Our Cape Trip, some rode, some flew.......

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Wow Adventurer....what a shocking read. :eek:

Glad it all worked out ok in the end. Hope Peaches is fully recovered in no time!
Great report Adventurer

Must say I would have gone mental if it had been my wife..  Glad you had some level headed people around you guys to help out.. 

WD's respect to all those who helped out.. It was heart warming to see people pulling together.. 

Again huge respect to all those who helped  :thumright: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Adventurer you and Peaches have a PM  ;)

Jeez what a thread....

Kurt and family - bad luck, good luck, heal well - best of luck forward - you truely are an unique and tight-knit unit.

WD - wow, what a feeling to be travelling this beautiful country of us knowing this kind of support is only 1 call away.....  Good on all ya...... 

Hi Kurt

Thanks for sharing and for posting this report after the hectic and emotional time you have been through.

Peaches I hope you heal well and are able to get back on a bike as soon as you would like to. Well done for being such a star throughout this ordeal, Cherry, your folks can be very proud of you.

And a big "UP" to all the Cape Wild Dogs who showed such caring and concern to a family in need.

Glad you are all well - nice to know there is a network of concerned bikers out there and that they were there for the 3 of you!
It was a sad day for Peaches today, the insurance guy was here first, agreed the bike is farked, then the salvage guy fetched the bike. The 'Beast' is no more. :'(

BUT........I signed the OTP at Lyndhurst today.........and Mikedabike will paint it RED for Peaches if she so desires..... :)
Now that was flat-out adventure AND a happy ending.  So the legend of the "Beast" will continue!, every cloud has a silver lining ;)  Thanks for sharing your experiences!
Good news there, hope the new RED one brings loads of fun and enjoyment.  Look after it well, so Cherry can take it over one day.  8)

Sorry to hear about your spills and thrills,

Strong girls is all I can say, hope my daughter grows up to be like that...

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