on it. Oviaas, his andwer is "NO!". Told him I know a bigger KTM fan than himself and he looked at me as though I as he just caught me trying to court his Granny.

So, JR pull up his pants to reveal what you see in the picture above. Pete looks at it and............silence. Not only did he not have any word, but he was stunned that he had been proven an inferior Toom fan.

Pete, no matter how much gaytape put put on that thing's wheels, you wont beat this. So next time I see you, I expect to see a fresh chappie on you somewhere!

This is very close to the face PP had when he saw this:


dit was moerse fun. was it you that shouted michelle kom slaap nou. michelle kom slaap nou. I was crying of lauthter in my tent.
bradleys said:
Thanks to all the baai se manne,will ride with you dogs anytime.Sorry not to say goodbye,but Ileft early as that patch job on my bike worried me,it also had a oil leak on the feed pipe next tothe front sprocket,need to buy new front,rear sprocket and chain,try repai the housing.Thanks to all you guys who helped,got back to Trail end at8.45 ,bet you guys were still sleeping.Thanks for letting me ride with you guys,thanks Johan was a blast ,nice to ride your side of the world,hope to join you boys again.Berm Rooster your 800 goes like a bomb 8) oh 1200 hundred,was lekker to ride with you again,need to buy a bigger bike :biggrin:.
Stoetbul ,thanks,was moerse fun to meet you,will keep in touch.DR Dirt thanks for tryng to get me a chain,really apreciate the effort ,BMW on call :thumleft:.Thanks to our back up ,Jack,who kept us in cold beer at all our stops.Groen mamba,thanks for the lekker company :thumleft:.Cassie will ride with you any time ,thanks for making me laugh so much,thanks to all you guys once again.

No problem. Next time i will have the right size. ;)
Glad everyone made it home safely. Now we have to wait for that trip you are planning. >:D
bradleys said:
Thanks to all the baai se manne,will ride with you dogs anytime.Sorry not to say goodbye,but Ileft early as that patch job on my bike worried me,it also had a oil leak on the feed pipe next tothe front sprocket,need to buy new front,rear sprocket and chain,try repai the housing.Thanks to all you guys who helped,got back to Trail end at8.45 ,bet you guys were still sleeping.Thanks for letting me ride with you guys,thanks Johan was a blast ,nice to ride your side of the world,hope to join you boys again.Berm Rooster your 800 goes like a bomb 8) oh 1200 hundred,was lekker to ride with you again,need to buy a bigger bike :biggrin:.
Stoetbul ,thanks,was moerse fun to meet you,will keep in touch.DR Dirt thanks for tryng to get me a chain,really apreciate the effort ,BMW on call :thumleft:.Thanks to our back up ,Jack,who kept us in cold beer at all our stops.Groen mamba,thanks for the lekker company :thumleft:.Cassie will ride with you any time ,thanks for making me laugh so much,thanks to all you guys once again.

Thanks to you Gav for that shot in the butt (Voltarin), made the world of difference. Stiff as hell Sunday and today, but I think that just unfitness talking not the Off.
ek voel al klaar post holiday stress homesic disorder PHSHD.  die twee dae het gevoel soos hele maand se vakansie. julle het die show gemaak.  nie eers my pelle wat so rof kuier is so lekker gewees nie
Just to add to the 640 chain saga, the chain we actually used was the fucked one off TR's old bike (now owned by Oros650 who couldnt make it unfortunately) which I had taken off on Friday and by chance landed up in Jack's bakkie. Glad to hear you made it Brad!
Thanks PistonPete and everyone for organising this event.
Great campsite. Was great meeting all of you. (Well, almost all of you were great.)

Although I traveled with the old man and the very old man, we had a great time...
No problem Mr Python was only a pleasure to help,sorry only had a long needle :imaposer:.Was lekker to ride with you,hope you feel better soon.

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