Quick Sunday Outing

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DRAZIL said:
Fugly and myself met one of the zombies there once and was very alien. :patch:
There is a lot of inbreeding going on in those woods,careful they might capture you for breeding stock. :imaposer:

:imaposer: Ja the way they skeef you is hectic, felt like a piece of meat  :eek7: its almost like the one mental asylum i went to in Joburg years ago  :patch: And no i wasn't a patient there !!

Buks i recon the pics tell the story better than what we could, ok Cassie does a better job than me but we let da pics do da talking mostly.  :thumleft:
SWO is jokking!  he neemed baie mooi fotos!  i just talk kak all the time where SWO gooies the feite reg vrom the beginning. 

I must admit dit was awsome om saam met swo te ry!  dit was so lekker rustig.  niks gejaagd nie net actial ontspanning! 
Eks jaloers, lyk of julle baie pret gehad het en lyk stunning op die foto's  :drif:

My gat jeuk behoorlik om weer te ry... en die Baviaans trip is te ver... Jy moet Pitpaplo se arm draai dat hy my op 'n outing vat...
En hoe moet ek dit doen ? Jille is dan weekend warriors! ry net as die son skyn en daar niks reen is nie en dan ook net elke aaaaaannndddeeeeerrr maand    :imaposer:
Lekker julle ouens! Partykeer het jy nie n 2 of 3 dag ride nodig om te recharge nie en so n quicki doen dan heel gepas die ding!!
Ok so as jy nie Pitpaplo se arm wil draai nie dan kan jy self hier heen kom sodat ons 'n dag trippie kan doen  :pot:

Ek is net 'n vakansie biker... en dit net omdat my boyfriend cheapskate is  :imaposer:

Jokes, eintlik is ek 'n newbie wat 'n bang gat is  :-[

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