Quick Sunday Outing

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Schalk Oets

Race Dog
Apr 4, 2010
Reaction score
Bertrand, Nebraska
CassieBotha and myself decided that we needed a little bit of soul food, and the only way to get that is by a nice little afternoon outing going nowhere slowly !
It was a great ride and i feel ready for the week !

We left the George mall and headed out onto the Saarsveld road heading to Karatara, now I'm sorry if anyone lives there but its the weirdest little town i have ever come across, looks like ..... O hell i don't even know what its just weird !!
Go take a look for yourself, specially on a weekend where the order of the day seems to be to hang out on the stoep and skeef anyone driving past!

We ended up above Sedgefield and then drove around the flei area towards Wilderness and back to George.
A short trip but much needed !!!  :ricky:


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And some more


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There were loads of detour trails but that is to check out another day !


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Sorry only two of the town in the fears of being sucked in by the Zombies  :patch:

These are the last ones of the day !  :ricky:


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Hey SWO ek gooi gou ook lekker fotos bymekaar

dit was awsome
Well we are situated in a arm dorpie called George.  Today it's the baddest time of the month!  All the geld is op and there is no money to waste what so ever.  But in good spirits one don't need money to keep one self entertained.  There are a couple of things that are free:

There is Air --- It's free but some weird food in one's stummik might pollute it with poepe!
Then there is Patla Patla!  Some and most will know this term....That is free, but one need another willing party! then it's free, but if one don't be careful then one must always support and love the aftermath of the patla patla
then there is good friends (one cannot buy good friends)  One can buy patla patla, but that's false!
then there is a full woordeboek full of other words,, so i am skipping it all and go to bike ride... that's free just gooi petrol in

Well!  Today it started off very bad!  I went for a draf in the berge and was so moeg at the end of the draf that i've decided to go to the nearest petrol station to gooi some petrol in my bakkie.  All went well and I gooi-ed my kaart and after a number of attemps it showed insufficient funds!  I couldn't believe my eyes and gave the petrol attendant my bakkie as deposit while running to draw some  money!

I arrived at the geldmasjien and the skerm gooied R 20 balance left.  I almost valled flou right there and then at the atm and a gave meisie offered me some suiker water free of charge at the spar next door.  So I drinked my suiker water and decided to put some R 50 from my kredietkaart into my savings account.  I draw a staat to see why i had so geen geld in my bankie nie.  Wel to explain it would take a 12 pages document and then when i must tell the ride report i'll would have fallen aan die slaap! 

So here it goes!!
So I went to the mall to meet up with SWO!  I stopped at the local mugg and bean to get some coffee while waking up after my jogging and swimming.  Alles het so vinnig gebeur and a miracle took place.  One of my pelle bel my to ask what was my plans for the day and i've replied oor die foon dat daar niks gedoen kan word nie want my buget is in sy moer!! ek is arm!!! Ek sit en verduidelik my probleem en net toe ek die telefoon neer sit kom daar 'n baie gawe tannie en gee my 'n druk en soen!  sy se hierso is vir jou 'n geldtjie!  Ek weier om die geld te vat en die tannie hol uit!  Daar het ek ewe skielik R 50 in my hand.  Ek vra die manager om 'n koek te stick op my rekening as sy weer inkom!  Well i've felt bad and went to SWO to tell this incredible story. 

Well we kuiered from the morning to the afternoon in his Shop in the mall and we decided to take a break from bad finance and life itself.  We decided to ride the 7 passes until Karatara

SWO never experienced the nature and people of Karatara!

So I went home and trekked aan and gooied the R50 petrol money in my bike.  I met SWO at the saasveld road en we did the Saasveld pass


As you can see this is the view from the george dam area

While we rode the Saasveld road there were many bikes that crossed our path.  So me and SWO stopped at each bridge and re lived the historic pass in true form.

Well George has problem of it's own!  There were rockfalls in Oudshoorn road that links George to Oudshoorn.  There were rock falls in the Outeniqua pass and therefore the pass will be closed for 20 days or 1 month.  Then everyone started to take the montagu pass and that was also closed, now the only pass linking george to the small karoo is the robertson pass and the prins alfred pass.  While we were riding we came across a big problem!!


The road gave way!
This will be no easy fix!  the camera cannot snap the dept and steepness of this downhill



Here SWO stopped and spottet the horror picture
I showed SWO all the lekker spots where to ride but unfortunately we are not allowed at all to ride there anymore because of scramblers illegally accessing the forestry and damage property.  While we stopped at the one bridge i took a foto of a guy in this blue bike (look at the front thick tyres) almost TW200 clone stuttering past us and did not have sufficient brakes to stop.  He asked us if we knew where he could get inside the plantation to ride in the forest!  there I almost got mad and told him no one is allowed in the forest anymore.....



Me and SWO searched for small routes inside the 7 passes road that we could divert into to find some hidden treasures.  I snapped a couple of them



Here we came across a majestic embankment overlooking the river.  Once again a camera cannot take the dept of this magnitude of a photo




So we rode lekker to Kuiered a lot riding to Karatara.  We went thru the town and SWO took some awsome pictures


Like SWO said!  selfs die boom is skeef!


Here is another pic of the saasveld pass

Now it was going back towards George riding via Sedgefield on the N2.  So we decided to gooi op na die sedgefield se koppie and relaxed with a amazing view






Na al die lekker gekuier het ons besluit om huiswaarts te keer en die agterpaaie verby swart vlei gery tot by die oude karos hotel (wat met my verbasing na die hoeveelste eienaar weer toegemaak het) 

Toe stop ek en SWO by dolphins point en groet mekaar!  Daarna is dit oopketel huis toe.

Baie dankie SWO vir 'n awsome trip!  Ons moet kyk waar daardie ander pad heen gaan!  volgende keer!
Lekker ene ouens . . .  :thumleft:
Jis! My hart soek om in daai plek [George] te gaan woon!
Hier om Jo'burg kry mens net nie so 'n lekker Sondag "outing" soos da nie!
croftsman dis ongeloolik lekker hierso...Kom AF!!! skep 'n lewe hier!!
wat lekker van george is, is dat sondag middag (gewoonlik) wil mens mos lekker rustig verkeer, maar so by twee uur of drie uur vat mens die bike en ry mooi passe deur.  Nie nodig eers om so ver te ry nie dan het mens al avontuur.  Maar as die somer kom is dit elke naweek bike strand toe vat avonture.  Ek wil die jaar so veel moontlike maniere kry om verskillend by heroldsbaai aan te kom met die bike.  So wanneer almal strand toe gaan met die karre, gooi ek en pelle met die bikes deur!  deur treinspore, plaas paaie ensovoorts tot in Heroldsbaai (dis natuurlik die naaste strand vir my)  Vic bay het net een pad maar glentana het ook klomp paaie om daar uit te kom, jy kan die hoof pad skip en grond gooi

:mwink: Cassie + SWO, dit lyk baie lekker! Ek moet net noem as 'n SONDAGMIDDAG RR van julle twee so lyk met soveel fotos, wil ek nie weet hoe gaan dit lyk as julle 'n week-trip doen nie! Maar dis ook goed, gooi !!
Lekker julle 2, dis vir my ook lekker om sondag-middag so lekker trippie te doen, jy ontspan mos. :thumleft: :thumleft:
Fugly and myself met one of the zombies there once and was very alien. :patch:
There is a lot of inbreeding going on in those woods,careful they might capture you for breeding stock. :imaposer:
My gunstelling area daai...is en was nog altyd!

Daar is 'n shebeen in Karatara waar ons altyd stop vir 'n bier.....en ja.....hy is op Sondae ook oop!  :peepwall:

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

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