Oukloof - Our experience

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Hardy de Kock

Grey Hound
WD Vendor
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Loxton - Northern Cape
Yamaha T7
It is Thursday 16 November and I am up at 02h45. I am an early riser but I am still tired and I have not had good sleep the last couple of days.
Unfortunately I am one of those that find it impossible to go back to sleep once I am awake.
Eskom will be reminding us of their impotence in little over an hour and there is a lot to do before the sun is up.
Coffee, cigarette and my checklist in hand I attempt to find something that we might have forgotten to pack. Luckily the team did their work and after a few minutes I can sit back and relax.

Today we will meet old friends in a place that we often go to when we need a break from work. Our team is planning a few events for 2024 and in order for us to make sure we hit the nail first time with the routes and tracks, we called in some big guns for help.

- Hennie Roos, Martin Harmse and his brother Brian will drive in from East London.
- @twister and @Losper will drive from Bloemfontein
- @Kees will drive in from Stilbaai
- @PK will drive from George
- @Beserker will drive with one of our team members @hartebees from Cape Town
- @Parkinoff was supposed to come too - unfortunately he had a family emergency and could not make it.

Alan, Sharon, Chantal and myself would leave from Loxton and will in all likelihood be on the farm before the others arrive.
I have also decided to take my dogs with - Diesel and Pepsi will have to share a ride with Chantal. Diesel is way too big to sit in the front of a Cruiser.
I am worried about Diesel and his protective instincts. He has chowed my mom once - just about 15 minutes after she told me that dogs only bite bad people. He has also taught our neighbor some manners when the nozy neighbor waltzed into my house without knocking.
I remember thinking it will be a job and a half to keep him away from our friends for the entire weekend.
Anyway - I will wing it was my parting thought before I poured another coffee.

We left at exactly 07h00 am and made good time. From Loxton you head towards Frazerburg for 45km before you turn left at Brandfontein. From here you drive past Duck and Dive holiday farm, over the Sakrivierpoort crossing until you get to the Beaufort - Frazerburg connection road where you turn right. Another 50km on this beautiful undulating Karoo road leads you to the 120 degree Oukloof junction to your left.
At this point you can clearly see the top of Tafelkop in the distance and I find myself driving a little faster than I should.

I picked up @Beserker early on Thursday morning. His freshly rebuilt KDX200 was eagerly awaiting its opportunity to be run in. Making the run north on the N1, we turned off at Leeu Gamka and arrived at Oukloof around lunch time.

Filling our fuel containers at Leeu Gamka. Everyone brought between 30 and 40 liters of fuel for the weekend's riding.
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He is of course downplaying his excitement. He could not sleep because he was going to see our friends again. I have seen this happening many times.
All the people that he invited plays a huge role in his life, and sleep takes the backseat when it comes to his friends.
Diesel has not been socialised yet – Hardy prefers him to be over protective because of how things are in South Africa, and I am a little nervous about the weekend too. Pepsi – different story. She will charm her way into anyone’s lap if it means she will get a little attention.
The team is really working very hard to plan the perfect events at Oukloof next year and this weekend’s riding feedback from our friends will have a huge impact on us.



Oukloof - Day 01

We arrived at Middelplaas at around 10h30am. Middelplaas is one of 6 farms that belongs to Marge Viviers in the greater Oukloof area which is situated in and around the Nuweveld Mountains on the North Eastern side of the Karoo National Park.
For this weekend we planned to spend time on Middelplaas, Boplaas and Grootdroom.
Each of the farms had a lodge and we occupied all three.

Our guests started to arrive and a little while later everyone was there.
The catching up took a while and everyone dug into the beef rolls Sharon and Chantal prepared for us.
By now it was a little late to head for the mountains and it was decided to take a ride through the heart of Oukloof on the servitude road that links Frazerburg, Beaufort West, Leeu Gamka and Loxton. This ride is truly beautiful and it gives you a good idea of how big the Oukloof area really is.

We rode all the way up into the escarpment through Oukloof Pass where we all met up for a chat.
@PK was ill and from his symptoms I thought he might have Swine Flue.
He was grinding it out as we rode but it was obvious that he was not in his usual jovial mood. I remember thinking I am glad we did not attempt the trails today for Peter would have suffered.

On our way back @hartebees and myself was chasing @Beserker. I almost had an off as my front wheel clipped a rock whilst crossing a riverbed. I silently cursed myself for not wearing the proper gear.
I think @hartebees had a good laugh in his helmet behind me as the off almost happened.

Back at Middelplaas we made sure everyone had all the tracks that @hartebees and myself created on previous rides.
As we relaxed around the campfire we explained exactly what we needed from our guests on the following day's ride:

  • Divide the group into teams
  • Each team must ride at least two trails every day
  • Use the track logs to create even more interesting trails that will cater to the needs of riders of all skill levels.
  • Grade the "new trails" to afford riders the opportunity to choose trails that fits their skill levels.





Much to my surprise Diesel got along with the riders really well and after the first meet and greet he walked among them in his search for biltong or dry wors.
SUB - how did the shoulder hold up @PK?
Jean the doc said I can do gentle riding and this was fourth ride since surgery. Needless to say I don`t think he had the 4x4 route in mind when he handed out that advice..!
Took a bit of strain, but seems to have held up well, which I am thankful for.
I have been to Oukloof a few times over the past couple of years so I knew that the riding and scenery that awaited us would be amazing. What I was looking forward to most was spending time with special people - some that I have not seen in a couple of years. The only person I have not met before is Hennie Roos, but @P.K. and @Hardy de Kock have told me many stories and him and assured me that I would enjoy his company. Spoiler: they were not wrong.

Day 1 was also the hottest day of the lot and when @Beserker and I arrived some of the guys were already cooling off in the pool at Middelplaas. As mentioned we went on a scenic and relaxed ride later in the afternoon. After discussing the game plan after dinner it was clear that there was no lack of energy and excitement from the riders. The two Pieters from Bloemfontein seemed especially eager to hit the technical trails first thing in the morning.

@Kees and I would form a riding team and we nominated ourselves to head up the Arendsnes trail the next morning. Man, it was a lot of fun but at this point we didn't know what we were signing up for...
Much to my surprise Diesel got along with the riders really well and after the first meet and greet he walked among them in his search for biltong or dry wors.

He was closely following the typical pack behaviour of a certain Mr Roos…
next thing you know he will be filling your shoes up with sand..
Still putting my thoughts to pixels after an awesome weekend, re-uniting with amazing group of people and spending time in riding Nirvarna....reliving all the fun from the pics already posted.

Some Martin magic - old school air cooled on rock hard 70/30 tyres in a loose river bed busy drag racing, legend (bike and rider)
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The area around Oukloof, and the pass itself are spectacular .
I have ridden the pass plenty in the past, but being based at the lodges and riding "out and back" routes on a daily basis was special. A light bike and an array of routes to choose from makes this format unique.

I opted to leave the 500 at home (missed it in the sand though) and took the ever reliable CRF300 which proved to be a good choice for the rocky climbs and drop offs. Future participants would do well to adapt their gearing for more low down grunt...nicer for climbing and even better for steep, loose downhill sections, of which there are plenty.

Hardy outlined his plans for events there next year and the variety of terrain lends itself to epic riding and training weekends. I have long been of the opinion that many riders (across the spectrum) would welcome the availability of training/guidance to up their game on the weak aspects of their riding. The vision is to provide this in a relaxed, unintimidating environment. Oukloof provides the ideal place to do this, with a variety of terrain.

Of all the riders there for the weekend, I was probably the most lacking in skill and the memory of shitting myself for the smallest patch of sand is still vivid. Fast forward a year or two, and I now actively seek out sand...I love riding sandy river beds and the satisfaction of this improvement is immense and what can be achieved with good coaching in the right conditions. The Oukloof weekends next year are aimed at this...think long and hard before you decline an invitation. You will not regret it.
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I have also visited these farms with my family. I will try my best to attend whatever is organised for 2024. Looks as if that devastating drought is somewhat broken?
Did you also ride the "vlakte" on the other side of the mountain range? - sort of the back of the guest house?
I have also visited these farms with my family. I will try my best to attend whatever is organised for 2024. Looks as if that devastating drought is somewhat broken?
Did you also ride the "vlakte" on the other side of the mountain range? - sort of the back of the guest house?
Hi Jaco, yes we did. There are a number of tracks in that area.