PE dogs ride Sun 17 June

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1. Some more meander through the next kloof. There's lots of them
2 & 3. More views of the Elansriver mouth
4. Next we would get into the more serious part of the forest. Jaybiker explains why he managed to become an 'old' biker and bids us goodbye.

Thanks for the ride-along Jim.


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There are four entrances/exits to the Nothern part of the forest. In the past I've only entered the forest from one particular entrance, the other three were my exits, simply because the ride always started from Oudebosch padstal and its easier to find your way coming from one direction only.

Today I would attempt to enter the forest from a diferrent route. Now we know what happens. When you go in reverse you don't recognise any markers, plus the farmer has now cultivated the land around the next kloof entrance.

After scrambling around a bit I find the top of the road into the kloof... 50 meters futher its gone  :eek7: There's a heavily overgrown twee spoor leading to the left down the mountain, that looks like its been made by a quad. Its steep but looks to go in the right direction. Does not look very familiar but I decide to give it a go and see where it takes us. Flaymo amd Hotwire follows.

It was a mistake. We should have walked it first. 100 m down, around a corner, the path disappears. Turn around and make our way up that hill, back to the path again. Took us the best part of an hour. Again, we lack fotographic evidance as our efforts were concentrated on getting our bikes turn and back up that mountain.

1. Warrefok is die pad... en my bike
2. After wrestling the bikes back up we were knackered. Flatmo coming up the hill, but the pic does not do it justice.
3. Getting our breaths back


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On the next ride, when I start to scout the forest again, I'm going to look for that path from the other side.

We're not done yet and decide to go arond to the R102 and enter the forest from another direction. Again, I'm coming at it from reverse and nothing looks familiar, plus, where there use to be paths are now overgrown, and roads had been graded which were not there before. We also start to get into some serious mush.

Call it a day and turn back. Clearly the forest has changed a lot in the past four years and I'll have to scout and work out the routes all over again.

Back to Oudeboshe for coffee and home.

Thanks guys for another good day out. We may not have achieved all what we set out to do, but lessons were learnt ... AND IT WAS FUN

As always coming from that side of a ride... the final pic of the day


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wow gerhard, that river mouth almost rivals storms river. what awesome fynbos as well!!

thanks for sharing.
J-mo said:
Lekker ride Jup. Wonder hoe die buffel sou vaar? :eek7:

Hy sou nie. Nie 'n plek vir groot bikes nie. Jy kan seker deur ry op die hoofpaaie, maar dan gaan dit nie pret wees nie. Die pret is om die bospaadjies te verken en daarvoor is Thumper die beste. Op een kol moes ons my bike optel en sleep om hom weer terug op die paadjie te kry.

Wanneer kry jy joune ?  :biggrin:
jupiter said:
J-mo said:
Lekker ride Jup. Wonder hoe die buffel sou vaar? :eek7:

Hy sou nie. Nie 'n plek vir groot bikes nie. Jy kan seker deur ry op die hoofpaaie, maar dan gaan dit nie pret wees nie. Die pret is om die bospaadjies te verken en daarvoor is Thumper die beste. Op een kol moes ons my bike optel en sleep om hom weer terug op die paadjie te kry.

Wanneer kry jy joune ?  :biggrin:

Wassie eers daar nie...maar daai bosse lyk nie vir kinder speletjies nie  :peepwall:
Onthou darem net ek het verdwaal omdat ek 'n spesifieke pad gesoek het wat nou na 4 jaar toegegroei en verdwyn het. Omdat dit bosbou area is is daar baie paadjies en wat die area interessant maak is al die klowe.

Elke keer as jy gaan ry is dit anders, afhangend waar hulle oes, maar jy leer die hooftoegang paadjies ken en raak dan maar verdwaal met al die tussen paadjies. Dis waar die pret inkom.

jupiter said:
J-mo said:
Lekker ride Jup. Wonder hoe die buffel sou vaar? :eek7:

Hy sou nie. Nie 'n plek vir groot bikes nie. Jy kan seker deur ry op die hoofpaaie, maar dan gaan dit nie pret wees nie. Die pret is om die bospaadjies te verken en daarvoor is Thumper die beste. Op een kol moes ons my bike optel en sleep om hom weer terug op die paadjie te kry.

Wanneer kry jy joune ?  :biggrin:

Ek kyk nog uit. Was op 'n stadium lus om vir Torque Curve 'n aanbod te gemaak het, maar soek eerder 'n ouer thumper.  :mwink: