Put Down The Hammer-Step Away From The Technology

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Bachelor Dog
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Yamaha T7
The youth of today grow up in a techno world, 90% off them have never even been on a farm, its just mall, playstation, parties etc.
When talking to some off the people I know, they react with things like "sleeping outside, you mad?", "but what about the scorpions?"
You know, let nature be, it was here first, we are merely occupying this space for a moment.
I love the outdoors and, being outdoor, yes EtienneNXR doesn't just ride bikes, he's also a nature freak  :D  :p

Some last minute planning the other day, got me the though to do a little hike/camp, with only the bare essentials.
Sleeping bag

That's it, make due with what you have.
The location would be on the farm, 17km outside Ladismith, I had either the Friday or Saturday night to do it, but was to excited and went on the Friday night. Luckily because the next day the biggest storm in 2 years broke out.

This is not really a ride report, more like a night out report.

A short ride to where the road stopped and my walk began.

In the area there are Zebra's, gemsbokke, springbokke and duikers, all WD's are welcome to come visit!

The plan was just to walk to a remote area off the farm where I have not yet been, and find a nice suitable sleeping spot

The area over there looked promising.

And soon I was there, a beautiful small rocky canyon.

Now only to find a soft spot, ah a sand patch on the rock bed.

The sun was starting to go already, so setting up "camp" was important as I didn't have a flashlight.

Quickly got a fire going with the dry wood lying around, now this is nice, nothing that can bother you, no cellphone signal, no one you have to keep busy.....just peacefulness

Preparing dinner ;D

The moon had just started to shine in the distance, note how dark it is here!

Once the food was done, and the fire burned out, I covered the fire pit with sand, and got my sleeping bag out, experience has told me not to get my sleeping bag out long before as the dew sets in with the nightfall, and pretty soon you will have a wet bedroom.

The quietness actually overwhelms you, you can hear it in your head, yes, nothing does make a sound! I slept like a puppy that night and awoke the morning to this view.
Doesn't get any better than this 'ey!

The aftermath

Everything packed away, trying to leave the area better than it was when I arrived

These kind of experiences are very joyful to me, so this weekend I'm taking a friend to the same place to share in the experience, he has never done this type off thing so we'll see how it turns out...

Very Very NIIIICE !!!!!!!

It must be so nice to get out of the city and just be at peace with yourself and nature............   :thumleft: :thumleft:

Jissie dit lyk nogal lekker  :biggrin:  jy mag maar my naam noem.............
Wow Etienne, great to see that there are still youngsters who appreciate nature and the outdoors. My son is 12 and love camping, fishing, and of course biking! However, he has the best of both worlds, sits hours in front of the computer. Change is good, but it is comforting experience to see that there are teenagers who are living a balanced life. Way to go, hope your mate enjoys this experience with you next time!  :thumleft:
TVB said:
Wow Etienne, great to see that there are still youngsters who appreciate nature and the outdoors. My son is 12 and love camping, fishing, and of course biking! However, he has the best of both worlds, sits hours in front of the computer. Change is good, but it is comforting experience to see that there are teenagers who are living a balanced life. Way to go, hope your mate enjoys this experience with you next time!  :thumleft:
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;D
Great stuff, E!  Sleeping under the stars is the best there is.
Way to go, Dude.  I also grew up on a farm and could never understand the "city kids".  They were always bored during school holidays.   Hell, I never left the farm and didn't know what bored meant!!  And this (yes, I'm probably giving my age away) was before TV, computers, play stations, etc.  The only "stations" we knew were the ones were you got flattened by the train if you played too long!  :biggrin:  

Enjoy it, and make the most of it.  You have a far better life than any city kid!!
And that is the sad part about children growing up in the cities today ... like you said ... playstaion, xbox, dvd's, mxit etc ... no life expieriencing!

Good on you bud!
Nice Etienne. Just goes to show you don't have to blow the budget to camp out, as a matter of fact the cheaper you go, the closer you get to nature.  :thumleft:
Zen camping- lekka Etienne.

PS, As jy ooit die boek '' Sheltering Desert van Henno Martin raakloop, lees gerus, jy sal dit geniet.  :thumleft:
Dis mos hoe die lewe moet wees. :pot:

Just a bit worried about that friend of yours, is that a he or a she...? ;) :biggrin:
Miepels said:
Dis mos hoe die lewe moet wees. :pot:

Just a bit worried about that friend of yours, is that a he or a she...? ;) :biggrin:
It says in the report HE , but it would be much more fun with a she  :biggrin:
Very cool!

I just echo what have been said (and what we have talked about previously as well) - Young people like you who have your head screwed on right are hard to come by.
